Provision Map


Banstead Infant School

Wave 1

Wave 1 is good quality, inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all children. This includes providing differentiated learning activities when appropriate and creating an inclusive learning environment. Here are some of the examples of our wave 1 provision. You are welcome to make an appointment to visit us at the school.

Quality first teaching offering a range of expertise
  • We offer a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Our curriculum is varied and creative.
  • Our ‘learning without limits’ approach means that teachers plan for learning that promotes deep engagement and which gives children the motivation, courage and belief to succeed and achieve
  • We offer a multi-sensory approach to learning.
  • Our Early Years classrooms offer:
  • Free-flow access to the outdoors
  • Access to a wide range and variety of activities;
  • A balance of adult led and child initiated activities.
Curriculum Enhancement
  • Use of professionals to enhance learning e.g. FA
football coaching, professional actors and
dancers, musicians.
  • Closely monitored homework.
  • Reading record books
  • Differentiated homework tasks where appropriate.

/ School and Classroom Environment
  • We have a fully accessible building.
  • Each classroom is organised to enable independence.
  • Displays celebrate children’s learning and also provide learning prompts.
  • Children’s learning is displayed throughout the school.
  • Classroom rules and code of conduct are displayed in the classrooms.
  • Resources:
  • Access to drinking water, tissues, spare clothing and footwear;
  • Access to maths resources such as 100 squares, dice, number lines, Numicon;
  • Learning resources such as writing prompts, word banks, dictionaries;
  • Whiteboards and pens;
  • Access to high quality classroom resources for all areas of learning;
  • Individualised coat pegs.
  • Sloped writing boards
  • Peanut ball for physiotherapy activities
  • Specialist chairs, scissors etc.

/ Assessment and Feedback
  • All children’s attainment and progress is assessed and tracked throughout the year;
  • Verbal feedback and marking based on clear success criteria informs children of their next steps;
  • Good communication with parents through formal and informal means e.g. parents’ evenings; curriculum evenings; open week
  • Our Early Years classes offer:
  • Assessment based on individual observations of each child which identify next steps in learning;
  • Events to encourage parents to participate in and support their child’s learning e.g. curriculum information sessions: LP updates
  • Fully qualified, excellent teachers for every class.
  • Skilled Teaching Assistants;
  • Experienced Special Needs Assistants;
  • Reading Volunteers

  • All children will have the opportunity to take part in Educational visits, locally and in the wider world
Outside Areas
  • Two playground areas including the grass areas when weather permits
  • Pond area.
  • Woodland walk – used for outdoor learning throughout the Year, sessions led by a fully trained Forest Schools leader
  • Skilled, well trained lunchtime staff.
  • Indoor lunchtime clubs
  • Many playground activities and equipment.

/ Attitudes
  • The children are taught learning to learn skills: resourcefulness, reciprocity, resilience and reflectiveness
  • Our children are lifelong learners and as part of their learning every day are encouraged to take on the role of an ‘expert’ e.g. artists, gymnasts, writers, mathematicians
  • The children use our ‘habits of an expert’ (using reasoning and being determined, curious, adventurous, co-operative, imaginative, investigative and observant) to help them understand how to learn best
  • A priority is placed on fostering good relationships between all staff, children, parents/carers and other stakeholders.
  • Teachers and Teaching Assistants provide a welcoming start to the day.
  • We have an environment based on praise and encouragement.
  • We offer consistent boundaries.
  • A consistent approach to behaviour management.
  • High expectations of behaviour, presentation, school uniform and learning.
  • Opportunities to share learning and achievements.
Pupil Voice
  • Class council
  • School Council.
  • A wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs.
  • Breakfast club.
  • Opportunities to support charity fundraising.
  • After school provision at Bobcats.

/ Book corners, the library and reading
  • A high quality school library.
  • Well stocked book corners in each classroom
  • Quality group reading materials.
  • A wide variety of reading books
  • Access to a range of reading books including fiction, nonfiction, picture books, poetry books.
  • 1:1 and group reading sessions for children with their Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant
  • Library visits.
  • Reading volunteers.
  • Individual reading records.
  • Interactive whiteboards in all classrooms.
  • Access to laptops in the classrooms via a laptop trolley.
  • A wide range of IT equipment such as visualisers, programmable toys e.g. Bee-bots, digital cameras, tablets
Performing arts and assemblies
  • School productions.
  • An assembly programme that reflects current events in the world and a range of multi-faith celebrations.
  • Celebration assemblies
  • Singing assemblies.

Wave 2

Wave 2 is specific, additional and time-limited intervention provided for some children who need help to accelerate their progress to enable them to work at or above age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are often targeted at a group of children with similar needs.

Type of Provision / Name of intervention / Group/
Individual / Overview / Expected Outcome / Year groups / Teacher/Teaching Assistant
Mathematics / First Class @
Number / Group of 4 / 30 mins/x3 per week Working on number and calculation / Children to make at least 2 sub-levels of progress in a Year in number / Year 2 / Advanced Teaching Assistant
Phonics / Personalised learning / Group of 4 / 15 mins/x4 per week for 20 weeks / Bridges the gaps in reading and spelling. Children make at least 2 sub-levels of progress in a Year / Year R to Year 2 / Parent helper
Reading / Extra reading / Individual / 15 mins daily x 4 per week / Improvement in reading accuracy and confidence.
To meet or exceed individual targets / Year R to Year 2 / Parent
Teaching Assistant
Handwriting / Personalised learning / Individual / 10 mins daily x 4 per week / The development of correctly formed letters leading to fluent handwriting / Year 1 and Year 2 / Trained parent
Type of Provision / Name of intervention / Group/
Individual / Overview / Expected Outcome / Year groups / Teacher/ Teaching Assistant
Speaking/ Language / Speaking group / Group / 5-10 mins/x2 per week / Accelerated improvement against individual targets / Year R / Teaching Assistant
Speaking/ Language / Speech &
Therapy (SALT) / Individual /Group / NHS Speech & Language Therapist working with a child on their speech needs / To gain success against a child’s own speech targets / Year R to Year2 / SALT
Speaking/ Language / Speech &
Support / Individual /Group / The school’s speech and language specialists or a teaching assistant will follow up the speech programme throughout the week / To gain success against a child’s own speech targets / Year R to Year 2 / Special Needs Assistants / Teaching Assistant
Social, emotional and mental health / Social Skills Group / Group / Group of 6 children 4 with social, emotional or mental health needs (self-esteem, confidence as well as behavioural needs); 2 role models; / Improvement in the area of emotional literacy being targeted. / Year R to Year 2 / Advanced Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Physical needs / TOPS programme / Individual / A short-term programme to work on aspects of occupational therapy such as applying the right pressure to a pencil, fastening clothes; balancing, building strength / Targeted aspects of occupational therapy will improve so that they achieve the desired outcome / Year R to Year 2 / Teaching Assistant
Engagement & attention / In-class Support / Individual/group / To secure greater levels of engagement in order to make rapid progress across specific aspects of the curriculum / To meet or exceed individual targets / Year R to Year 2 / Teacher and Teaching Assistant

Wave 3

Wave 3 is targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential. This may include one to one or specialist interventions.

Type of Provision / Name of intervention / Group/
Individual / Overview / Expected Outcome / Year groups / Teacher/ Teaching Assistant
Mathematics / 1:1 Target
Work / Individual / Highly personalised, targeted maths support. / To meet or exceed individual targets / Year 1 and Year 2 / Teacher
Teaching Assistant
Reading / 1:1 / Individual / A programme for working with children who are experiencing difficulties with the development of literacy skills. / To meet a specific target / Year 1 and Year 2 / Teacher
Teaching Assistant
Reading / Daily Readers / Individual / Being heard to read by a member of staff everyday / To meet or exceed individual targets / Year R to Year 2 / Teacher and/or Teaching Assistant
Writing / Writing / Group / The SENCo will tailor a writing programme depending on the needs of the group / To meet or exceed individual targets / Year 1 and Year 2 / Teacher
Teaching Assistant
Speaking/ Language / Speech &
Therapy (SLT) / Individual / NHS Speech & Language Therapist working with a child on their speech and/or language needs / To gain success against a child’s own speech and language targets / Year R to Year 2 / SLT
Speaking/ Language / Speech &
Support / Individual / The school’s speech and language specialists or a teaching assistant will follow up the speech programme throughout the week / To gain success against a child’s own speech and language targets / Year R to Year 2 / Teaching Assistant
Type of Provision / Name of intervention / Group/
Individual / Overview / Expected Outcome / Year groups / Teacher/ Teaching Assistant
Speaking/ Language / English as an Additional Language (EAL) Assessment and Support / Individual / Specialist teacher conducts detailed assessments into the acquisition of a child’s English and their mother tongue and plans learning according to this / Enabling the children to become proficient in English so that they can access the curriculum. / Year R to Year 2 / EAL
Social, emotional and mental health / Social Skills Group / Group / Group of 6 children 4 with social, emotional or mental health needs (self-esteem, confidence as well as behavioural needs); 2 role models; / Improvement in the area of emotional literacy being targeted. / Year R to Year 2 / Advanced Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Social, emotional and mental health / Lunchtime Support / Individual /small group / To facilitate positive play either indoors or outdoors / Improved behaviour at lunchtime from the specific individual / Year R to Year 2 / Lunchtime Supervisors
Teaching Assistants
Type of Provision / Name of intervention / Group/
Individual / Overview / Expected Outcome / Year groups / Teacher/ Teaching Assistant
Physical needs / Occupational Therapy / Individual / Occupational Therapist (OT) assesses the child and sets up a programme for school staff to administer / Targeted aspects of occupational therapy will improve so that they achieve the desired outcome / Year R to Year 2 / Occupational Therapist / Teaching Assistants
Physical needs / Physiotherapy Programmes / Individual / NHS Physiotherapist assesses the child and sets up a programme for school staff to administer / Targeted aspects of physiotherapy will improve so that they achieve the desired outcome / Year R to Year 2 / Physio- therapist / Teaching Assistants
Engagement & attention / 1:1 Support / Individual / To secure greater levels of engagement in order to make rapid progress across specific aspects of the curriculum / To meet or exceed individual targets / Year R to Year 2 / Teacher
Teaching Assistant
Highly personalised curriculum / Support for children with social and communication needs e.g. Autistic Spectrum Disorder / Individual / Learning programmes devised with colleagues who have a specialism to provide the appropriate strategies to support the child’s learning and social development / For the child to be able to access the curriculum and to be able to cope with the social demands in school / Year R to Year 2 / Teacher and/or Teaching Assistant