St. Mary’s Catholic Church

4th Sunday of Ordinary Time February 3, 2013

Dear parishioners,

As I looked over the gathering of volunteers Sunday night, I was swept with a moment of clarity. This was not just about appreciation. This was about celebration. All of us, baptized in the Lord Jesus, were one because we were united by the one mission of Jesus in which we all have a share and responsibility. And that common mission and common belief in Jesus is what makes us a Christian community.

Richard Rohr says we have an underdeveloped theology of Baptism. We don’t fully understand to what greatness we are called by our baptism. Not only do we become part of the family of God and be filled with sanctifying (holy-making) grace, we are also invited into the priesthood, prophecy, and kingship of Jesus. We share in his worship of the Father, we take on the right and responsibility to speak for Jesus and his kingdom, and we are given a share in the leadership of his mission here on earth.

What we were celebrating was our community and our stewardship of the kingdom of God. How heartening to see so many who were committed to it—and to know there were a lot more who couldn’t come who are also committed to bringing the kingdom of God to fulfillment. What we do, we do for Jesus. And what we do, we do to encourage and support one another.

I’m sure God was smiling too!

Sister Carol

St. Mary’s extends its sympathy to Peg Murphy and her family at the death of her father Art Immele. May he rest in peace.

“Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come” This eleven-week course on the Book of Revelation begins Monday, February 4, at 7 p.m.

Weekend Masses

Sat Feb2 4:00 p.m. Immele & Murphy


Sun Feb 3 10:00 a.m. For the parish

Sat Feb 9 4:00 p.m. Gerry Fields

Sun Feb 10 10:00 a.m. Teresa Rieman

Communion Services

Tue Feb5 10:30 a.m. Richland

Wed Feb 6 10:30 a.m. Hilty

Fri Feb8 8:00 a.m. St. Mary’s


Adults $2,166.00 Loose $434.00

Children $ 20.17 Total $2,620.17

80envelopes returned =40%

Thank You for your generosity!

Assignments for February 9102013

Money Counters: Tonya Meyer, Jason Granger

4:00 p.m.

Greeter: Jan Emmert & Diana Sabater

Cantor: Matt Meyer

Ushers: Mike Klima & Bob Minto

Lector: Jenny Roby

E.M.: Edna Conkling, Jennifer Tschuor, Dave Roby

Servers: Isaac Inmon, Becca Schlumbohm

10:00 a.m.

Greeter-East door: Logan Welch

Greeter-West door: Aaron Welch


Ushers: Dave Hoffer, Matt Weisenborn

Lector 1: Brian Miller

Lector 2: Matt Ellerbrock

E.M.: Julia Miller, Crystal Ellerbrock, Wes Lovett,

Dave Gerschutz, Lisa Welch

Servers: Tom, Lane and Lexi Schulte

Don’t forget—the collection for the food pantry today and the Souper Bowl Lunch for the Iraqi Student Program (ISP) on Sunday after Mass.

Thank you to the Pastoral Council for their help and leadership with the Volunteer Appreciation Supper.

Thank you to Sophie Marcum, Jack Marcum, Sarah Schriner, Tyler Begg, and Celeste Stauber for their wonderful help with serving and clean-up at the supper!

Thank you to Becky Meyer, Amy Marcum, and Judy Lester for all their work to make Confirmation a holy experience. Thank you to the parents, mentors, and sponsors for all their support of our newly confirmed.

Thank you to Andrew Dulle, Joel Siefker, Josh Garmatter, Jared Metzger, Drew Lovett, Lane Schulte, and Courtney McLaughlin for the great job they did serving for Confirmation—and special thanks to Joel and Josh who were back the next morning to serve as scheduled!

Delphos St. John the Evangelist will hostTatiana live, in concert on February 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the church. The concert is free but donations are accepted. The program is a Lenten program and is called I Thirst – The Crucifixion Story. The concert is appropriate for the entire family. Tatiana is a young Catholic artist with a truly remarkable voice who was raised in communism and poverty. At the height of her popularity, and just 21 years old, she abandoned her fame and went on a spiritual and creative journey to the freedom of America. As one of the most engaging voices today, Tacji has a tremendously contagious and inspiring optimism and joy that radiates through her music. You will leave the concert, changed by her music and with a focus on the importance of the sacrifice Christ made for humankind.

Everyone wants to be on a winning team, but few are willing to be trained. Join us at the first annual Toledo Diocese Men’s Conference, Saturday March 16, 2013 at the SeaGate Center downtown. Crossing the Goal from EWTN will be our conference speakers: Danny Abramowicz has a long history with the NFL as player, coach and broadcaster. Peter Herbeck is an author and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries. Curtis Martin is the President and Founder of FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, one of the fastest growing movements in the Catholic Church. Tickets are $25 in advance and can be purchased at Have more questions? Call Biff Rocha, Director of Evangelization at (419) 244-6711 ex 713.

Bridges Out of Poverty will offer training at The Family Center, 1800 N. Blanchard St., Room 118 in Findlay on Feb. 15th from 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Coffee and lunch will be provided and all participants will receive a completion certificate. Registration fee is $25.00 and Continuing Education Credits are available. All are welcome. For a description of topics covered and for

more information about the presenters, see the flyer on the bulletin board.

LENT begins next Wednesday, February 13. We will have a Communion service with distribution of ashes at noon and Mass with distribution of ashes at 7 pm.

Heartbeat of Lima sent us an update: Through your prayers, presence and persistence CAPITAL CARE NETWORK abortion facility in Lima is CLOSED!!!

A NEED: Of course, the actual work of Heartbeat continues. The need this week is for new or gently used girls' and boys' winter clothes size 0-12 months. If you can donatenew or gently used girls' and/or boys' winter clothes size 0-12 months, please drop your donation here at church and we will see they get delivered to Lima. Please have your donations here by next weekend, Feb. 10, 2013.

Sign-up sheets for the Partners in Prayer prayer chain will be on the cabinet this weekend. As a member of this group you will receive a list of those to prayer for each week. The list can be sent to you via email or over the phone. If anyone would like for us to pray for someone please contact Kathy Sehlhorst, 419-358-4765; Rosemary Meyer,419-358-0631; or Pat Lugibihl, or send your prayer request to

Members will be commissioned at the Ash Wednesday evening Service.

St. Francis Spirituality Center will offer a retreat “Gifted with Eucharist” on Sunday, February 24, 2013 starting at 1:00 p.m. Sr. Edna Michel, OSF, will be the presenter and her ministry experiences include teaching, vocation & formation ministry, retreats and spiritual direction. She holds a master’s degree in theology from St. Bonaventure University and a certificate in spiritual direction. Attendance will satisfy the updating required of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion whose commissioning expires in May, 2013. Any parishioner who would like to attend is encouraged to register by filling out the registration form and returning it to the office or to Sr. Carol. Forms are on the bulletin board. The fee will be covered by the parish. The deadline is Feb. 14th. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more information about the retreat and the speaker.


Pre-school: Next class is February17thduring Mass.

K – 6: Class is Wed., February 6th from 6:30 -7:30 p.m.

Jr. High & SNLY: Class is today, Sun., Feb. 3rd, 11– 1p.m.