Honor’s Chapter 3 Tissue Exam Test C

I. Multiple Choice:

1. When the epithelial tissues consists of cells that are flattened like fish scales it is called ______epithelium.

a. cuboidal b. squamous c. columnar d. stratified

2. The type of muscle tissue that can be controlled voluntarily is called _____ muscle.

a. skeletal b. smooth c. nervous d. involuntary

3. Goblet cells are found in:

a. simple squamous epithelium b. simple columnar epithelium

c. simple cuboidal epithelium d. stratified squamous epithelium

4. The basement membrane is found between what 2 tissue layers:

a. muscle & nervous tissue b. muscle & connective tissue

c. nervous & connective tissue d. epithelial & connective tissue

5. Which of the following is NOT connective tissue:

a. bone b. cartilage c. blood d. skeletal

6. The tissue type that is found lining body organs, covering the body surface, & in glandular tissue is:

a. epithelial tissue b. connective tissue c. nervous tissue d. muscle tissue

7. The tissue that is usually well vascularized & has an extensive intercellular matrix is called:

a. epithelial tissue b. connective tissue c. nervous tissue d. muscle tissue

8. Tendons are:

a. dense fibrous connective tissue b. elastic connective tissue

c. areolar tissue c. osseous tissue

9. Identify the connective tissue that forms the subcutaneous layer beneath the skin:

a. osseous tissue b. adipose tissue c. tendons d. vascular tissue

10. Glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as:

a. exocrine b. endocrine c. sebaceous d. ceruminous

11. Intercalated disks are found in:

a. cardiac muscle tissue b. skeletal muscle tissue c. smooth muscle tissue

12. The type of muscle tissue that is found in the walls of blood vessels is:

a. cardiac muscle tissue b. skeletal muscle tissue c. smooth muscle tissue

13. The type of tissue that has a matrix that consists of rows of fibroblasts that manufacture collagen fibers is:

a. dense connective tissue b. elastic connective tissue

c. adipose tissue c. areolar tissue

14. After clot formation, the next step in tissue repair involves:

a. replacement of destroyed tissue by the same kind of cells

b. proliferation of fibrous connective tissue

c. formation of granulation tissue

d. contraction of the fibrosed area

e. capillaries become very permeable

15. The two major functional characteristics of nervous tissue are:

a. irritability & conductivity b. contraction & movement

c. protection & secretion d. protection & bind body tissues together

II. Short Answer Identify the aspects of tissue repair. For each of the following statements about tissue repair that is true, enter true in the answer blank. For each false statement, correct the underlined words by writing the correct words on the answer blank.

______16. the nonspecific response of the body to injury is called regeneration.

______17. Intact capillaries near an injury dilate, leaking plasma, blood cells & antibodies, which cause the blood to clot. The clot at the surface dries to form a scab.

______18. During organization, the first phase of tissue repair, capillary buds invade the clot, forming a delicate pink tissue called endodermal tissue.

______19. Fibroblasts synthesize fibers across the gap.

______20. When damage is not too severe, the surface epithelium migrates beneath the dry scab & across the surface of the granulation tissue. This repair process is called proliferation.

______21. If tissue damage is very severe, tissue repair is more likely to occur by fibrosis or scarring.

______22. During fibrosis, fibroblasts in the granulation tissue lay down keratin fibers, which form a strong, compact but inflexible mass.

______23. The repair of cardiac muscle & nervous tissue occurs only by fibrosis.

Fill in the Blank/Answer the Question:

24. What degree of vascularity does epithelial tissue have?

25. What type of vascularity does connective tissue have?

26. The shape of the external ear is maintained by what type of stretchy tissue & has a matrix?

27. Which type of connective fiber has the greatest tensile strength (lots found in your lips)?

28. This tissue forms internal supporting framework of soft organs such as the liver & spleen.

29. This tissue is the major componet of tendons & aponeuroses.

30. This tissue forms the embryonic skeleton & covers the articular surfaces of long bones.

III. Identify the following tissue types. 31-44 (Remember to give First, Middle {if applies} & Last Name for each tissue.)

(note wavy fibers) (note tree trunk appearance) (note 2 shapes)

31. 32. 33.

(note the nucleus smooshed to the side) (red & white) (looks like cotton candy)

34. 35. 36.

(spider web look) (note the nuclei @ basement) (note no striations)

37. 38. 39.

(note the intercalated discs) (note the round nucleus) (multi flat)

40. 41. 42.

43. (drawn out soma) 44. (multi cubes)