Chicago Chapter of IFMA
Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes of July 6, 2011
Meeting Minutes of December 7, 2010
MEETING DATE:Tuesday, July 6, 2011 at (4:00 p.m. start) at Levenfeld Pearlstein, 2 North LaSalle Street, Suite 1300, Chicago, IL (Kevin Corrigan’s office). / Chapter Planning Goals:
1) ENHANCE & ELEVATE the Quality of Education Offerings;
3) EXPOSE IFMA to the Business Community & EXPAND its Reach.
These Goals will be reviewed monthly in order to keep the Board on task.
Reminder: All committees to follow the meeting minute’s template. A copy of all meeting minutes to be filed with the office / NEXT MEETING:
Tuesday, August 2)
Location TBD
X / Kevin Corrigan, CFM / Levenfeld Pearlstein / / 312.476.7543
X / Gretchen McGinn / Jewell Events
Catering / / 312.829.3663
X / Jerry DiCola, CFM / Brinks, Hofer, Gilson & Lione / / 312.321.4724
X / Caree Martens, FMP / Arch Insurance Group / / 312.601.8451
X / EstherDiamond / Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell / / 312.443.1843
X / Drew Bishop / milliCare by Floor Innovations / / 312.550.9899
Pamela Coan / GRM Information Management Service / / 312.226.8100 x 207
Marie Coffee / Wildman Harrold / / 312.201.2325
X / Douglas Domenick / Schiff Hardin LLP / / 312-258-4911
Beverly Fields / KPMG / / 312.952.8733
Michael Galliani / Millicare – Chicago / / 773.235.0803 x 101
Mark Guzzino / Rentacrate LLC / / 847-233-9944
David King, CFM, AIA, LEED, APICB / Crate Xpress/Samson Products / / 773.252.7259
Nancy Miller / American College of Healthcare Executives / / 312-424-9345
Erin O’Brien / Kayhan International / erin.obrien@kayhan / 847-843-5089
X / Christina Pagnusat / Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance / / 312.784.7243
X / Cristina Parrilla / Blackrock / / 312.395.9329
X / Manuel Rodriguez / / / 773-527-3600 x72884
Dom Ruggerio, CFM / Ruggerio & Associates / / 312.371.4737
Traci Sala / Partners By Design/Autoprogram / / 312.649.1312
X / Nicole Satterly / Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell / / 312-443-0426
Lauren Taylor / Antron / / 312.613.0584
Liz Zaczek / KI / / 708.516.1878
X / Michelle Fowler / Glatz Management Services / / 312.236.0900
Guests: / Committee:
X / Debbie Breclaw / 1st & fresh Catering / / 312-701-0890
Call To Order
07-1 / Minutes
Caree Martens made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of June 7, 2011; Gretchen McGinn second the motion. All approved. / All / Closed
07-2 / Treasurer’s Report
Caree Martens reported the June month-end balance is $25,081.28. The month-end P&L is at a loss of $20k but that is due to the golf outing payments made in June (golf revenue was collected in May). The year-to-date P&L is showing a profit of $12,535.00.
Caree stated she is still working on receiving the budgets from all committees. Once an email vote is completed regarding the budgets, the approved budgets can be used as part of the recertification process and documents that need to be presented to National. / Martens
Martens / Closed
07-3 / President’s Report
Kevin Corrigan requested that all committee budgets be completed ASAP in order to meet the recertification deadline. The incoming Treasurer, Christina Pagnusat, will work with Caree Martens on this task.
The slate of officers as originally presented was elected as the 2011-2012 executive board.
President: Gretchen McGinn
1st Vice President: Jerry DiCola
2nd Vice President: Caree Martens
Treasurer: Christina Pagnusat
Esther Diamond will act as Council Liaison
David King will act as Sustainability Liaison (new role)
Committee Co-Chairs that have announced they will be stepping down this year include:
Beverly Fields: Associates Committee
Liz Zaczek: Associates Committee
Dom Ruggerio: Volunteer Director
Michael Galliani: Education Committee
New Committee Co-Chairs for 2011-2012 include:
Linda Murdix: Career Services
Liz Vonesh: Membership
Erin O’Brien: Hospitality
Nancy Miller: Hospitality
Nicole Satterly: Sponsorship
Kevin stated that the golf reconciliation is coming to a close. A final income report is expected soon. / Co-Chairs
Martens / Open
Associates Committee
07-4 / Debbie Breclaw reported on behalf of Bev and Liz.
Annual Meeting: the next committee meeting is scheduled for July 12th. Prizes are currently being received and collection is going well. Deb requested that all board members assist with getting more prizes for the IFMA Bucks auction.
“5 for 5” Program: the committee is strengthening their effort to promote this program. They will arrange to have a committee member near the registration desk at the annual meeting and future programs to greet attendees. The other idea is to have board and committee chairs wear “Ask Me” ribbons attached to a name tag (in lieu of clipping on two name tags). Gretchen commented that the Chapter members need to be re-educated about the IFMA Bucks program. These programs should be added to the “Talking Points” document that meeting facilitators use when kicking off a meeting.
Debbie Breclaw made a request for approval to purchase two sets of ribbons –approximately a $50.00 cost. Gretchen McGinn made a motion to approve. Manuel Rodriguez second. All approved.
07-5 / Drew reported that the LinkedIn account is now listed as “Illinois” to include Chicago and Northern Illinois chapters on one account (and soon Central will be added).
The website calendar is being updated with NI chapter meetings. Drew will ask NI if they have a calendar of events to share for further updates.
The website is working well. There seems to be a need to remind members to confirm their profiles are accurate. This should be done via the IFMA National site as the member roster on the Chicago site is updated one or two times per month and all membership data is fed from National’s member roster. It was suggested that a note about updating your member profile at the national level should be included as a header on the membership directory page.
Drew reported that he is working on getting past board meeting minutes on the website.
It was suggested that a New Members listing be added to the home page to announce and celebrate new members from the past month or two.
Cristina Parrilla suggested that all meetings should be listed somewhere on the homepage – instead of searching through the numeric calendar. She also mentioned that it might be a good idea to have all committee meetings posted on the website calendar as well. It was agreed this would be helpful for viewers. / Bishop
Bishop / Closed
Community Service
07-6 / No report
Professional Development
07-7 / Cristina Parrilla and Christina Pagnusat stated that the committee is in planning mode for programs after August. They also reported on upcoming events:
- August 11th – One Vendor event with UPS; topic will be “return on investment”
- August 23rd – topic is disaster recovery; most information about the program and speaker is ready to go. It was discussed that it is not too early to get the meeting registration available on the website. As approved previously, the member rate for a program will be $40 and non-member rate $60. NI members should be set up for the member rate.
The electronic program survey and IFMA Buck incentive was discussed and reviewed. It was determined that we should continue to try the electronic survey with hopes the # of responses will increase as members become educated about the new format. $1,000 IFMA Bucks will continue to be the reward however the admin team will track survey bucks and distribute them to members annually (to save on monthly admin time and postage). / DiCola
Parilla/Pagnusat / Open
07-8 / Doug Domenick reported that the Education Committee and the Program Committee will merge. Both Doug and Michael Galliani will continue to support education as committee members. Doug will also act as a transitional co-chair with Cristina Parrilla.
Kevin thanked the Education Committee for all they have done for the chapter to this point and throughout the transition.
/ Domenick / Closed
07-9 / Gretchen McGinn reported that the sponsor campaign reception is still scheduled for August 3rd at Lauren’s showroom – Invista. Lauren requested via email to all board members that she be advised as to any upcoming sponsor needs. Nicole will create the sponsorship booklet listing all sponsor opportunities and benefits. It was suggested that “Lunch Sponsor” be added to the sponsor list. IFMA Shuffle sponsors should also be invited to the reception. The goal is to have the sponsor campaign documented in the next two weeks.
Nicole will produce certificates to be presented to 2010-2011 sponsors at the annual meeting.
Gretchen requested that the board members spread the word to any possible prospective sponsors. / McGinn/Satterly
Satterly / Open
Career Services
07-10 / Manuel Rodriguez reported that the June 29th Brainy Bites was successful with 75 registrations and 67 attendees (8 no-shows). The committee is planning the next Brainy Bites.
Manny is still working on the distribution list for job updates. IFMA National is restructuring a deal with Job Target – more information will follow. / Rodriquez/Bishop / Open
07-11 / Gretchen reported on behalf of Erin O’Brien.
The committee will ask the Associate Committee if they can assist with the annual meeting plans. The committee will meet after July 21st.
Other plans include working on the World Workplace reception and the New Member breakfast or reception in the Fall. / O’Brien/Miller / Open
07-12 / Gretchen reported on behalf of Pam Coan and Dave King.
The committee will be adding a new volunteer – Mary Basel. The group will be meeting July 14th to discuss the membership drive campaign. The committee will also discuss its role in helping out at the annual meeting.
It was reported that 158 trees will be planted through the “FM Cultivation” campaign. This will be announced at the annual meeting.
07-13 / No report.
New Business
07-14 / No report.
Old Business
07-15 / Jerry DiCola questioned if there were any plans for an associates event in the Fall. Gretchen mentioned that last year an informal discussion group was held at Lizzie McNeils. Although attendance was low due to the WWP conflict, the discussion was good and all enjoyed. It was encouraged to host a similar event this year.
Motion to Adjourn
Cristina Parrilla made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jerry Dicola seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Fowler
Chapter Administrator’s Office