Drs Larah, Bacall & Joseph

Patient Participation Group

Higher Broughton Health Centre

22nd March 2012 @ 6:45pm



David Flinn (DF)Practice Manager – Acting Chair

Sanghamitra Ghosh (SG)Practice Manager (Dr Ghosh)

Nicola AllanPractice PPG Representative

Julie HughesStaff (Dr Ghosh)

4 female patients

10 male patients

Item / Action
1. / Introduction (merger)
DF thanked all the patients for attending and giving up their valuable time. A reminder of the basic ground rules for the meeting was issued in that it was not a forum to discuss personal issues, but to look at how to improve things generally across the practice by working together. Introductions were made including staff from Dr Ghosh’s practice who were in attendance due to the forthcoming merger of the practices in the Summer.
2. / Purpose of PPG
DF reminded patients that the overall goal of the group was to give better service to all patients and that this could only be done with honest, two-way dialogue including comments, ideas and suggestions from all parties. The group would meet at an agreed frequency to debate issues which the practice could then take forward and work upon as appropriately as possible. It was also pointed out that some suggestions may not be either possible or practical for a variety of reasons, but that details would be clearly communicated should that situation arise.
3. / Survey Results
Patients were advised that from the initial group meetings in January 2012, the two main areas of concern had been appointments and prescriptions. Following on from this, a more detailed survey dealing with just these two issues was carried out by the practice and whilst there were quite a few patients who felt there were no problems, areas highlighted by the highest percentage of patients (for each topic) were:
  • Too long waiting for next available appointment
  • No facility to telephone or email repeat prescription requests
Graphical results of the survey were made available that clearly demonstrated this fact.
4. / Actions
Patients were asked for suggestions on what they would like to see to improve on these areas and the main comments were about increased number of doctors, telephone consultations and an easier prescription ordering procedure. DF advised that the following measures had been, or were being, reviewed and that there would be some changes in the near future:
  • Increase number of “same day” appointments
  • GPs to debate having a telephone surgery each day (on an on-call rota basis)
  • GP return from long-term absence will allow extra appointments
  • Practice merger in Summer – extra GPs, greater flexibility
  • Continuation of extended hours service.
  • Scripts greater than 1 month may not always be appropriate as GPs wish to check progress of treatment and encourage patient engagement. Also PCT directives are against as there often is unnecessary wastage of medications.
  • Telephone re-ordering is not practical within current set-up although will be reviewed as part of post-merger plans (and relocation to new building with new phone system)
  • Practice email could be set up with staff trained to check and download requests. Patients will need to be advised to give specific details about themselves and their medications. The practice will also need to consider any implications of the perception of discriminating against those patients who do not have, or have access to email.
The group was advised that any actions taken and/or planned would be published as soon as possible, including appearing on the practice (interim) website which was due for launch imminently. NB “interim” as name and details will change significantly following practice merger with Dr Ghosh. / DF to discuss with GP Partners
Already signed up for
DF to ask GPs to consider when in consultation if appropriate
Steps have been taken to set up separate email account – will be communicated when processes are in place and tested
5. / Future Plans
DF advised that all patients would be kept up to date with information on the merger, and the proposed relocation to the new health centre as often as possible and reassured everyone that the merger was a positive step and would ultimately provide better services and greater flexibility for patients.
The patients were asked about the frequency and timing of future meetings and the general consensus was that the Thursday evening was fairly convenient for most people. It was agreed that the next meeting be scheduled for some time around July 2012 as this would be immediately post-merger and the group may have a number of issues to discuss. It was also mentioned that should any member of the group have a query before that time, they were welcome to contact either DF or SG to discuss or have it listed as an agenda item.
DF also raised the issue of appointing officers for the group, and at least a Chairperson for future meetings. DF was quite happy to facilitate meetings but felt it more appropriate (as this is a “Patient” group) that the chair should come from the patient
Body. Initially there were no volunteers but the patients were asked to consider the positi / DF to write to all delegates thanking for attendance and advising next meeting date
DF to include the issue of “officers” in letter as above action.
6. / A.O.B.
Nothing to Report – meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
Date and Time of next meeting:
Thursday 26th July @ 6:45pm

Patient Participation Group – 22nd March 2012

Name / Practice (PLEASE CIRCLE) / Signature
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh
Dr Larah / Dr Ghosh

Patient Participation Group

Higher Broughton Health Centre

22nd March 2012


1)Introduction & Ground Rules

2)PPG Purpose


4)Survey Results

5)Action Plan

6)Future Work
