“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. There are different forms of service, but the same Lord. There are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.”
On this day we recall a new life given to the apostles and the church, we see the tongues of fire, hear the noise and feel the wind which accompanied the Spirit. That same Spirit has directed the church through 20 centuries of great blessings, trying difficulties, but always manifesting an abiding presence. How true that is for us today.
I ask what are the gifts present and needed by the church today. I wonder about the service which the church can provide to our needy world. I look to observe the Spirit at work among us. The words of Paul are manifest today.
But I also must ask what am I doing to use the gifts I have received, what service can I provide, or what work needs to be done, and If I don’t do it, it will always remain undone. I ask that the Spirit of Pentecost will awaken me.
Make sure to register your children for this year’s exciting VBS adventure, “Maker Fun Factory: Created by God; Built for a Purpose!” VBS is June 25th-29th from 6:00-8:30pm.
**All Registrations are due on or before June 11th!! VBS is for children Ages 4 through the completion of Grade 5. Don’t miss out on this fun, faith-filled adventure! Science experiments, fun games, tasty treats, and cool Bible songs and stories await your children at VBS!
Registration forms are available in the vestibules of Church and in the Parish center or Online registration is available at: http://iccparish.weconnect.com/vbs.
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/immaculateconceptionvbs/
Think about volunteering for this faith-filled experience! Email . Setup is June 19-23. Volunteer orientation meeting coming soon: TBD!
Make sure to sign up for our 7th Annual Golf Classic being held on June 12, at Newark Country Club!! Join us for a great day, great food, and some amazing prizes; including a hole-in-one contest car donated by Newark Chrysler Jeep Dodge! Spaces are limited! You can register as a golfer, sponsor, or dinner guest. Register today at iccparish.weconnect.com. We need volunteers on the planning committee and to help the day of. Contact the parish office at 410-398-1100 to register, volunteer, or for more information.
June 5, 2017
9:00 AM Surulere Djotan (Living Intention)
June 6, 2017
8:30 AM Alma Jose
June 7, 2017
8:30 AM Norbert Buddenbohm
June 8, 2017
8:30 AM John Holst
June 9, 2017
8:30 AM Teresa M. Sposato
June 10, 2017
8:30 AM Anthony Mallia
5:00 PM Amelia Bennett Chiffons
June 11, 2017 The Most Holy Trinity
7:00 AM Mike and Connie Groves
8:30 AM People of the Parish
9:00 AM SJ John Koval Sr.
10:15 AM Christopher Batekwa Cooper (Living Intention)
12:00 PM Dora Loyson
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SCHOOL ADVANCEMENT DIRECTOR: Immaculate Conception is currently seeking an Advancement Director to plan, coordinate, and manage marketing, enrollment and fundraising programs. This is a full time, 12-month position. The Advancement Director will have the following responsibilities: Enrollment Management, Development, Communications, and Strategic Planning. He/she will report to the Principal. See our website at www.icschoolweb.org for the complete job description. Qualifications are:
· Bachelor’s degree preferred
· Strong knowledge of the community preferred
· Excellent oral and written communication skills
· Strong managerial skills and the ability to balance numerous ongoing projects
· Excellent time management/planning skills
· Strong leadership and team building skills
· Ability to appreciate and communicate a passion for Catholic elementary education
· Understanding of Catholic Identity
· Proficiency with Microsoft Office and the Internet
Interested candidates should email a cover letter, resume, and salary requirements to Jeanne Dinkle at 410-398-2636,
Summer Office Hours have begun! The Parish Office is open from 8:00AM - 4:00 PM. There are no evening hours. Have a great summer!!
Readings for next week: THE MOST HOLY TRINITY
First Reading: Exodus 34:4b6, 89
The Lord appears to Moses on Mount Sinai and proclaims to him that he Lord is a “merciful God...slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity.”
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:1113
Paul exhorts the Corinthians to live in peace and harmony, and for the first time, invokes the Blessed Trinity.
Gospel: John 3:1618
In this beautiful passage, Jesus tells Nicodemus that God loved his people so much that he “gave his only son.” Jesus reveals to Nicodemus that anyone who believes in him will not die but will enjoy life with him for all eternity.
Daily Readings: Pentecost Sunday
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or
Jl 3:1-5; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9; Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b; Ez 37:1-14;
Jl 3:1-5; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13; Jn 20:19-23
Tb 1:3, 2:1b-8; Mk 12:1-12
Tb 2:9-14; Mk 12:13-17
Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Mk 12:18-27
Tb 6:10-11, 7:1bcde, 9-17, 8:4-9a; Mk 12:28-34
Tb 11:5-17; Mk 12:35-37
Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Mk 12:38-44
Adoration for Vocations: On the first Sunday of each month, exposition of the Blessed Sacrament occurs from 1pm-3pm in IC Chapel. Please come join us to pray for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life. The next opportunity is today, Sun June 4th. For information, contact Dermott Mullan at 410-398-3368
Interested in Altar Serving?!! On Sat, June 10th, Fr. Jim and Deacon Mike will conduct New Altar Server training for all who are interested. To become a server you must be in the 2nd grade and have received the Sacraments of Baptism and 1st Communion. The training will begin at 10:00AM and end by 11:30AM in Immaculate Conception Church. Parents are to attend this training.
Does your child need to be Baptized? Baptism Class is August 21 7:00-8:30pm in the Parish Center. It’s never too early to prepare for the Baptism of your child. Parents are required and Godparents are encouraged to attend class. Contact the Parish Office to register for the Baptism Class and to arrange the date of Baptism at 410-398-1100
Liturgical Ministers for Next Week: June 10-11:
Altar Servers: Mason H, Cameron B EM’s Carol K, Julie M, Mary Anne S Lector: Paula G Ushers: Eileen P Pat C, Bill W
Altar Servers: Jacob B Sarah B EM’s: Gerald M Sandra H, Frank S Lector: Ronald G Ushers: Charles M, William C, Donald N
Altar Servers: Will C, Grace S EMs: Richard L, Peter G, Cecilia G Lector: David D Ushers: Anthony D, Stephen C J, Anthony M, Wendel S
9:00am (SJ)
Altar Servers: Mitchell H, Tommy M EM’s: Chris H, Carol V, Narcy Z, Dorthy D, Danny D, Diane C Lector: Mary H Ushers: Jule V, William D, Kevin O
Altar Servers: Ariane S, Lizzi J EM’s: Rita M, Ben F, Gwen D, James D Lector: Francis C Ushers: Bob W, David B, Steve A
Altar Servers: Adam M, David M EM’s: Corazon S, Charles C, Grace B Lector: Frank E Ushers:
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
There is no more Children’s Liturgy of the Word until the Fall. Have a wonderful summer!!
Once again you have shown amazing support and generosity in your donations for our Vacation Bible School! So far your donations totaled $1012! If you would still like to donate, please enclose your gift in a VBS envelope found at each church exit. Drop your envelope in the offertory baskets or in the Parish Office. Please know that all of us who work with the students and the children themselves are extremely grateful! Your donation allows us to do so much to providing a wonderful program! Our prayers continue to be for all of you who so often share God’s goodness and generosity! We feel so blessed to be part of Immaculate Conception Parish.
Are you interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?? On Saturday, June 10th, Fr. Jim and Deacon Mike will be conducting New Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist training for all who are interested. Qualifications are: at least 16 yrs old, and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion), and if you are married, your marriage must be in good standing with the Church. Training will begin at 11:30AM and conclude by Noon in Immaculate Conception Church.
Inspirational quote of the week: “The value of life does not depend upon the place we occupy. It depends upon the way we occupy that place.” ~ Saint Therese of Lisieux
Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception School News
ALLELUIA!! It is wonderful to be able to continue to celebrate the joy of Easter with the students and staff.
The school year is winding down! This is the final week for students! Our 8th graders will graduate this Monday evening. Please keep these young men and women in your prayers as they move on to the next phase of their education careers. Our youngest students, pre-school and kindergarten, will have their closing ceremonies on Wednesday. It has been a wonderful experience watching them grow and develop over the course of this year. The rest of our students will celebrate the end of this school year with a special Mass on Friday before beginning their summer vacations!!
The building will not be quiet this summer. We will continue to work on our Healey initiatives as we add an advancement director to our staff. Please see the posting of the job description. More details are also available on our school and parish websites. Once that position is filled, we will begin in earnest to build ICS up so that we can reach our full potential. It is a very exciting time for us!
Applications are being accepted for next year. If you missed our open house, don’t worry. Individual tours are available upon request by contacting the office at 410-398-2636. Now is the time to consider the benefits of a strong faith-based, challenging academic program that Immaculate Conception provides.
Faith Formation
Religious Education & Sacraments
Have you registered for our Parish Religious Ed program yet?! Classes for children in gr K - 8 are held on your choice of Sun Mornings or Wed evenings. Online registration available: iccparish.weconnect.com
Questions? Contact the religion office at 410-392-3551
This registration is also for Sacrament programs!
Note: Students must have completed Gr. 1 to prepare for First Communion. Students must have completed gr. 7 and 8 to prepare for Confirmation.
Have you considered serving in our religious education program? You can help our parish young people in gr K - 8 learn and grow in faith by becoming a catechist or assistant for our Religious Ed Program. As you nurture their faith, you will grow in faith as well! We provide you with needed training, materials, and support.
Needed for Sunday Mornings:
1 Catechist and 1 Assistant for Grade 3
1 Catechist and 1 Assistant for Grade 7
Needed for Wednesday Evenings:
2 Assistants for Grade 1
Contact the religious ed. office at 410-392-3551 or for information or to volunteer.
Youth Ministry & Confirmation
Congratulations to all High School and College Graduates!!
4th: Graduation Sunday-End of Year Party
11th: Make VBS Decorations (Service Project)
18th: Water Fun
9th-12th College Age: If you are in 9th-12th or a college-age young adult, you are invited to join youth group, Sunday nights in the Parish Center from 6-8pm.
7th 8th Grade Youth: Join us on June 4th from 6-8pm in the Youth Room to learn about Youth Group.
Catholic Heart Work Camp: The teens attending Catholic Heart are selling raffle tickets for a steamer trunk filled with summer fun! If you are interested in a ticket, please contact the youth office. The tickets are $20 and the sale will run through the end of June.
Thank you to our youth who volunteered at the annual Singerly Firehouse dinner!
Youth Ministry Wish List: Sodas in Cans, Pizza Gift Cards, Spray Paint
Are you being called to serve the parish youth? If you are interested in serving the parish youth even once a month, please contact Liz. We are hoping to form a core team of adults to help with 7th-12th grade youth groups for the 2017/2018 year.
Young Adults 25-40: Are you interested in meeting others? Are you interested in fun ways to deepen your faith? If you answered yes to either of those, than a young adult group is what your need. ICC is looking for young adults to join together to form a group. Contact Liz for more information.
Adult Education
Interested in a study group? Many opportunities are available. Call the Parish Office at 410-398-1100.
All programs for this year have ended. Watch for info for a new Adult Enrichment Program to begin this Fall.
Social Concerns
Thank you for your help, prayers, donations to this essential ministry!! We are currently in need of: ricearoni, & pastaroni. We also are in need of a crib and infant car seat.
The Cecil County Pregnancy center would like to thank everyone for their generous donation of baby clothes two weeks ago. Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to help many families in the Cecil County area! God Bless!
Parish and Family Life
Parish Coffee: Join us for Parish Coffee, June th after the 9 AM Mass at St. Jude’s.
Join us for Parish Coffee, June 11th after the 10:15 AM Mass at IC and June 25th after ALL masses!! Hope to see you there!!
Parish Events / Information
Attention St. Jude’s attendees! We are in need of someone to help care for the linens after the 9:00 masses at St. Judes! This includes collecting linens after mass, laundering, starch, and ironing linens and returning them the following Sunday. If you are interested, please contact the parish office at 410-398-1100. Thank you!