Standard: VA 912s.3.1 Manipulate materials, techniques and process through practice and perseverance to create a desired result in 3-D art work

Standard: VA. 912.3.1 Engage learners in the process of creating, interpreting and responding to art.

Standard: VA.68.O.1.4Create artworks that demonstrate skilled use of media to convey personal vision.

Objective: Student can give a thorough explanation of the intention of a photo essay and who the Masters of Photojournalist are. Student is able to demonstrate mastery in the manipulation of media and demonstrate a high level of use of media to convey personal vision.Student is creating or has created a piece of work that exemplifies the intention of a photo essay. Student’s photo essay will communicate the mood of their “Monday Morning”.


Student applies existing knowledge to generate new ideas about the field ofphotojournalism and the works of Henri Cartier-Bresson, Manuel Alvarez-Bravo and Dorthea Langue. Student can explain why photojournalism is and has been historically important. Student grasps intention of a photo essay.

Students will photograph the theme of “My Monday Morning” to communicate the mood of their Monday Mornings’. After sketching their ideas using storyboards they are able to recreate it photographically and share the story visually. The student will determine how they are to present their photo essay and are demonstrating a high level of craftsmanship. For example, the student can create a time lapse gif, an accordion book of the images that create a sculpture or a Graphic Novel. Students are on task during entire project. 4

Students knows what photojournalism is, can explain why Henri Cartier-Bresson, Manuel Alvarez-Bravo and Dorthea Langue were important in the field of photojournalism. The student is beginning to or has already come up with sufficient ideation for their photo essay project. Craftsmanship Composition, Exposure and or are progressing, but may still need some work to reach goal. 3

Students have viewed work by Henri Cartier-Bresson, Manuel Alvarez-Bravo and Dorthea Langue. Students are beginning to grasp the concept of Photojournalism. Students are beginning to choose an idea for their projects (may still be switching ideas) and are working out the details and challenges of creating a photoessay from shooting to crafting the final images together in a sequence that communicates a mood and or theme. 2

Students have viewed works by Photojournalist. Students have not fully grasped the concept of a Photo Essay, may be having difficulty choosing an idea or figuring out a way to photograph or crafting the final images together in a sequence that communicates a mood and or theme. 1