Role and Responsibilities of the Workstream
Workstream Responsibilities
Work-streams have the following responsibilities:
- Overseeing the implementation of the workstream projects as agreed through the Network North Coalition by
- Providing expert advice and consultation to contracted project managers
- Peer reviewing draft reports
- Signing off final reports
- Agreeingon recommendations arising from project findings to go to DHBs (via NNC)
- Ensure work stream activities are aligned with the regional strategic direction
- Seek timely feedback and advice from NNC on projects undertaken by the work stream
- To determine priority service development activities (projects) during the Northern Regional Directions timeframe (2006-8)for recommendation to DHBs (via NNC) for approval
- To make recommendations to DHBs (via NNC) on service changes based on project findings andtheir implications for service budgets.
Workstream Membership
The membership of the workstreams needs to have a cross representation of that component of the sector. This will include but is not limited to:
- DHB provider arm managers/staff. This may include representation of different roles ie management and clinical
- Representative from the Regional Mental Health Funding Team
- NGO and other service provider representatives as appropriate
- Consumer Representation
- Family Representation
- Pacific representation
- Maori representation
The Regional Project Co-ordinator will attend workstream meetings as required for project consultation, update and recommendations.
Workstream Meetings
Regularmeetings will ensure that the workstream fulfils its’ responsibilities. The frequency of these will vary across the workstreams and the level of activity associated with each eg monthly, bi-monthly. .
Decision making processes
For the group to be effective the following approach to decision making will be adopted:
- Everyone has an opportunity to speak and to be heard
- Silence may be taken as assent
- Consensus if possible, majority view if not
- Regional director has the right of veto
- Chair summarises or confirms outcomes at the end of each discussion
- Responsibility is assigned to each action point
- Information presented will be sufficiently robust to support appropriate decision making
Reporting Requirements
Each workstream is required to report to the Network North Coalition on a regular basis. This will occur via the Workstream Leader at the Network North Coalition meetings.
Role of the Workstream Leaders
Each workstream will have appointed leadership, which in most cases is by a co-leadership approach (ie two leaders).
The workstream members will make recommendations to the Network North Coalition on who the workstream leaders could be. It is recommended that each leader has a different role eg clinical/management and is preferably based in different DHB localities.
Workstream Leader Responsibilities
- To provide leadership for designated workstream projects by
- Refining scope of project briefs with the advice of the workstream group
- Recommending to the Regional Director of Mental Health the appointment of project managers
- Liaising with the Regional Project Coordinator to ensure appropriate links with other work streams
- Liaising with the Regional Project Coordinator to ensure that appropriate planning, consultation and documentation is maintained in each project.
- Review project implementation against key milestones with Regional Project Co-ordinator
- Ensure compliance with agreed budget
- To ensure that the workstream identifies future service development activities (projects) thatare in line with the Northern Regional Mental Health and Addictions Services Strategic Direction.
- To make recommendations on behalf of the workstream group to DHBs (via NNC) on service development activities
- To act as a conduit of information between the Network North Coalition and the workstream group.
- Ensure that regular meetings are held for the workstream group and that minutes of each meeting are recorded and disseminated.
Network North Coalition: Role of Workstreams1