User Manual
KRC Training Online System
Department of Drinking Water Supply (DDWS)
Govt. Of India
New Delhi
Prepared By
National Informatics Center
Department of Information Technology
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Govt. of India
New Delhi
1. Introduction
2. Accessibility
3. Operation Instruction
4.Contact Details for Technical Support
1. Introduction
KRC Training MIS is anonline system, tofacilitate the department and Stateuserswith information of training Calendars of the Key Resource Centres(KRCs) and State Training Institutes and also other related information. The systemenables the KRCs and State Training Institutes to upload their Yearly Training Calendars and allows one to apply for any course in any institute online. The KRCs and the institutes can accept nomination of the applicant and register them online.
2. Accessibility
This software can be accessed by visiting the department home page at .The link to the software is given as ‘Training Calendar –KRCs and State Training Institutes’.
3. Operation Instruction
Fig. -1
Fig.-1 (a)
As you click on the ‘Training Calendar –KRCs and State Training Institutes’ link in the department web site, page shown as Fig.-1 will appear. As and when training datails are entered , month wise training list will appear in place of ‘No Training Calendar is Available to be Uploaded at present’ message as shown in Fig.-1(a). To apply for a particular course, one has to click on ‘Apply Online’ link shown against the course details. The following entry form will apear to apply for a course.
Horizontal Menu Bar
Training Data management is a module for KRCs and State training institutes. Training Services is the report module. This is under construction at present.
Training Data management is a module for KRCs and State training institutes. They are provided with login ID and password to access this module. On clicking this link Fig.-2 will appear.
Fig. -2
Once logged in, page in Fig.-3 will appear.
The menu options under Master Files (Entry/Editing/Deletion) and Nomination Processing are available now. The other two section will be added subsequently.
Master Files (Entry/Editing/Deletion)
Category link opens the above page. On clicking Add Category the following Entry form appears.
The broad category under which training/Seminar/Workshops are conducted has to be entered here. Update Category option helps to modify already entered Category Details. Delete Category option will allow to delete category names already entered.
Fig. - 4
Fig. -5
Course link will open the form as shown in Fig.-4, if there is no previous entry of Course Details and will open to the form as shown in Fig.-5 if there are already some course details entered. On clicking ‘Add New Course’ the following entry form appears.
By clicking Update in Fig.-5, course information already entered can be modified. Delete option in Fig.-5 allows deleting any course. But a course details cannot be deleted if dates for that particular course is entered in Date option in the main menu.
Date link will open the following form.
Add New Data will open the following entry form to enter date schedule for already entered course. There can be several date option for a particular course. Course Coordinator information has to be entered in Faculty/Coordinator entry form first. Then only Coordinator drop box will reflect the names of the coordinators to select from. Then Update option will allow modifying already entered dates. And Delete option will allow deleting dates. If nominations are already received against a particular date, which is deleted, the nomination also will remain cancelled.
Faculty/Coordinator link will open the following form
Add Coordinator will open the following form. Update option allows modifying the data already entered. And Delete option allows deleting coordinator details
Nomination Processing
This module contains the form to process the nominations submitted online by the interested persons.
This option is to accept nominations from the complete list of applicants. The following form appears where one has to select the correct information from the drop down lists. On clicking Submit button the list of applicants appear as in Fig.-6
Against details of each applicant, appears a check box and status as ‘Pending’ or ‘Accepted’. Accepted indicates that the applicants nomination is accepted for the applied case. Pending status indicates that the applicant is yet to be accepted. To accept, one has to click on the check box and then click the ‘Accept’ Button.
This option is for online registration of the accepted participants for a particular course. Registration No. will appear against the details of an applicant in the list if he or she was accepted and registered for a previous course in any KRCs or State level Institutions. If an applicant was never registered before, registration no. column will be blank against his/her name. The moment the check box against his name is clicked and ‘register’ button is clicked, a new registration no. will be generated for him/her and that will appear against his/her name.
4.Contact Details for Technical Support
For Technical Support please contact at the following address and telephone numbers
Department of Drinking Water Supply
NIC-Cell, Room No 9
9th Floor, Paryavaran Bhavan,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi – 110 003
Telephone Numbers : 24362610
e-mail ID for technical support is : ,