1. Call to Order

Vice President Sandhu called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM.

  1. Quorum Roll Call

Roll Call 6:10 PM
Name / Present / Absent / Excused/Late
Executives / President Alex Lee / 1
VP Abhay Sandhu / 1
Controller Joe DeAngelo / 1
SecOR Gurjot Gill / 1
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Total / 10 / 0 / 0
Commission Chairs / AAC - Hemali Patel / 1
GASC - Alison Tam / 1
BFC - David Heifitz / 1
IAC - Nick Flores / 1
EAC - Sara Williams / 1
ECAC - Komal Sharma
EPPC - Sarah Risher / 1

With 10 Senators present out of 11 seated, quorum was established.

  1. XC Unit Director Report

Stacy Wong, XC Director: Biggest change this quarter is Xperimental College logo; Creative Media will have website updated by the end of the quarter. Hired a new Course Coordinator who was a former Outreach Intern. Talking with DC and dorms to advertise to freshmen. Currently social media is only Facebook, looking to create Twitter and Instagram accounts. Income last quarter increased to $3,387.30.

Vice President Sandhu: Was there increase in expenses?

Director Wong: We only did online advertising so expenses did not rise.

  1. Appointments & Confirmations
  2. EAC

Chair Williams: Introduced new commissioners for EAC.

Senator Nagey: What is your idea of what EAC does and what are your plans for the commission?

Sam: Commissions handle legislation, EAC specifically handles relations between the university and the city of Davis.

Amber: Commissions are more specific in what projects the campus and community are doing. Picked EAC because she cares about community and service based projects.

Aparna: Visited city council last night to see the relationship between students and the city. Students have a lot of power in Davis, especially because this is a college town. Students need to know the potential they have and should be able to connect with ASUCD

Senator Nagey moved to confirm the new commissioners for EAC. The motion was seconded. No objections to confirming the new commissioners.

  1. Public Discussion

Senator Chiang: Created a spreadsheet to track trainings senators have attended.

Jon Li: Made a handout of the politics in the City of Davis so folks can communicate with one another.

  1. Elections Discussion

Sevan Nahabedian, Elections Chair: Petitions are out and available, 13 for senate, 4 for exec. Committee is in the process of going through applications for a hiring they had a few weeks ago. Candidate workshops will happen during this election cycle. Joshfrom Creative Media created online petitions. This will most likely be the last election where we use paper petitions, and we will be the first UC to implement this. Doing a photo contest on facebook this quarter. Marketing committee has a lot of ideas.

  1. Consideration of Old Legislation
  2. SB #35 Flores

Chair Flores: Bill essentially clarifies who the voting members of Unit Relocation and Space Allocation Commission. IAC passed it unanimously.

Senator I. Grewal moved to call SB #35 into question. The motion was seconded. No objections to passing SB #35.

  1. SR #X Chiang

Senator Chiang: We got called out for performative allyship, so this bill requires all members who vote yes on this bill to attend one event to educate themselves on the Muslim community.

Chair Heifitz: Student leaders are pretty woke.

Senator Chiang: We can’t always assume that we are woke or educated about marginalized communities. Last week someone voted against the Milo event resolution so we weren’t exactly supporting all our marginalized communities.

Senator Meneses: There needs to constantly be more education.

Senator Ruttkay: Even if this bill passes, we should be going to events regardless and show our support for these communities

Chair Risher: Being mandated to go to events isn’t as genuine.

Senator Chiang: Omar from MSA said it’s good to have it mandated so folks are held accountable.

Senator Nagey: If the Muslim community is wants it to be mandated then i support this.

Senator Jung: this resolution is to call us out to go to the events. This is a baby step to supporting these communities

Senator S. Grewal moved to call SB #X into question. The motion was seconded. No objections to passing SB #X.

  1. SR #X Williams

Chair Williams: It’s important that we, as ASUCD come forward and ask for more housing on campus.

●Senator Nagey moved to add the words “at least” on the second page after the word “house”. The motion was seconded. No objections to passing the motion.

●Senator I. Grewal moved to call SR #X into question. The motion was seconded. No objections to passing SR #X.

  1. CA #50 Flores

●Chair Flores: Amendment to create a new judicial council and judicial council oversight committee since the court was dissolved last quarter. More structural changes rather than changes in duties. Wants the judicial council to be institutionalized. Has 5 members, 1 chairperson and 4 commissioners. Chairperson must check in with Senate Pro-temp, who is also in charge of hiring.

●Zach Nelson: How do you plan on keeping the Judicial Council Oversight Committee impartial? How will they be impartial if JCOC decisions are final and binding.

●Senator Chiang: JCOC can only be activated in the event that an appeal is made for the judicial council decision.

○Nelson: folks at the table did not follow through with their jobs

○Chair Flores: it was the president who hired, not the senators at the table.

●Senator Chiang: there is no issue in separation of power. The way our school has evolved, the old structure doesn’t work. We had issues in just getting senators to run. A smaller committee will prevent quorum issues.

●Chair Heifitz: we can’t judge a committee based on the chairperson.

●Controller DeAngelo: the point of the court is to staff it with people who have a superior knowledge of the court. Previous justices did not have that knowledge

○Nelson: it gives people the opportunity to branch out.

■Controller DeAngelo: if the court does not have the institutional knowledge then they shouldn’t be here.

●Chair Flores: if you want to learn about governing documents, join IAC. to have people who have entry level experience to overturn the decision of the senate table and present is worrisome.

●Senator Chiang: people in PLA don’t want to invest their time in asucd when they could be involved in the government. There isn’t enough monetary incentive to be part of asucd.

●Senator Molodanof: there are definitely opportunities for people to learn and expand. Who are these people going to be if they are coming from the community but don’t have ASUCD experience?

●Nelson: ASUCD is closing their doors and downsizing it. Research constitution and bylaws.

●Senator Jung: was on the hiring committee for choosing justices, application was extended multiple times for up to 4 months. At the time, 9 spots had to be filled and we had to pick and choose whoever came through the door. We have over 1500 employees for a reason. We’re not trying to fully abolish the court, we are trying to improve it. If we keep it the same way for the past 20 years, nothing is going to work.

●Chair Flores: by having a potential override, there is a safety net and this can be a learning experience as well.

●Chair Williams: it’s only a difference of 4 positions. JCOC is not going to see every single appeal. There would have to be a very specific issue/legitimacy in the error.

●Senator Chiang: our budget constraints are definitely an issue. The least the court has had is 5 voting members. The senate pro-temp is fully responsible for hiring.

●Chair Williams: if you make a more specific way of what qualifies to be seen by JCOC then that might give more oversight.

●Nelson: would prefer an advising role as folks on the table can be biased.

●Senator Nagey: there might be some issues with the iac chair being on the committee.

●Chair Heifitz: recommend that janice be on the committee

○Controller DeAngelo: we don’t need more admin on the committee

●Senator Nagey: at no point should anyone see a bill twice.

●Senator Jung: there are senators and people sitting on the table who don’t follow what their chairs say

●Chair Heifitz: having the IAC chair there would be extremely biased.

●Ganz: we don’t know what the future iac chair will be like. Still think that iac chair should be on the committee

●Chair Williams: theoretically, the iac chair is one vote out of three. Should focus on the way JCOC sees an appeal so there is truly a balance in power and oversight.

●Nelson: if you really want the vp on there, then add another judicial council member and the vp can give advice.

●Controller DeAngelo: amend it to state that if someone on the table has written a bill and they are part of the committee, they should recuse themselves.

●Vice President Sandhu: if IAC chair writes a bill, replace with an iac commissioner. If vp writes a bill, replace with the controller.

●Chair Tam: let’s remember that this is a constitutional change so it would ideally be permanent. We need to expect the unexpected

●Senator Molodanof moved to divide the house on having the vice president, chief justice, and justice on JCOC. The motion was seconded.

Divide the House: VP, Chief Justice, Justice
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Total / 1 / 7 / 3

●With 1 in favor, 7 against, and 3 abstentions, the motion failed.

●Senator Chiang moved strike the following from Article X, Section 2:

○One ASUCD senator chosen at the beginning of each quarter by a majority vote of the senate.

○The motion was seconded. No objections to striking it.

●Chair Flores: lobby people to vote on this and campaign for this.

○Nelson: that’s bullshit. Concern comes from controversial bills.

●Senator Chiang moved to add the following to Article X, Section 2, Clause 2. The motion was seconded.

○Subclause a: In the event that the Vice President has authored or has been addressed in the bill or appeal in question the Controller shall replace them

○Subclause b: In the event that the IAC Chair has authored or has been addressed in the bill or appeal in question the IAC Vice Chair shall replace them

○Subclause c: In the event that the Chairperson of the Judicial Council has authored or has been addressed in the bill or appeal in question the Vice Chair of the Judicial Council shall replace them

Additions to Article X, Section 2, Clause 2
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Total / 8 / 1 / 2

●With 8 in favor, 1 against, and 2 abstentions, the motion carried.

●Senator Molodanof moved to add the following to Article X, Section 3, Clause 2. The motion was seconded.

○Subclause a) Hearing all appeals officially submitted to the Chair of JCOC limited only to clearly cited violations that could put the Association at legal risk or that are clearly unconstitutional or un-bylawful.

●No objections to Senator Molodanof’s additions.

●Senator Nagey moved to call CA #50 into question as amended. The motion was seconded.

CA #50
Name / Yes / No / Abstain
Senators / Samantha Chiang / 1
Julie Jung / 1
Ricardo Martinez / 1
Shaitaj Dhaliwal / 1
Sofia Molodanof / 1
Irveen Grewal / 1
Daniel Nagey / 1
Jose Meneses / 1
Anastasia Ruttkay / 1
Simran Grewal / 1
Matthew Yamaguchi / 1
Total / 9 / 1 / 1

●With 9 in favor, 1 against, and 1 abstention, CA #50 carried.

  1. Introduction of New Legislation

●Bills going to committees next week:

○An ASUCD bill to update Chapter 21 of the ASUCD bylaws

○An ASUCD bill to mandate quarterly commission presentations

○An ASUCD bill to require newly elected or appointed senators to undergo legislation writing presentation from IAC and BnF

○An ASUCD bill to to allocate 24.50 for cookies for a ship translation workshop

○An ASUCD bill to amend chapter 12 of the ASUCD bylaws to mandate that senate appropriate a minimum of 1500 from net revenue to the ASUCD ATS equipment maintenance reserve

○An ASUCD bill to allocate $70 for The Davis Muslim lecture series

  1. Status of Previously Passed Legislation

●All legislation has been signed.

  1. Ex-Officio Reports

●Chair Patel:

○No weekly AAC meeting

○Meeting with Janice to go over sponsorship packet details and potential options regarding the event.

○Meeting with Dean Thomas of Undergraduate Education, joining her monthly update.

●Chair Williams:

○Wrote resolution on LRDP, passed unanimously by EAC on Tuesday and will be introduced tonight, APAC officers attended EAC to discuss a possible partnership, sat in on IUSC interview, met with Jon Li, attended City Council in support of the Rental Resources Ordinance which should be passed at the next council meeting.

●Secretary Gill:

○Working on getting senators for Lunch with ASUCD and applicants to participate.

○Applications for new DoOR members are open till the end of this weekend.

○Met up with Sam Chiang to discuss new outreach ideas.

○Working with Ricardo to promote elections.

○DoOR is working on ideas for a Valentine's Day event catering to create love and not hate after the incidents that have occurred recently one Davis, if you all have any ideas, please let me know!

●Chair Heifetz:

○Our IAS meeting got rescheduled to this Friday at 11am. Since B&F had no legislation to pass, I canceled Tuesday's normal meeting and made the IAS training our meeting for the week. Also completed the unit sponsorship excel sheet that Hamilton and Joe requested.

●Chair Flores:

○Hosted office hours, wrote 4 bills including a Constitutional Amendment, IAC on Monday, IAC apps come down today

●Chair Tam:

○Met with the Yolo County Local Mental Health Board. Had GASC meeting. Had Dry Spaces.

  1. Elected Officer Reports

●President Lee:

○Testified against Tuition hikes and lobbied individual Regents at the UC Regents meeting in UCSF

○Running countback election for vacant senate seat

○Response to hate crime incident this weekend, thank you to all those who took initiative

○Lunar New Year statement

●Vice President Sandhu:

○Elections meeting, Meeting with business manager, Pro Temp meeting, Unit Director Meetings

●Senator Meneses:

○Did interviews with Rachelle Fishbin for SAAAC. Met with Joe Deangelo to talk about the budget and the specifics of my adoptive units. Sent letters of interest to the adoptive units. Met with staff today to discuss steps forward and whole layout for platforms. Met with Janice Corbett to discuss establishing an undergraduate clinic.

●Senator Molodanof:

○Had my office hours on Monday from 1-3 and Wednesday 11-1

○Had my Senate Staff Meeting and created a survey that will be sent out next week asking about students' experience using the current 24-hour phone line through Student Health and Counseling Services

○Hired a new staff member to my team who was previously on Senator Sam Park's staff

○I've met and will continue to meet with students who want to run for ASUCD Senate. I'm giving them tips and acting as a support through their campaign process.

○Met with Jon about a project to help strengthen the ties between the Davis City Council and ASUCD

●Senator S. Grewal:

○Attended IAC, introduced SRC idea to Imani, working on strengthening ASUCD, Athletics, and SRC contacts through potential community event

●Senator Chiang:

○Staff PEACE training

○Attended COSAF, EPPC, and ad hoc ECAC meeting for Islamic Center incident

○Attended Student Regent Designee meeting

○Attended City Council meeting to speak on Renter’s Rights ordinance

○Met with Secretary of Outreach and Recruitment, Gurjot

○Met with Janice

○UC Davis Mental Health Conference: panelist follow up meal, ordered food, worked with logistics coordinator to finish program, met with Aggie Studios to discuss video

○Prepared mental health workshop for APILR with staffer, Joshua Liu

○Wrote bills on commission presentations and SHIP insurance forum

●Senator Nagey:

○Had my first Senate Staff meeting

○Met with the Housing Taskforce Committee to begin drafting the system wide housing survey

○Went to IAC and GASC

○Went to speak at the City Council meeting giving my support for the Renters Rights Ordinance

○Begin the works of the Eye to Eye program

○Went to Unity and Diversity at the SCC

○Met with Janice to Discuss platforms

○Planning the Food Resource Fair

○Banner Drop to protest the tuition hikes through OASR

○Establishing Lobby Corps

○Working on Bill Analysis

●Senator Dhaliwal:

○Held staff meeting on Monday. Working with the ISA, SCA, MSA and PSA to host a collaboration forum on Islamophobia in the Desi and South Asian community.