(Standard PCR Form)

- Name of the Project :

- EDCF Loan Agreement No.

- Name of Borrower :

Date :

Economic Development Cooperation Fund





I. Project Description 1

1. Project Objectives 1

2. Project Scope 2

II. Project Implementation 5

1. Organization for Implementation Project 5

2. Implementation Period 6

3. Project Cost 8

4. Comments of Performance of Consultant/Supplier and/or Consultant 12

5. Other Matters 13

III. Action Taken by Borrower and/or Executing Agency

relating to Recommendation(s) 14

1. Recommendation(s) made by EDCF 14

2. Action Taken and Results 14

IV. Initial Operation and Maintenance of Project 15

1. Present Condition of Facilities 15

2. Organization for Operation and Maintenance 16

3. Annual Budget or Actual Expenditure for Operation and

Maintenance of Project Facilities (by Year) 18

4. Maintenance Method 19

V. Benefits Derived from Project 20

1. Direct Effects (by Year) 20

2. Indirect Effects 21

VI. Conclusion 22

VII. Others 22



(Name of the Project)

Loan Agreement No.:

Ⅰ. Project Description

1. Project Objectives

(1) Original (At the time of EDCF appraisal)

(2) Modification

1  Please Check : thus

This paragraph is (c applicable or c not applicable. There has been no modification).

2  If "applicable", please state :

a. Modified Project Objectives

b. Reasons for the modification

(with detailed explanation of the discrepancy between the original and modified basic plans, where applicable)

2. Project Scope

(1) Comparison of Original and Actual Scope

① Please Check : There has been (c revision and/or modification or c no revision and/or modification) of the Project scope and dimensions.

② If "revision and/or modification", please complete the Table.

Item / Original Scope
(At the time of EDCF appraisal) / Revised/Modified

(2) Reasons for Revision/Modification of Scope

① Where there has been "revision/modification" of the Project scope, please choose the reasons(s) from the following list and check.

c Revision of the superior plan (e.g. sector development plan, etc.)

c Revision of the supply-and-demand estimate

c Large fluctuation in the Project cost

c Substantial revision of design due to the unforeseeable physical condition at the time of the original design (e.g. poor soil condition, etc.)

c Natural disaster/unseasonable weather

c Unusual circumstances beyond the control of the Executing Agency (e.g. lack of staff, inadequate coordination with other agencies, etc.)

c Availability of funds (e.g. lack of funds, use of contingency, fluctuation of the exchange rate, etc.)

c Unrealistic initial plan/Technical problems

c Procurement problems

c Performance of contractor/supplier

c Performance of consultant

c Change in construction period

c Others

② Detailed statement of reasons (with background)

(3) Contribution of Project to Relevant (Sub) Sector(s)

① (Sub)Sector(s) to which the Project belongs

c Electric Power and Gas c Telecommunications c Social Services

c (Multipurpose) Dams c Telecommunications c Water supply

c Power plants c Broadcasting c Sewerage

c Transmission lines c Irrigation and Flood c Education

c Transportation c Health c Ports

c Gas c Irrigation c Tourism

c Others c Flood control c Others

c Roads c Bridges c Fisheries

c Railways c Airport c Mining and Manufacturing

c Mining c Manufacturing c Marine Transportation

c Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries c Distribution systems control

c Agriculture and Forestry c Others

② Original (At the time of EDCF appraisal)

Item / Description

3  Present situation and outlook for the future

Item / Description

Ⅱ. Project Implementation

1. Organization for Implementing Project

Function in the
Project Implementation / Name of Organization
(1) Original Plan / (2) Changed

Please state and check

① Reasons for the change

② Problems arising, countermeasures adopted and results

③ The latest organization chart (or equivalent) for the implementation of the Project is (c attached or c not available).

④ If the organization chart (or equivalent) is not available, please state the reason.

2. Implementation Period

(1) Comparison of Original Schedule and Actual Period

Pleas fill in the following blanks with actual period for each item.

Item / Original Schedule
(At the time of EDCF appraisal) / Actual Period

Notes: Completion of the Project was defined as (c completion ceremony or c commissioning or c commencement of commercial operation or c final disbursement or c other than the above. It was defined as ).

The completion date was scheduled for (at the time of EDCF appraisal), and is indicated (thus ◎) in the above Table.

(2) Reasons for Delay or Early Completion

① In the case of delay or early completion, please choose the reason(s) from the following list and check.

c Change in scope/dimensions

c Natural disaster/Unseasonable weather (e.g. earthquake, typhoon, etc.)

c Shortage of funds/Fluctuation of the exchange rate

c Problems in procurement

c Inflation

c Unusual circumstances beyond the control of the Executing Agency

c Structural and organizational problems of the agencies concerned (e.g. lack of staff, inadequate coordination with other agencies, etc.)

c Legislative matters

c Unrealistic initial plan/Technical problems

c Performance of contractor/supplier

c Performance of consultant

c Others

② Reasons and background for delay or early completion

(3) Remedial Action Taken in Each Case of Delay

3. Project Cost

(1) Comparison of Original Estimated Expenditure and Actual Expenditure (by Component)

1  Original Estimated Expenditure

(Unit : )

of Cost
Item / Foreign / Local / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan

(Exchange Rate : )

2  Actual Expenditure

(Unit : )

of Cost
Item / Foreign / Local / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan

③ Please indicate whether the above figures are based on :

(c current price as of or c actual fixed price reassessed on )

The exchange rate between and Won(₩) used :

(Exchange rate as of : )

(2) Reasons for Difference between Original Estimated Cost and Actual Expenditure

① If there is any difference between Table ① and Table ② in Paragraph (1), please choose the reason(s) from the following list and check.

c Increase in reconstruction cost arising from natural disaster/ unseasonable weather (e.g. earthquake, typhoon, etc.)

c Increase or decrease arising from a change in construction period

c Increase or decrease arising from inflation

c Increase or decrease arising from fluctuation in the exchange rate

c Increase or decrease arising from a change in the scope/work volume of the Project

c Decrease arising from keen competition in tender

c Unusual circumstances beyond the control of the Executing Agency

c Unrealistic cost estimates/Technical problems

c Others

② Description of the detailed reason(s) and background

(3) Action Taken in Case of Cost Overrun and Results

(4) Comparison of Original Estimated Expenditure and Actual Expenditure (by Year)

① Original Estimated Expenditure

(Unit : )

of Cost
Fiscal Year / Foreign / Local / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan

(Exchange Rate : )

② Actual Expenditure

(Unit : )

of Cost
Fiscal Year / Foreign / Local / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan
Portion / Total
Cost / EDCF Loan

(Exchange Rate : )

4. Comments on Performance of Contractor/Supplier and/or Consultant

Please describe the performance of each organization after checking the item(s) in the relevant lists on which you have any comment.

(1) Performance of Contractor/Supplier

① c Overall Performance c Compliance with Contracts and Specifications

c Workmanship c Quality control

c Schedule control c Safety control

c Repair of defective works during maintenance period, if any

c Others

c Performance related to any area other than the Project scope, if any.

② Description (in detail)

(2) Performance of Consultant

① c Overall Performance c Design

c Contract administration c Construction supervision

c Expertise c Staff qualifications

c Coordinating ability c Others

c Performance related to any area other than the Project scope, if any.

② Description (in detail)

5. Other Matters

Please choose the item(s) from the following list on which you have any comment, check it(them), and describe it (them) with measures and results in (2) below.

(1) c Technical c Financial c Institutional

c Economic c Social/distributional c Others

(2) Description (in detail)

Ⅲ. Action Taken by Borrower and/or Executing Agency relating to Recommendation(s)

1. Recommendation(s) made by EDCF

EDCF's check: This article is (c Applicable. The recommendations are given in Annex-I herewith or c not applicable. There has been no recommendation with regard to the Project)

2. Action Taken and Results

Ⅳ. Initial Operation and Maintenance of Project

1. Present Condition of Facilities

(1) Please check: This article is (c applicable due to problem(s) or c not applicable. No particular problem has occurred since the initial operation started.)

If there have been any problems, please check the relevant space in the Table.

Item / Initial
Operation / Maintenance / Management / Others

(2) Please check: The problem(s) has arisen owing to the following reasons(s).

c Technical c Financial c Institutional

c Economic c Social/Distributional c Others

(3) Description (in detail)

(4) Aspect of utilizing the Project facilities

Item / Original Plan / Actual Operation

2. Organization for Operation and Maintenance

(1) Name of Agency and/or Section

① Please give the name of Agency and/or Section in charge of O/M

② The latest organization chart (or equivalent) for O/M of the Project facilities is (c attached or c not available).

③ If the organization chart (or equivalent) is not available, please state the reason.

(2) Number of Engineers and Workers in above Agency and/or Section for Operation and Maintenance of Project Facilities.

(3) Please Check and explain the following.

① The number of staff is currently (c sufficient or c insufficient).

If "Insufficient", please describe your estimate of the optimum number of staff and your plan for providing them.

② Average employment period of the present staff.

③ Availability of training program to promote the vocational ability of the staff, its contents and expected effects.

3. Annual Budget or Actual Expenditure for Operation and Maintenance of Project facilities (by Year)

(1) Actual and Currently Expected Expenditure

(Unit: )

Fiscal Year / Maintenance / Operation / Maintenance & Operation
(For expanded portion *) / Total

* Note: Actual and currently expected expenditure for expansion, replacement or any other improvement purposes

② Please describe the basis for the above estimate and your financing plan for the same.

4. Maintenance Method

(1) Contents of Method

(2) Frequency

(3) Spare parts supply system

(4) Others, if any

Ⅴ. Benefits derived from Project

1. Direct Effect (by Year)

(1) Original Expected Benefits

(Unit : )

Fiscal Year

Note: Basis of calculation :

(2) Actual and Currently Expected Benefits

(Unit : )

Fiscal Year

② Please describe background, reasons and results of the analysis for the discrepancy between (1) Original and (2) Actual above.

2. Indirect Effects

(1) Please choose and check the item(s) which are dealt with in this Article by you.

c Technological transfer (e.g. application of technology used in the Project to other similar Projects)

c Employment creation (e.g. during construction, contribution to the sector(s) after completion)

c Income-raising (e.g. income of the residents int eh region)


c Environmental evaluation

c Other intended or unintended effects on the relevant sector(s) and/or the region concerned

(2) Please give details for each of the item(s) you checked.

Ⅵ. Conclusion

Ⅶ. Other Remarks

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