Dear Parents,

Welcome to another school year! I am certain that Chemistry will be a positive learning experience for your student. To keep you informed, I have requested that your student share with you the procedures I plan to follow in the classroom as well as laboratory safety information that will be presented during the opening weeks of school. Please read and discuss the information with your son or daughter. If you find it more convenient, feel free download a copy of the safety rules and syllabus from my chemistry web page. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the material direct them in an email to: .

I hope that we can partner in the education of your child. To encourage accountability with my students, I will be asking that each student monitors his/her chemistry scores on the district’sSkywardprogram. I am encouraging you to establish access to Skyward through the WFISD site with your child. I also encourage you/your child become member of my Parent REMIND group. AP parents: text to the number 81010 the message @3079d9d9. Pre AP parents: text to the number 81010 the message @3079d9. 8th Period Chemistry I parents: text to the number 81010 the message @3079d9d. The REMIND app is a free download and is a valuable resource for assignment calendaring, printable assignments, and special notes from my classroom. I also hope that you and your student will take advantage of printable assignments, notes, and reference material from my personal faculty page on Rider’s website. I strive to keep this resource updated weekly for your convenience.

If you have any questions or concerns during the year, please feel free to phone (235-1077) or email. My conference is during the 3rd period lasting from 9:23-10:08. With your cooperation and support, I am certain your student’s school year will be successful.


Stacie L. Martin

Chemistry I, Pre-AP, AP


Special Safety concern:The use of contact lenses in some laboratory environments can pose a danger to the eyes or the lens. Listed below are some facts to be considered concerning the use of contact lenses in the lab environment:

1. Should an accident occur which involves splashing chemicals into the eye, the lens may hold the chemical onto the eye.

2. In such an accident as described above, the time it takes to remove the lens increases the time before washing and/or medication can be administered, thus increasing potential damage to the eye.

3. Soft contact lenses increase risk because they may pick up chemicals that enter the air as fumes. In such cases, damage may occur to the lens, if not the eye.

Despite these concerns, most contact lens wearing students do not experience any difficulty in the lab. We, as a department, strongly recommend that contacts be avoided in the lab whenever possible. We do not forbid contact lenses in the laboratory; since, we realize that some students may not have glasses to wear instead of lenses. Please know that all reasonable precautions for eye safety will be observed at all times in the lab at Rider. Our policy requires all students to wear safety eyewear, even if they are wearing prescription glasses. Your student’s safety is paramount.


Mrs. Martin,

I have read your course information handout & discussed its contents with my child, ______. We both understand this plan & realize it is his / her responsibility to abide by the rules set forth. By signing below, you indicate that you received, read and understood the syllabus and all of its contents. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or call me.

Student’s Name: ______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Cell Phone:


S. Martin--Room 256--


  • One covered Pearson Chemistry Textbook ( also accessible online—see reverse)
  • Calculator (TI –30 or TI-36 scientific suggested as low cost models)
  • Binder with dividers & Paper
  • ACCESS to SKYWARD account to monitor grades

Classroom Standards:

  • Successful completion of Algebra I, I.P.C. & Biology I or Bio I Pre-AP
  • Punctual completion of all assignments and Makeup work
  • Positive attitude
  • Grading Categories:

TEST: 60% (to include TESTS, Quizzes, Lab Practicals, and major projects)

Each six weeks you will have no fewer than 7 assessment scores.

DAILY: 40 %(to include Labs, in class activities, Pre-Quizzes, and homework)

  • Homework grading: Assigned approximately 3 times a week. All homework is graded on completion. You will show your work to me at the beginning of the period, prior to the bell. Homework is given one of the following scores: 100 (all complete), 80 (not complete), 50 (half-complete), & 0 (self-explanatory). Approximately 5 homework scores will be averaged as one score on TEAMS under the category “Average Homework”. A minimum of two “Average Homework” grades will be given per six weeks. No student actively participating in class should ever receive a zero for “average homework.”
  • Late Assignments Policy:

NO homework assignments will be accepted late.

Labs will not be accepted after 2 days following due date.

One day late= loss 15 points, 2 days= 50 point loss

Special Projects will only be accepted on designated due date—NO EXCEPTIONS

  • Make Up Procedures:

All make-up tests, quizzes and labs will be completed within 2 days of the date the assignment was missed. Students are expected to makeup tests/quizzes the day they return to school during class time or by arrangement after school. Circumstances may arise that prevent immediate make up of missed work. Arrangements will be worked out to cover such situations.


Absence due to illness:

*Print a copy of the assignment directly from my faculty page on the Rider Webpage or Skywardor subscribe to REMIND.


Homework assignments, as previously stated, are not taken late. If you miss one homework paper due to illness, you will be marked as “excused” for this paper, but 1 only missed homework will be excused for a legitimate absence per homework averaging interval IT IS IMPERATIVE that missed assignments are requested, picked up and completed. Alternative arrangements are always negotiable for kids with extended illnesses!

Absences due to ECA:

*Must be picked up BEFORE the ECA EVENT! You are considered to be “at school”! If you don’t pick up assignments before your ECA you will NOT be excusedfrom the assignment! Assignments due on ECA days should submitted before you leave school for the activity.


Tutorial times are available Monday-Tuesday before school (by arrangement) after school from 2:54 to 3:25. Additional times may be arranged as needed.

Behavioral Expectations-- All Chemistry Students Should:

Follow adult directions.

Follow the district/campus student regulations handbook ESPECIALLY those regarding cell phones and other electronic devices & Dress code

Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings

Be prepared with supplies, completed assignments, and organized binder

Be courteous

Hand in all due assignments as you enter the classroom


FOOD/DRINKS/GUM are expressly forbidden in the class


WFISD Chemistry Pre AP/IB Tentative Year Schedule

First Semester / Second Semester
1st 6 Weeks / 4th 6 Weeks
Unit 1: Laboratory Management / Unit 7: Chemical Equations & Reactions
Unit 2: Matter & Intro to Chemical Formulas / Unit 8: Mole Concept Review
Descriptive Chemical Math Empirical / Molecular Formulas / % Composition
Unit 3: Atoms Structure & Introduction to the Unit Mole
2nd 6 Weeks / 5th 6 Weeks
Unit 4: Quantum Theory and the Periodic Table / Unit 9: Thermochemistry
Unit 5: Chemical Formulas / Unit 10: Gases / Kinetic Molecular Theory/ Gas Laws
Unit 11: Solutions
3rd 6 Weeks / 6th 6 Weeks
Unit 6: Chemical Bonding / Unit 12: Acids & Bases
Review for Exams / Unit 13: Nuclear Chemistry
Unit 14: Lab Design/ Review for Exam

Cheating Policy: WFISD defines cheating to “include copying another person’s work, such as homework, classwork, or test answers… A student who engages in academic dishonesty will be subject to the loss of credit for the work in question as well as disciplinary penalties. Teachers who have reason to believe that a student has engaged in cheating or other academic dishonesty will determine the academic penalty to be imposed. Penalties for cheating may include a grade of “F” for the first offense. On the second offense the penalty may be a grade of “F” on the test (work) and a grade of “F” in citizenship also. In the case of two offenses, the principal will discuss the matter with the parent, and suitable punishment will be administered.”

Need a copy from something class?? CHECK OUT THE RIDER WEB PAGE !

I maintain a student assignment page complete with printable assignments,

notes, and helpful videos.


Access online Chemistry book @

using student username and password

JOIN Rider Pre-AP Chem on REMIND!!!

Text to:81010 the message: @3f5e8 for alerts and due dates

Keep up with your grades by accessing your Skyward student account as often as you wish!!