China Ch. 11 Key Terms

1.  Mongols- Central Asian nomadic horsemen and herders who conquered much of the known world.

2.  Khan- Mongol leaders who led clans.

3.  Genghis Khan (Temujin)- The first great Khan to unite rival Mongol tribes by 1206, breaking through the Great wall and conquering most of Northern China.

4.  Kublai Khan- Ghengis Khans’s grandson who took control of all of China by 1279 and started the Yuan dynasty.

5.  Yuan dynasty- The dynasty founded by Mongol ruler Kublai Khan that lasted until 1368.

6.  Marco Polo- A traveler from Venice Italy who became an official under Kublai Khan and published accounts of his life and travels giving Europeans a glimpse of China.

7.  Ming Dynasty- Dynasty that began after Mongols were overthrown in 1368. Lasted nearly 300 years and a time of revival of Confucian values and merit system.

8.  Hongwu- Founder of Ming dynasty that was a leader in rebellions against Mongols and became a despot.

9.  Despot- a cruel tyrant, or person who uses his power without limits

10.  Yongle- Hongwu’s son who moved the capital to Beijing. He had “The Forbidden City” constructed which was the site of his palace, and rebuilt great wall in the North.

11.  Tributary State- a country that pays tribute in money or goods to a more powerful nation.

12.  Zheng He- Chinese explorer whose fleet of ships traveled to India, the Persian Gulf, and east Africa.

Ch 11 China key terms

1. Mongols- Central Asian nomadic horsemen and herders who conquered much of the known world. /
2. Khan- Mongol leaders who led clans. /
3. Genghis Khan (Temujin)- The first great Khan to unite rival Mongol tribes by 1206, breaking through the Great Wall and conquering most of Northern China. /
4. Kublai Khan- Ghengis Khans’s grandson who took control of all of China by 1279 and started the Yuan dynasty. /
5. Yuan dynasty- The dynasty founded by Mongol ruler Kublai Khan that lasted until 1368. /
6. Marco Polo- A traveler from Venice Italy who became an official under Kublai Khan and published accounts of his life and travels giving Europeans a glimpse of China. /
7. Ming Dynasty- Dynasty that began after Mongols were overthrown in 1368. Lasted nearly 300 years and a time of revival of Confucian values and merit system. /
8. Hongwu- Founder of Ming dynasty that was a leader in rebellions against Mongols and became a despot. /
9. Despot- a cruel tyrant, or person who uses his power without limits /
10. Yongle- Hongwu’s son who moved the capital to Beijing. He had “The Forbidden City” constructed which was the site of his palace, and rebuilt Great Wall in the north. /
11. Tributary State- a country that pays tribute in money or goods to a more powerful nation /
12. Zheng He- Chinese explorer whose fleet of ships traveled to India, the Persian Gulf, and east Africa. /