Spanish 2 & 3 Class Disclosure

Señora Peterson – Room E-227 / email –

I’m available for contact between 7:00-7:30 am, 10:40 am -12:55 pm, and 2:25-3:50 pm daily.

I will be using the Skyward messaging system to send important information and reminders to students and parents as well as checking my email daily. ph: 801-256-5100


§  Bring a pen, pencil and paper, and a red pen for correcting

§  A 3-ringed binder 1-1/2” (portfolio) only for Spanish class.

§  A class fee of $5.00 used for cultural treats, activities and verb books paid through fee management.

CLASS RULES: J consequences L consequences

§  Speak as much Spanish as you can. Learn Spanish Can’t speak Spanish

§  Be positive & participate. Happy student Unhappy student

§  Be responsible Good Grades Low grades

§  NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Participation pts. 0 participation pts.

§  Have integrity. Satisfaction/pride 0 for cheating

§  Be respectful. New friends Lower participation

DISCIPLINE ISSUES: Unless a problem with a student may endanger my other students or myself consequences will be as follows: (Included would be dress code violations- If you wouldn’t want to see me wearing it, don’t you wear it!)

·  Warn student verbally and/or move seats.

·  Individual conference with student.

·  Call or email parents.

·  Referral to a Vice Principal. (If behavior may endanger anyone student will be removed from class and referred immediately.)

·  ALL discipline actions taken will be documented through skyward.

ASSIGNMENTS / HOMEWORK 30% of total grade: Each completed assignment must be completed at the end of class by the beginning of the next class before we correct. Each class day the assignment is late will result in the loss of credit with 1 pt. being the lowest score. Late work before midterm is accepted until midterm. After midterm late work is accepted until 4 school days before the end of each quarter. (All work must be corrected and turned in before any extra credit will be added. Correction keys will be available for student use)

QUIZZES / TESTS / PROJECTS 35% of total grade: There will be a variety of assessments such as . . . oral, written, group activity, projects and observation. Students will be expected to study and learn the content, Spanish proverbs, and Spanish songs. Learning Spanish songs is beneficial for cultural understanding, language use, pronunciation and fluency. Students will have 5 Spanish proverbs and 3 or 4 Spanish songs that they will practice throughout each quarter.

It is much easier for the student if they practice the songs and proverbs through the entire quarter and not wait until the last week or two. Proverbs and songs will be found on my website starting at the beginning of each quarter.

ATTENDANCE: Students are expected to be in class. Award of credit in this class is subject to the school-wide BHS attendance policy. Because acquiring a second language is very participation based, tardies and all absences will affect participation grade. Students are responsible for collecting and completing work missed because of excused absences immediately upon returning to class. Please ask for the work at the end of class or after school so I can focus on helping you get what you need.

PARTICIPATION 30% of total grade: 5 participation points are earned each class period. For full participation points students must come to class on time ready to participate. Points are deducted for lack of participation during class, all non-school absences, tardies and/or disruptive behavior. All participation is lost for the day if unapproved electronic devices are used during class time. Administrators will be notified for each violation. Participation points for excused absences may be made up through vouchers and/or extra credit.

CLASS PORTFOLIO 5% of total grade: A class notebook specifically for this class is required. A 1- 1½ inch binder works well. Include this disclosure as the 2 first pages of that folder. Print the disclosure at home or come see me. DO NOT PRINT in the school library.

EXTRA CREDIT: Students may receive extra credit ONLY if all required work has been turned in. Extra credit opportunities will be posted in class. Students will receive 2-4 vouchers per quarter worth 5 points each as well as other enrichment activities.

GRADE SCALE: Your grade will be based on assignments (30%), tests and quizzes (35%), participation and attendance (30%), notebook (5%).

A = 93-100% B = 83-85% C = 73-75% D = 63-65%

A- = 90-92% B- = 80-82% C- = 70-72% D-= 60-62%

B+ = 86-89% C+ = 76-79% D+ = 66-69% F = 59% and below


***** Use my website for study and resources each quarter. This is easily accessed through the BHS website. About us Staff Directory Sue Peterson.

ü  Study outside of class for at least 15-20 minutes every day, repetition is helpful. Website and notes.

ü  Turn in all assignments when required. Complete make up work within a week (excused absences).

ü  Come see me for help if you need it. I will be happy to work with you. Before or after school but please let me know ahead of time so I make sure to be in my room.

ü  Check your grade regularly starting at the beginning of the quarter.

ü  Be open-minded and positive. HAVE FUN WITH LANGUAGE J

I AM COMMITTED to doing all that I can to help you greatly improve your understanding, comprehension, and speaking of the Spanish language. IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM or frustration please come and see me individually or send me an email.

ONLY TURN THIS PAGE INTO Señora Peterson (Spanish) Keep a printed copy of the disclosure in your Spanish folder.

Student Name ______period__ level 3

Please tell me why you chose to take Spanish.

Tell me something unique/interesting about yourself

As a teacher I will:

§  Do my best to make class interesting and fun.

§  Be fair and consistent.

§  Be there when you need me.

§  Communicate with parents when necessary.

Teacher signature ____SuePeterson______date 8/18/2017

As a student I, ______will:

§  Read the disclosure

§  Spend 15-20 minutes each day finishing assignments or reviewing class notes.

§  Turn in my assignments completed and on time.

§  Come to class on time and prepared.

§  Obey class rules.

§  Communicate with my teacher if I have problems or need help.

Student signature ______date ______

In case I need to contact you, messages will be sent through skyward to your email account so you may want to check often.

As a parent I, ______will:

§  Read the disclosure

§  Encourage my student to review Spanish each day at least 15-20 minutes.

§  Sign off on papers and stories ONLY if my child has actually done the work.

§  Communicate with the teacher when necessary to insure my child’s success.

Parent signature ______date ______

Parent email ______

Administrative approval _BV_