Dear Chairs and Support Staff:
By September 15, 2016, you will need to accomplish the following:
- Make sure that each new faculty member has the hard copies or links for the Board Policy 405.1; Evaluative Criteria, Procedures and General Standards for Initial Appointment, etc. (revised 5/8/15); Faculty Grievance Procedure; Academic Policy 1405.101, Schedule of Deadlines for Tenured and Tenure-Track Facultyor Academic Policy 1405.121, Schedule of Deadlines for Non-Tenure Track Faculty.All links are listed below.
In addition, deliver or send electronically to each new faculty member in the department a package with the following information:
- Memorandum addressed to new faculty members following the appropriate links below (APS 1405.10A for tenured, tenure-track faculty; APS 1405.12A for non-tenure-track faculty).
- Copy of the departmental personnel document approved by the President in September 1996.
- Copy of the Fulbright College Personnel document approved by the College Faculty on October 15, 2009, signed by the Dean on October 29, 2009, and approved by the President on November 5, 2009.
- Copy of the Fulbright College Working Schedule for 2016/17. (see attached)
- Send an e-mail message to Sharon McFarland certifying that the above has been done.
Chairs, please let your new tenure-track faculty members know that the UA Evaluative Criteria document (second link) is one of the most important and informative documents we have and they will benefit greatly from reading it.
Links to documents:
Board of Trusteespolicy 405.1
Selected Faculty Policies)
Evaluative Criteria, Procedures, and General Standards for Initial Appointment, Successive Appointments, Annual and Post-tenure Review, Promotion and Tenure (revised 5/18/15)
Faculty Grievance Procedure
(under Selected Faculty Policies)
Schedule of Deadlines for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty: Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Decisions (Academic Policy 1405.101)
Schedule of Deadlines for Non-Tenure Track Faculty (Academic Policy 1405.121)
Suggested form of memo to tenured, tenure-track faculty members (Academic Policy 1405.10A)
Suggested form of memo to non-tenure-track faculty members (Academic Policy 1405.12A)
Personnel Documents
(scroll down to Personnel Documents)
Fulbright College Working Schedule 2016/17 (scroll down to Documents)
Sharon McFarland