Saint Andrew’s Church, Tenterden

Week beginning 8th October, Twenty-Seventh Sunday of Year A

Today's Readings:

First Reading -(Isaiah 5:1-7) - The prophet Isaiah, through the symbolism of a vineyard, describes the care and the concern of God for His people.

Psalm - (79) - The vine is a familiar picture of Israel in the Old Testament. This vine was transplanted from Egypt and brought into the Promised Land. In Canaan God planted it making room by casting out the Canaanite nation.

Psalm response - (79) - The vineyard of the Lord is the House of Israel

Second Reading - .(Philippians 4: 6-9) - St Paul exhorts us to resort to prayer and to fill our minds with what is truthful, holy, just, pure, lovely and noble

Gospel - (Matthew 21:33-43) - The parable of the wicked servants portrays God’s steadfast love and human beings’ ingratitude and transgressions

Fr. John writes –

This Sunday is ‘Prisoner’s Sunday’. There is a danger in giving Sunday’stitles such as ‘Harvest Sunday, or ‘Mission Sunday’ – because every Sunday is above all ‘The Lord’s Day’ when we gather to celebrate the Eucharist together, and the focus should very much be on Our Lord Jesus Christ, Our Saviour.

So perhaps I should really write that today is a ‘day of prayer for prisoners.’ During his public ministry, Jesus gave priority not only to the poor, the sick and disabled, but also to ‘sinners’. It is good that we get an annual reminder to pray for prisoners, and for their families, and loved ones. There are some cards and literature in the church porch today indicating some of the ways ordinary parishioners can get involved in giving practical support to prisoners and their families.

Our preparation course for Confirmation is progressing well. Would you like to support in prayer one of our young candidates as they get ready for this significant step in their spiritual journey? There is a notice at the back of church if you wish to volunteer.

Your prayers are asked for:

  • Those ill or infirm in our parish – Elizabeth Morrison and Colin Morrison, Joseph Adams, Patricia Hook, Michelle McKinnon, Jo Venables, Marjorie and John Dumbleton, Joseph Delaney, Elena Troake (Elena Peck's daughter), Linda Wharfe, Jane McKinnon, Michael McDermott(Mara's husband), Wendy Butler, Stephen Beasley, Mgr. Hill, Lester Kinkel, Ellie Lawrence and Kevin Thornton.
  • For all our sick or infirm family members and friends. ('Relatives and friends' list is on the porch noticeboard)
  • Those whose anniversaries occur about this time – Fred Paynter, Archbishop Cyril Cowderoy, James Pillans, Andrew and Michael Steapp, Catherine Rice and Francizsk Babicz.


This year the Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance to commemorate loved ones of Parishioners who have died will be held on Sunday, 19 November at 15.00.

The Service allows those who mourn the opportunity to remember and give thanks for the lives of the individuals they have lost and to come together with others who are also experiencing the pain of grief. The Service will comprise a number of Hymns and Readings and there will also be time for private prayer and reflection. It will commence at 15.00 hours and will take approximately 45 minutes to an hour. Following the Service light refreshments will be served in the Parish Hall.

All Parishioners are invited to attend. If you would like to do so to commemorate a loved one, please complete one of the forms at the back of the Church, which should be returned to Father John or posted to the Presbytery by 16 November.

Janet Brierley, Parish Bereavement Minister, Tel: 01580 762526

Morning of Recollection for Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Readers

The next one will be at Holy FamilyParish, South Maidstone on Saturday 14th October from 10am to 1pm. It will be given by Canon Anthony Charlton who is the parish priest of St Thomas Catholic Church in Canterbury and Vice Chairman of the Diocesan Liturgy Commission. The morning will follow the usual format; more details nearer the date. Please note change of venue.

Please Note: -

  • Printed copies of the new rotas for the Extra-Ordinary Ministers are in the porch for collection.
  • Tenterden Town Carol Service - Wednesday December 20th at 7.30pm, St. Mildred’s. I appreciate this is some time off, but, could we have a reader from Saint Andrew’s for this important Town event? Please contact Deacon Jolyon.
  • There will be a sale of a limited number of hand-made pottery bowls and dishes after the Masses on Sat 21 - Sun 22 October. The artist, Carol Dawson, a friend of Nuala, has donated them and all proceeds will be for the Franciscan Missionary Sisters for Africa. Good for unique Christmas presents.
  • Tuesday 10th October - Tenterden walks, starting from our car park. Meet at 10.15am, leave at 10.30am.
  • Wednesday 11th October - Choir Practice at 7.00pm

This week’s services

Day / Date / Feast / Time / Detail
Saturday / 7th Oct. / 27th Sunday Ord (A)
Prisoner’s Sunday / 18:00 Vigil Mass / Sylvia Crighton RIP
Sunday / 8th Oct / 27th Sunday Ord (A)
Prisoner’s Sunday / 08:30 Mass
10:30 Mass / People of Parish
Monday / 9th Oct / St Denis / 10:00 Mass / Angela D-Brady
RIP (Ena)
Tuesday / 10th Oct / St Paulinus of York
Dorothy Richardson’s / 10:00 Mass
14:00 Funeral / at Charing
Wednesday / 11th Oct / St John XXIII / 10:00 Mass
Thursday / 12th Oct / 11:00Requiem Mass / Angela
Friday / 13th Oct / 10:00 Requiem Mass / Isobel Knott
Followed by adoration
Saturday / 14th Oct / St Callistus
28th Sunday Ord (A) / 10:00 to 10:45
18:00 Mass / Reconciliation
Sunday / 15th Oct / 28th Sunday Ord (A) / 08:30 Mass
10:30 Mass

Next week’s “jobs”

Job/Time / 18:00 Saturday / 08:30 Sunday / 10:30 Sunday
Reader / Roger Styles / Michael Drummond-Brady / Brian Lawrence
Extraordinary Ministers / None / Neil Murray
Louise Carter / Liz Dumbleton
Rani Thomas
Flowers / TBA / Cleaners / TBA