
SWAT currently owns several computers and printers for the purpose of furnishing our Volunteer Secretaries with the equipment, software, and supplies that they need for our trials. Over the years, the number of SWAT events has increased and some of them are held fairly close together. It has become difficult to arrange for all of the Secretaries to have equipment when they wish to have it. Some of our Secretaries wish to use SWAT equipment for all pre-trial and post-trial work as well as during the trial. This means that they must have the equipment for many months at a time, making it unavailable for any other Secretaries to use. Others are willing to use their own equipment until immediately before, during, and after the trial. In order to satisfy all of our Secretaries, SWAT would need to purchase additional computers and printers. This is expensive and difficult to manage when our equipment is being kept at people’s homes for extended periods of time. In view of this, the SWAT Executive Committee has decided to begin the transition to hiring Professional Secretaries for all of our future events. These Professional Secretaries will be independent contractors with SWAT and will provide all of their own equipment and supplies.

Effective on March 10, 2015:

There will be three types of Trial Secretaries available for SWAT events. This will enable our current volunteer Secretaries to choose how they want to serve and to follow through with their commitments for upcoming trials. All Secretaries that are already scheduled for our upcoming events must commit to being one of these three types of Secretaries by April 15, 2015. For events where Secretaries have not yet been selected, candidates must declare what type of Secretary they wish to be at the time that they are asked.

Type 1.

$0.80 per run Secretary. This person will use SWAT's computer, software, printer, and be reimbursed for all supplies before, during, and after the trial. They will obtain the SWAT computer and printer as early as needed to start all pre-trial work and will keep them until all trial work has been completed. This Secretary may select or express preference for Scorekeepers, but will not be responsible for compensating Scorekeepers. SWAT will compensate Scorekeepers separately. This is basically the plan that Lisa Frankland and Pam Smith have been using.

Type 2.

$1.00 per run Secretary. This person will use their home computer, printer, and supplies for all work before and after the trial. They will use software furnished by SWAT and load it onto their home computer, as long as the software owner permits this arrangement. They will use a SWAT computer and printer during the actual trial and for a week or so before and after the trial to make sure that everything works and to tie up final results. The only supplies that will be paid for by SWAT are those used at the trial and mailing/copying expenses following the trial. This Secretary may select or express preference for Scorekeepers, but will not be responsible for compensating Scorekeepers. SWAT will compensate Scorekeepers separately. This is basically the plan that Linda Kipp has been using.

(Note that Tim Verrelli's program (USDAA and AKC) can be loaded onto club members' computers at no additional cost as long as it is only used for club events. Also, there is an AKC program owned by Robert Olson that is available free, with no purchase costs, maintenance costs, or license required. This is the program that Nancy Culley uses.)

Type 3.

Professional Secretary. This person will furnish all computers, software, printers, and supplies when they work for SWAT as Trial Secretary. This person must also provide all Scorekeeping services unless another arrangement is made with SWAT. If they provide all Scorekeeping services, they will either perform all Scorekeeping work themselves or will provide one or more Scorekeepers. They will then be responsible for compensating their Scorekeepers and this will be included in their fee. The total package offered by this person and their fees are negotiable and must be clearly stated in a written contract, including Scorekeeping arrangements. Whether they will require additional transportation costs, hotel costs, or other costs must also be included in their written contract. SWAT will only hire this type of Secretary if neither of the previous types of Secretaries is willing or available to work an event. The Professional Secretaries will be selected by the SWAT Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Trial Chair. Bids by one or more potential Professional Secretaries may be requested before SWAT makes a hiring decision.

No additional SWAT printers or computers will be purchased. Our current printers and computers will be priced and offered for sale as soon as they are no longer needed by our current Secretaries. They will first be offered for sale to the Secretaries currently using them. If they are not purchased, they will then be offered for sale to our general membership. If they are still not purchased, they will then be offered for sale at a silent auction during one of our events. The status of our software will also be evaluated. If the license can be transferred, that will be included in the price of the computer. If it cannot be transferred, the software will be removed from the computer prior to purchase.

Effective on July 1, 2016:

All Secretaries hired for SWAT events after this date will be Professional Secretaries. They will furnish all computers, software, printers, and supplies whenever they work for SWAT as Trial Secretary. They must also provide all Scorekeeping services unless another arrangement is made with SWAT. If they provide all Scorekeeping services, they will either perform all Scorekeeping work themselves or will provide one or more Scorekeepers. They will be responsible for compensating their Scorekeepers and this will be included in their fee. The total package offered by this person and their fees are negotiable and must be clearly stated in a written contract, including Scorekeeping arrangements. Whether this Secretary will require additional transportation costs, hotel costs, or other costs must also be included in their written contract. These Professional Secretaries will be selected by the SWAT Executive Committee, subject to the approval of the Trial Chair. Bids by one or more potential Professional Secretaries may be requested before SWAT makes a hiring decision.

Out of appreciation for their past service, all of our current volunteer Secretaries (Lisa Frankland, Pam Smith, Linda Kipp, and Mica Tyler), will be invited to submit bids for ALL SWAT events for at least the next two years (until July 1, 2018) until SWAT has an established group of Professional Secretaries to draw from.

Prepared by L.W.Kipp on 3/10/15. Page 1