Chapter Leader Roles and Responsibilities
add 1-2 hrs/month for monthly leadership meetings

President (10 hrs/month)
- Liaises between Net Impact Central and chapter constituents, maintaining chapter status
- Owns development of annual plan and bi-laws, with input from other board members
- Oversees leadership team and leads development of chapter’s growth strategies, vision and goals
-Responsible for execution and post-mortem of all chapter activities and report-out to Net Impact Central
-Acts as "face of the chapter" at outside events and conferences

Vice President / Treasurer (10 hrs/month)
-Works closely with President on chapter goals

-Outlines budget needs based on events planned
- Submits reimbursement forms to Net Impact Central(when applicable)
- Establishes and manages chapter’s bank account
- Researches funding opportunities

- Serves as back up to the President as needed and assists with chapter planning

Membership Chair (6hrs/month)
- Tracks member list on and reports regularly

- Maintains e-newsletter list as well as Net Impact Philly gmail account

- Surveys members and monitors membership data for trends in growth, retention and interests

- Recruits new members and organizes recruitment aspects of chapter events

- Ensures all members are signed up with Net Impact Central (free profile)

Events Co-Chair (2 positions, 7hrs/month—more leading up to events)
- Leads event planning and logistics for all Net Impact events
- Leverages the rest of the leadership team to help plan and execute events
- Identifies interests, topics, and formats relevant to the chapter

Marketing and Communications Chair (10 hrs/month—more leading up to events)
- Designs and maintains website and social media sites (including facebook, twitter, and LinkedIn)
-Sends newsletters monthly or more frequently as needed
- Develops public relations and marketing materials for chapter events using Net Impact Chapter Logo
-Works with Community Impact Chair to broadcast event information

Community Impact Chair (5hrs/month)
- Launches and manages impact programs (Board Fellows and/or Service Corps)
-Develops relationships with outside organization with similar mission to Net Impact
-Works closely with Events Chair and Marketing/Communications Chair to connect outside organizations with Net Impact initiatives