SCHOOL BOOK LIST Barryroe National School

5th Class Bandon,Co. Cork.

SCHOOL YEAR 2018/19 0238840381



Collins School English Dictionary (should have one already)

Away with words 5

Up and Running Book Rental €2

The Guns of Easter Book Rental €2

My Spelling workbook F


Master your Maths 5

Busy at Maths5 Book Rental €5

Scientific Calculator – Sharp EL W531

Maths Set

4 x maths copies

Graph Paper


Collins Irish Dictionary

BéalBeo5 Book Rental €5

FuaimeannaFocail 5



History - It’s about time activity book 5

Geography – Where on Earth 5 activity book

Homework Journal School €4


Tin Whistle D

General Use

14 x 88 page copies

2 x A4 hardback copy

1 x clear envelope folder

1 x A4 display book

2 pritsticks

2 red and 2 blue pens

2 pencils

Colouring pencils

Rubber, sharpener and ruler

Each year we collect money throughout the year for various events – e.g. Speech & Drama (€15), Gymnastics (€5), STEM (€8), sciathnascol bus trips, lifetime lab outing. There may also be other outings, art and craft materials and photocopying expenses. This year we will collect this money in advance.

The amount for your child’s class is €90. You may wish to pay the total amount in September but you may pay it in two installments if you prefer - the first installment of €45 before October Mid Term break and the second installment of €45 before the end of January.

There will be other items/events throughout the year which you may wish to avail of e.g. Personal Accident Insurance, School Milk Scheme, Christmas Concert DVD’s, Christmas Annuals, but these are optional.

If there is any money remaining from your child’s contribution at the end of the year it will be put towards your child’s school tour. Likewise, if for any reason there is a shortfall we may need to ask you for a further contribution.