Question #4:
What has been the most challenging part of the Educator Effectiveness Process for you?
- The most frequently mentioned challenge was time. Time was mentioned on 18 occasions. Not only were people frustrated with how much time it took to complete the processes of answering questions and preparing for the lesson, they were also unhappy with the amount of time it took for administrators to respond.
- What is the best way to provide teachers feedback within the five day contractual window? (added by P. Graczyk)
- The other challenges addressed by the staff were using the computer rather than hand writing the responses or simply talking face to face, the level of anxiety that the evaluation caused them and discrepancies between what the teachers felt happened during an observation and what the observer recorded.
- Teachers are not submitting their portion of the paperwork in a timely manner (added by administration).
- Time
- Type on a word document and paste in (you won’t lose your answer). Five days may need to change (with the union)
- If it turns around quicker, we remember things easier. (Post Observation)
- Group was confused by trend?? (We think administrator is listening and recording.)
- A (projected) suggested time line for finishing the portion the teacher needs to complete.
From the trends above, please develop some potential solutions:
- Provide levels of differentiation in the observation
- Tier 1 – It’s over after one observation (All proficient & distinguished). Still have the action plan to provide evidence.
- Tier 2 – 1 to 3 areas of Needs Improvement. The 2nd observation will focus on the evidence in these areas marked Needs Improvement.
- Tier 3 – Go through the entire process – 5 for 4.
- Time issue – Written communication within 2 school days stating Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. We need to determine a time line or flow chart.
- There is an MOU being finalized with the HEA. To summarize, within 5 days the teacher will receive a projected overall rating for the lesson and the first draft of evidence from the observation.