Pr 7 Term 3 2018 Learning Overview
Welcome back to everyone and trust you all had a fantastic festive season holiday. We look forward to another hard working term with enriched experiences to add to our Primary School journey. We are getting settled in to our new classroom and are enjoying a fresh bright environment.
This overview is to share what your child will be learning this term. It will also give you some information about how we run from day to day.
We continue to use our Class Charter, Class Dojo for personal rewards and House Points.
PSA support – Mrs Anfield
CCR PE on Mondays/Wednesdays and Thursdays – Specialist teachers
Miss Barclay and Miss Pottie
Science on Tuesdays – Miss Ross
Principal Teacher Management Day Cover on Tuesday – Mrs Beattie
Please remember to label all water bottles, lunch bags/boxes, jackets, sweatshirts, gym shoes, personal recreational books etc.
PE kit – a change of T-shirt, suitable shorts or leggings and non marking gym shoes are preferred. No football tops.
Mobile phones should turned off in the school grounds/premises and handed in to the class for safe keeping throughout the school day.
Assemblies will take place on Fridays with a whole school celebration assembly every fourth week.
We continue to develop our Rights Respecting School work and we are linking this to support the new approach to ECO Schools. We will be looking at some of the Sustainable Development Goals and Articles from the Convention of the Rights of the Child which support this.
January / World Holocaust Day / Article 19You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated,
in body or mind.
Article 39
You have the right to help if you’ve been hurt, neglected or badly treated.
February / World Day of Social Justice / Article 4
The government has a responsibility to make sure your rights
are protected. They must help your family to protect
your rights and create an environment where you
can grow and reach your potential.
March / / 14.Life Below Water
6.Clean Water and Sanitation
You are invited to our next Open Afternoon on Tuesday 20 March 3pm – 4 pm. TBC. The theme will be to view our work on a Book Study which links with the UNCRC Rights of the Child and our Rights Respecting Schools work.
Homework will be given out on Mondays for completion and return by Friday. Spelling will be checked by a quiz. Keep up the high standard and motivation with this.
Personal Projects are due to be handed in by 23.3.18. We have looked at how to complete referencing (pupils given a handout to support this). We look forward to receiving them. If anyone requires advice or support then please let us know.
Please make regular use of the Class Blog where many aspects of our learning is shared. We will soon be linking with Twitter to help notify you of any updates. Learning Pathways also help to share some aspects of our learning.
Some main aspects of the key learning experiences which the class will be working on through a variety of activities and experiences are noted below. These will help to support the acquisition of new skills, knowledge, values and attitudes.
LiteracyBy the end of Term 3, most pupils
· can demonstrate that I value others’ contributions through listening actively and responding appropriately.
• can respond to others’ contributions by questioning further, paraphrasing and retelling.
• can answer a range of complex literal, inferential and evaluative questions.
• can devise and ask complex questions (literal, evaluative and inferential)
• are beginning to revise for specific writing traits (e.g. ideas, word choice, organisation, voice, sentence structure, conventions and presentation) independently.
• can put information I have learned from others into my own words.
• When listening and watching, can select the ideas or information relevant to the task I have been set.
• can use a range of ways to organise information I have gathered (graphic organisers, mind maps, posters etc.)
· can identify and comment on aspects of the writer’s style using relevant evidence from the text. / Numeracy
By the end of Term 3, most pupils
· can use and interpret electronic and paper-based timetables and schedules to plan events and activities, and make time calculations as part of my planning.
· can carry out practical tasks and investigations involving timed events and can explain which unit of time would be most appropriate to use.
· can use my knowledge of the sizes of familiar objects or places to assist me when making an estimate of measure.
· can use the common units of measure, convert between related units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving problems.
· can explain how different methods can be used to find the perimeter and area of a simple 2D shape or volume of a simple 3D object.
Shape, Position and Movement:
· Having explored a range of 3D objects and 2D shapes, I can use mathematical language to describe their properties, and through investigation can discuss where and why particular shapes are used in the environment.
Angle, Symmetry and Transformation:
· have investigated angles in the environment, and can discuss, describe and classify angles using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
· can accurately measure and draw angles using appropriate equipment, applying my skills to problems in context.
· Through practical activities which include the use of technology, I have developed my understanding of the link between compass points and angles and can describe, follow and record directions, routes and journeys using appropriate vocabulary.
· Having investigated where, why and how scale is used and expressed, I can apply my understanding to interpret simple models, maps and plans.
· can use my knowledge of the coordinate system to plot and describe the location of a point on a grid.
· can illustrate the lines of symmetry for a range of 2D shapes and apply my understanding to create and complete symmetrical pictures and patterns.
Health and Wellbeing
By the end of Term 3, most pupils
· have opportunities to carry out different activities and roles in a variety of settings have enabled me to identify my achievements, skills and areas for development. This will help me to prepare for the next stage in my life and learning.
· can enjoy a sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing through participating in a range of games and sports.
· will have support to develop their emotional literacy by using a variety of stimulus for quality conversations. / Interdisciplinary Studies
By the end of Term 3, most pupils
· can use primary and secondary sources selectively to research events in the past.
· can gather and use information about forms of discrimination against people in societies and consider the impact this has on people’s lives.
· can discuss why people and events from a particular time in the past were important, placing them within a historical sequence.
What’s On?
Continued ICT skills development with 3 workshops at My World of Work on Church Street. Fri 12th Jan, Fri 16th Feb, Fri 23rd Mar.
Bring on Burns Creative Writing Scots Language at Culloden Visitor Centre
Fri 26 Jan 2018
Parent Council Meeting Wed 17th January 7 pm
Pupil Parent Teacher interview meetings Wednesday 24 Jan/Thursday 25 Jan
3. 30 pm – 6.00 pm
IRA Transition Meeting at the IRA Wed 24th Jan 7 pm.
Loch Insh Parent Information Evening Tues 30 Jan
6 pm – 7 pm.
SAFER INTERNET USE Workshop Wed 7 Feb 7 – 8 pm
Martin O’Parka – guitar and drumming tuition for 4 weeks – starts Fri 9 Feb
HOLIDAY – Mon 19th Feb/Tues 20th Feb
INSET Wed 21st Feb
World Book Day Thursday 1st March – local author Barbara Henderson to share her expertise with the pupils
World War 2 talk – Friday 2nd March. Visitor to share her experiences
Archive Centre Friday 16th March
Open Afternoon on Tuesday 20th March 3pm – 4 pm
Cross Country McRobert Cup Wednesday 21 March
Personal Projects to be handed in Friday 23th March
IRA Robin Fyfe and Sixth year pupils visiting (dates TBC). Postponed from Term 2
Miss Laura Baird Geography dept to visit again. (Date TBC)
Please remember payment schedule for Loch Insh. Payments can be given to the office on Wednesdays at breaktime.
If you have any ongoing concerns or questions then I can be contacted through phoning the school. Pr 7 are out and about quite a bit and we appreciate the time given by parent volunteers who escort us on our visits. Thank you for your ongoing interest and support.
M Murray