Daphne project: 1997-291

Project details

Project name:

INHOPE (Internet Hotline Providers in Europe) Forum

Reducing child pornography on the Internet. Coordination of hotline providers and exchange with law enforcement authorities throughout Europe.

Year funded 1997

Organisation details

Childnet International

Project Coordinator Nigel Williams

Studio 14

Brockley Cross Business Centre

96 Endwell Road

London SE4 2PD


Tel +44 (171) 639.6967

Fax +44 (171) 639.7027



Materials available

· A leaflet describing the project is available in English and can be obtained by contacting Childnet International.

· A web site has been launched describing the project and giving an explanation of the projects aims. At present this site is available in English only, but will soon be available in three additional languages: French, German and Spanish.

Summary report


The objective of the project was to reduce the amount of child pornography available on the Internet by promoting greater co-operation between hotline providers in Europe.

The project has been extremely successful in promoting close co-operation between hotline providers and in achieving the detailed work programme originally planned.

Summary of achievements

· INHOPE Forum established with participation of all existing Internet hotlines in Europe.

· Four countries without hotlines also participated in meetings.

· Web site established with profiles of existing hotlines and information about the project (

· Although the structure, funding and organisation of hotlines varies considerably they have agreed on the key issues to address:

· how to share information;

· how to develop common procedures for dealing with reports;

· liaison with law enforcement;

· how to help support new hotlines;

· criteria for organisations to become hotlines.

· The work of the Forum has contributed to the shaping of the Action Plan of DG XIII of the European Commission for safe use of the Internet.

· Outside of Forum meetings, much closer bilateral co-operation between hotlines is taking place.

· The US Cybertipline has become involved in the work of the Forum.

· Discussions have been held with Interpol’s Standing Working Group on Offences against minors about how the police and hotlines can work together.

· The work of the INHOPE Forum has been highlighted at a number of international conferences and events.

Activities planned
Phase 1:
Information gathering and agenda setting
To establish how existing hotlines work, how they are structured and relate to government and the industry, the kind of cases they deal with, the relationship with police forces, any issues of concern, and their views about greater international cooperation.
A short written summary of each hotline’s work and an agenda of issues for discussion at a meeting of hotlines.
Preparation of a questionnaire, completed in a series of individual meetings and contacts between Childnet International and existing hotline providers (i.e. those established for one year or more) and with law enforcement authorities in the relevant countries, plus contact by e-mail and phone with those establishing hotlines.
Work to start by mid November 1997 and meetings to be completed and report/agenda ready by end February 1998 / Achievements
  • ·Four existing hotlines intended to be part of first phase – Internet Watch Foundation (UK), Meldpunt Kinderporno (Netherlands) Eco Forum (Germany) and Redd Barna (Norway) all agreed in principle to partcipate in the project. ·
  • Established that there were two complementary initiatives in Germany and invited FSM to participate ·
  • Questionnaire designed and agreed with these four hotlines ·
  • Visits to each hotline undertaken in February and March 1998 and questionnaires completed. ·
  • Contact established with the National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Washington, who agreed to participate in the project at their own expense. (meeting with Director in London in April and later meeting with hotline staff in Washington in June).
  • Contact established by phone and email with organisations in Ireland, Spain, Belgium and France who were interested in or had already proposed to start child pornography hotlines.
  • A detailed agenda prepared for a meeting of existing hotlines in March

Phase 2: Discussion of agenda
Purpose To establish effective contact and relationships between hotline providers and exchange views on scope for cooperation and need for additional resources
. Output A short agreed statement on cooperation and issues for further discussion and research; and the establishment of a working group to take phases 3 and 4 forward. Means
· A one day meeting of existing providers to consider initial views on issues, and basis for cooperation.
· Drafting of statement and exchange of views by e-mail.
· Consideration of statement by existing and new hotline providers in a one day meeting. Meeting to choose a working group. Deadline Meetings taken place and statement to be ready by end July 1998 / · All existing and potential hotline providers agreed to participate in the project.
· A one day meeting of existing providers took place in London in March with full attendance from those invited.
· Existing providers identified the key issues which were going to concern the hotlines.
· Minutes of the London meeting were agreed by the hotlines and these contained an initial summary of the issues to address.
· The name INHOPE Forum for the group was agreed.
· Agreement to hold a further working group meeting immediately prior to the meeting of new and existing hotlines, in Amersham in June 1998.
· All organisation invited to Amersham attend. Agreement that there are considerable differences between the individual hotline initiatives but that there were considerable advantages in working together.
· Agreement reached on the key issues to explore further – exchange of information, common processes for dealing with reports from the different Internet applications, means of supporting new hotlines, and criteria for being a hotline.
· Minutes of Amersham contain an agreed statement on future work programme and a detailed profile of each hotline’s work to date and the position in countries without a hotline.
Phase 3: Dissemination to interested Parties Purpose
To report on work to date and seek views about means of increasing the effectiveness of hotlines and cooperation between hotlines.
A written summary of views following consultations for further consideration by working group.
· Web site to be established with summary of work to date and requests for views from interested parties sought by e-mail.
· Bilateral meetings between working group representatives and the European Commission and relevant law enforcement authorities.
Deadline Summary of views from these meetings to be available by end September 1998. / · Logo for the INHOPE Forum designed in March in order to strengthen the identity of the Forum.
· Leaflet describing the project published in March and distributed widely through Childnet’s contacts.
· Web site established in April with detailed profiles of each of the hotlines and an explanation of the project’s aims.
· Web site attracts considerable interest from countries without hotlines.
· Work in the INHOPE Forum is publicised at a number of significant meetings and reactions sought.
· Joint Interpol/ECPAT meeting in Lyons in May to consider child pornography on the Internet. Strong backing for the initiative from police and industry.
· DGX meeting in June of those concerned about child protection in various media including the Internet.
· Bertelsmann Foundation conference in Germany in June on Child Safety on the Internet – leading to ongoing cooperation with the foundation.
· European Centre for Child Welfare conference in Glasgow in September.
· DGXIII Internet Working Party meetings in March and November leading to strong cooperation with DGXIII as they drafted the Internet Action Plan.
· Interpol Working Group on Offences against Minors in Ottawa in October. Childnet invited to attend and discuss the work of the INHOPE forum.
· DGXXIII meeting on Sex Tourism in Brussels; INHOPE forum given as an example of close cooperation.
· Inhope Forum featured in Childnet Annual Review in November.
Phase 4:
The way ahead
To review and advise how cooperation between hotlines can be taken forward.
A report setting out recommendations on how cooperation between hotlines and with law enforcement authorities can continue to be fostered, including consideration of funding.
Two meetings of working group established in Phase 2 to discuss and finalise report, which will be published on the web.
Report completed by mid November 1998. / · Two meetings of working group held in September and December.
· There is clear commitment to continuing the Forum and extending its work.
· Forum agrees that there should not be a more formal constitution for the time being.
· DGXIII publish tender proposals for the Action Plan on Safe Use of the Internet – these include under the hotlines heading work which precisely matches the agenda of issues identified by the Forum.
· Forum agrees to support a bid from Childnet to DGXIII for this work – detailed tenders are drafted and approved.
· Future of the Forum is secured and strong commitment in place to continue its work. This will be highlighted at the UNESCO conference on Child Pornography on the Internet in Paris in January.


Members of the Forum are convinced of its importance and are very keen to see it develop. They decided not to adopt a formal constitution for the time being but to continue as a forum for exchange of views and mutual support. The Forum has secured Daphne funding for its operation in 1999. Childnet International will continue to provide the Secretariat, and is involving Forum members in a research project on hotlines for DGXIII under the Action Plan on Safe Use of the Internet.



Network with other NGOs

Network/Public authorities

Sexual violence


Dissemination of Best Practice



Child Pornography

Telephone Helpline


EN - History of Inhope


ES- La historia de Inhope

FR -Historique d'Inhope


EN - History of Inhope

By 1995 Internet users, the Internet industry, governments and law enforcement agencies were aware that the Internet was being used by paedophiles for the publication and exchange of child pornography.

Other illegal activities were also migrating to the Internet (eg publication of extreme racist material).

Various national initiatives brought together the various stakeholders to consider how to prevent illegal activity and especially the abuse of children on the Internet.

In Germany a number of separate initiatives have commenced that were first discussed at the time of high profile court cases and parliamentary debates in 1995/96.

In June 1996 the first Internet child pornography hotline was established in the Netherlands by concerned individuals in theindustry and among users, with the support of the police. This was quickly followed by initiatives in Norway, Belgium

and the UK before the end of 1996.

Other countries began to take notice and plans for hotlines were being finalized in Austria, Ireland, Finland, Spain, and France.

The issue was extensively debated in other European countries as well. In March 1998 the USA launched its "cybertipline" which quickly became established as one of the busiest hotlines.

In 1997 Childnet International proposed that hotlines around the world should work more closely. It secured funding under the EC Daphne programme to establish a forum for European hotlines to meet and discuss common issues of concern.

Childnet International was established is 1995 as a non-profit organisation based in LondonUK with a mission to "promote children's interests in international communications".

The INHOPE Forum was formed and 8 hotlines regularly came together to form the INHOPE Association. The hotlines agreed the statutes of the association and it was formally established as a Dutch company on 23rd November 1999.

The first executive was elected on that date and Ruth Dixon was elected as inaugural President.

Today, there are 17 hotlines as full members of the INHOPE Association, 2 Provisional members and 1 associate member.

The organisation meets regularly to share and exchange knowledge and best practices in the operation of Internet Hotlines.



Geschichte von Inhope

Bereits im Jahr 1995 war Internet-Usern, der Internet-Industrie, den Regierungen und den Exekutivorganen bewusst, dass das Internet von Pädophilen für die Veröffentlichung und den Austausch von Kinderpornografie genutzt wird.

Auch andere illegale Handlungen wurden auf das Internet verlagert (z.B. die Veröffentlichung extrem rassistischen Materials).

Zahlreiche nationale Initiativen brachten die verschiedenen Interessengruppe an einen Tisch, um derartige illegale Aktivitäten und besonders den Missbrauch von Kindern im Internet zu verhindern.

In Deutschland wurden 1995/96, als erstmals gerichtliche Fälle unter großer öffentlicher Anteilnahme und in parlamentarischen Sitzungen diskutiert wurden, verschiedene unabhängige Hotlines gegründet

Im Juni 1996 wurde in den Niederlanden von besorgten Vertretern der Industrie sowie von Internet-Usern mit Unterstützung der Polizei die erste Hotline gegen Internet-Kinderpornografie gegründet. Diesem Beispiel folgten bis Ende dieses Jahres Initiativen in Norwegen, Belgien und Großbritannien.

Auch andere Staaten wurden auf die Problematik aufmerksam und in der Folge wurden Pläne für Hotlines in Österreich, Irland, Finnland, Spanien und Frankreich fertiggestellt. Die Problematik wurde auch in anderen Europäischen Ländern ausführlich diskutiert. Im März 1998 wurde in den USA die "CyberTipLine" gegründet, die binnen kürzester Zeit zu einer der am meisten in Anspruch genommenen Hotlines avancierte.

1997 machte Childnet International den Vorschlag, dass Hotlines rund um den Erdball enger zusammenarbeiten sollten und initiierte eine Förderung im Rahmen des EU Daphne Programms zur Schaffung eines Forums für europäische Hotlines, wo diese sich treffen und gemeinsame Problemfelder besprechen können.

Childnet International wurde 1995 als gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit Sitz in London, GB mit dem Zweck gegründet, die Interessen der Kinder in der internationalen Kommunikation zu fördern.

In der Folge wurde das INHOPE Forum gegründet, in dem 8 Hotlines regelmäßig zusammentrafen, um schließlich die INHOPE Association zu gründen. Die Mitglieder einigten sich auf Statuten und die Vereinigung wurde formell am 23. November 1999 als holländische Gesellschaft ins Leben gerufen. Die erste Geschäftsführung wurde an diesem Tag gewählt und Ruth Dixon zur einführenden Vorsitzenden ernannt.

Heute besteht die INHOPE Vereinigung aus 11 Vollmitgliedern, 1 vorläufige Mitglieder sowie 3 assoziierten Mitgliedern. Die Organisation trifft sich regelmäßig, um Erfahrungen und bewährte Verfahren bezüglich des Betriebes von Internet-Hotlines zu teilen und auszutauschen.


ES - La historia de Inhope

En 1995 los usuarios de Internet, así como la industría misma de internet, los gobiernos y las fuerzas de la ley ya sabían que Internet estabe siendo utilizado por pedófilos para la publicación e intercambio de pornografía infantil.

Otras actividades ilegales tambien estaban migrando hacia Internet (ej. publicaciones de material extremadamente racista).

Varias iniciativas nacionales reunieron a los (stakeholders) para pensar en cómo prevenir actividades ilegales, en especial el abuso de menores en Internet.

En Alemania han empezado varias iniciativas independientes que se hablaron por primera vez cuando salieron los primeros casos de mucha repercusión en los juzgados y en los debates parlamentarios en 1995/96.

En junio de 1996 se establizó la primera (hotline) de pornograf'ia infantil en Internet en Holanda tanto por personas preocupadas dentro de la industría como usuarios con el apoyo de la policía.

Esta fue rápidamente seguida por otras iniciativas en Noruega, Bélgica y el Reino Unido antes de finales de 1996.

Otros países empezaron a tomar nota y se estaban finalizando planes para nuevas (hotlines) en Austria, Irlanda, Finlandia, España, y Francia.

El asunto se estaba debatiendo extensivamente en otros paises europeos tambien. En marzo de 1998 USA lanzó su "cybertipline" que rápidamente se establizó como uno de los "Hotlines" más concurridos.

En 1997 Childnet International propuso que las (hotlines) en todo el mundo trabajasen mas unidos. Aseguró fondos bajo el programa EC Daphne para el establizamiento de un foro para que (hotlins) europeos se reuniesen y discutieran asuntos de preocupación.

Childnet International fue establicido en 1995 como organización benéfica con sede en Londres U.K. con la misión de " promocionar los intereses de los niños en las comuniciones internacionales".

Se formó el Foro Inhope y 8 (hotlines) se reunieron cada cierto tiempo para dar lugar a la Asociación INHOPE. Las (hotlines) se pusieron de acuerdo sobre los estatutos de la asociación y fue establicido formalmente como una empresa holandesa el 23 de noviembre 1999.

Se eligió el primer ejecutivo ese mismo día y Ruth Dixon fue elegida como presidenta inaugural.

Hoy, hay 11 (hotlines) como miembros plenarios en la asociación INHOPE, 1 miembro provisional y 3 miembros asociados.

La organización se reune periódicamente para compartir e intercambiar conocimientos y mejores prácticas en la operación de una (hotline) de Internet.


FR -Historique d'Inhope

Dès 1995 les internautes, l'industrie Internet, les gouvernements et les autorités répressives prennent conscience qu'Internet est utilisé par des pédophiles pour publier et échanger de la pornographie enfantine.

D'autres activités illégales telle la publication de contenus incitant à la haine raciale, migrent également vers le réseau.

Plusieurs initiatives nationales voient alors le jour et étudient les moyens de lutte contre les activités illégales, en particulier contre les abus sexuels sur les mineurs.

Ceci notamment en Allemagne, suite à plusieurs procès médiatisés et des débats parlementaires en 1995/96.

En juin 1996, la première hotline contre la pornographie enfantine est créée aux Pays-Bas par l?industrie et avec le soutien de la Police.

Cette initiative est rapidement suivie en Norvège, en Belgique et au Royaume-Uni, avant fin 1996.

D'autres pays font de même et des hotlines voient le jour en France, en Autriche, en Irlande, en Finlande et en Espagne. La question est largement débattue dans d'autres pays européens. En mars 1998, les Etats-Unis lancent "cybertipline" qui devient rapidement l'une des hotlines les plus actives en terme de nombre de signalements reçus.

En 1997 Childnet International propose aux différentes hotlines de travailler ensemble et obtient des fonds européens (Daphne Programme) pour mettre en place un forum de hotlines européennes destiné à discuter des problématiques communes.

Childnet International, association à but non lucratif localisée à Londres, est créée en 1995, avec la mission de promouvoir les intérêts des enfants dans les communications internationales.

Le forum INHOPE qui réunit 8 hotlines, devient l'Association INHOPE. Les hotlines ont défini des statuts et l'Association INHOPE, de droit hollandais, est créée le 23 novembre 1999.

Le premier bureau de l'association est élu le jour même, et Ruth Dixon en est élu Président. Aujourd'hui 11 hotlines sont membres de l'association, 1 hotline est membre "provisoire" et 3 hotlines sont membres associés.

Les membres de l'association se réunissent régulièrement pour partager leur expertise et échanger les meilleures pratiques.