Phan Thi Minh Thuong

Hoang Giang Vinh




Unit 3: PARTY


Content of the tasks in the lesson:

Writing a letter of invitation

Task 1: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.

1.  On what occasions are patties help?

2.  What kind of clothes do people often wear at a party?

3.  What kind of presents do people often bring to a party?

Task 2: Complete the letter of invitation below with the words/phrases in the box.

winners at my house to come
to cook by Monday refreshment

67 Ngoc Ha Street

Hanoi, Vietnam

Dear Minh Hanh,

I am having a New Year’s Eve party (1) ------at 7 p.m on 31 December. Would you like (2) ------? Most of our classmates have been invited, too. There will be lost of (3) ------and some special foods that I myself am going (4) ------. Of course, there will be dancing and some games with nice prizes for the (5) ------Please let me know (6) ------whether you can come.


An Duc

Task 3: You are going to hold a party. You want to invite your classmates to the party. Write a letter of invite of invitation, following these guidelines.

o  What party are you going to organize?

o  Where and when do you intend to organize the party?

o  How many people do you plan to invite and who are they?

o  What activities will take place at the party?

o  What food and drink will be served at the party?


a)  Good points:

-  Clear instructions, especially, in task 3, it has set the scene for students.

-  It supplies the sample of the letter of invitation to a party (task 2).

-  Task 3 gives students some cues to write a letterà it seem easier for students to write a letter.

b)  Bad points:

-  The content of task 1 is not related to letter of invitation.

-  It doesn’t have useful language.


1.  Aims:

-  Helping ss know content of a letter of invitation.

-  Providing ss some useful expressions.

2. Procedure:

1)  Task 1: Replace

Brainstorm the content of a letter of invitation

- Step 1: T elicits the main content of an invitation letter from students. Students (ss) just answer/ guess based on their background knowledge.

+ Expected answers: occasion, time, place, games, foods, drinks, for whom, etc.

-Step 2: T gives the diagram 1 to confirm the students’ correct answers and improve on the general ideas

2) Task 2: Add

After ss completed task 2, teacher helps ss apply some useful expressions in the letter.

Step1: teacher gives Ss useful expressions.

Step 2: teacher guides Ss to use useful expressions.

Useful expressions:


- Would you like + V_to inf?

- Are you free

- How about +V_ing?

- Do you feel like

- Can we/shall we

- We are glad if you can…

- Let’s+ + V_bare- inf?

- Why don’t we/you

3) Task 3: (page 38) (remain)

Evaluation Criteria

Criteria / Description
Knowledge & application / Students demonstrate a good knowledge of ELT and a successful application of theory to practice.
Creativity / Students demonstrate a degree of creativity in the application.
Clarity / The assignment is clear and understandable.
Criteria / Score
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Knowledge & Application / ü
Creativity / ü
Clarity / ü
Total score: / 10/15
Comments / The provision of the structure of a letter is actually not of great help. If you want to analyse the structure, it’s best to do that with a sample letter.