/ KCB Senior Circuit Meet
January 9-10, 2015 /
SANCTION: / ·  Held under the Sanction of Missouri Valley Swimming, Inc. on behalf of USA Swimming, Inc., Sanction Number MV-15-14
LOCATION: / Roeland Park Aquatic Center
2850 Rosewood Dr
Roeland Park, KS
FACILITY / 25 yard pool with 10 lanes and non-turbulant lane lines. Daktronics 2000 Timing System with 2 back up timers per lane and 1 lane scoreboard will be used. Racing course is 12.5 feet deep in the deep end and 4 feet deep in the shallow end. The competition course has not been certified in accordance with 104.2.2C(4).
·  Email:
·  Antioch Park
6501 Antioch Rd
Merriam, KS 66202
·  913-236-1231
ELIGIBILITY / ·  All swimmers must be registered as 2015 athlete members of USA Swimming.
·  The Missouri Valley Registration Chair will verify registration of entrants prior to the meet. Clubs who have entered unregistered swimmers must pay for their swimmers' registrations before they may participate in the meet.
·  Age of the swimmer on the first day of the meet determines age classification for the entire meet.
DISABILITY SWIMMERS: / ·  Athletes with a disability are welcomed and shall provide advance notice of desired accommodations to the Meet Director.
·  The athlete (or the athlete's coach) is also responsible for notifying the session referee of any disability prior to the competition.
ENTRIES / ·  Entries must be sent via email in a Hy-Tek compatible file. Hard copies of all entries must accompany fees and sent to the entry chair listed above.
·  Swimmers must enter with a 15-16 USA Motivational “A” Time Standard Qualifying times.
·  Swimmers are limited to 3 events per session with 2 “bonus” events for the meet.
·  Swimmers are limited to 6 events for the meet.
·  Swimmers are limited to 5 events per day.
·  Relays are not limited and do not count against total events for the meet.
·  Entries must be in SCY or LCM times only. LCM times will be seeded last.
·  Entries must be received by the Entry Chair by 10:00 PM on Monday, January 5, 2015.
FORMAT / ·  The meet will be a “timed finals” meet with “Open” events.
WARM-UP: / ·  Friday: Warm-ups: 4:00 PM, Meet Start: 5:15 PM
·  Saturday Morning: Warm-ups: 8:00 AM, Meet Start: 9:15 AM
·  Saturday Afternoon: Warm-ups: 3:30 PM, Meet Start: 4:45 PM
• Warm-up assignments will be posted around the pool for ALL Sessions. Swimmers may not dive
into the pool during general warm-up. Swimmers must enter the pool by stepping in feet first, or
sitting and sliding in, in a safe and cautious manner.
• Entering in any other manner may result in the disqualification from one or more of the swimmer’s
events for that session at the discretion of the Meet Referee. Swimmers may dive during a
designated sprint warm up.
FEES: / Individual events: $4.50 per event
Relays: $7.00 per event
SEEDING: / This will be a pre-seeded meet.
Positive Check in for 1650:
Positive check in for the 1650 will close at 4:45 on Friday night. Failing to check in for the 1650 will result in the swimmers being “scratched” from the event.
RULES / • MVS Safety Guidelines and Warm-up procedures will be in effect. The Meet Announcer will be
available during the warm-up sessions to assist with announcing procedures and conduct of the
warm-up period.
·  All athletes must be 2015 registered athlete members of USA Swimming. All registrations will be
verified by the MVS Registration Chair prior to the meet.
·  Current (2015) USA Swimming membership is required for coaches and working officials to be on deck. Coaches must be current with all safety certifications and background check requirements. At the request of the Meet Referee or special designee, coaches and officials must present their USA Swimming credentials. Persons without a valid 2015 USAS Coach Membership will not be allowed access to the deck area and will not be allowed to participate in any coaching capacity.
·  Any swimmer entered in the meet unaccompanied by a USA Swimming member coach must be
certified by a USA Swimming member coach as being proficient in performing a racing start or
must start each race from the water. It is the responsibility of the swimmer or the swimmer’s legal
guardian to ensure compliance with this requirement.
·  Changing into or out of swimsuits other than in locker rooms or other designated areas is prohibited.
·  Coaches meetings may be held 15 minutes prior to the start of each preliminary session and/or
other times as requested by the Meet Referee.
·  To assure coaches and officials adequate visibility of the swimming venue, all spectators,
including athletes, are requested to remain four (4) feet or more from the edge of the pool.
Swimmers are to use the crash area and not the bleachers during the meet. The bleachers are to
be used for viewing the meet when your swimmers are swimming.
·  The meet will be paced at the discretion of the Meet Referee. At the request of the swimmer’s
coach and at the discretion of the Meet Referee, at least 15 minutes will occur between swims for
the same individual.
·  Use of audio or visual recording devices, including a cell phone, is not permitted in changing
areas, rest rooms, locker rooms, or behind the blocks.
·  It is understood and agreed that USA Swimming shall be free from any liabilities or claims for
damages arising by reason of injuries to anyone during the conduct of the event.
OFFICIALS: / ·  Officials must display a 2015 USA Swimming membership card while acting in any official
capacity on the deck of the pool.
·  Meet Referee:
Amy Hoppenrath

·  Administrative Official:
Chas Peterson

RESULTS / Final Results will be posted on the Missouri Valley Swimming website and may include the swimmers name, age, time and USA Swimming number. Also, results will be available on the KCB website (kcblazers.com) the following day in both Team Manager and Meet Manager formats.
KCB Senior Circuit Meet
Warm-Ups: 4:00 PM / Friday Afternoon / Meet Start: 5:15 PM
Women / Event / Men
1 / Open 200 IM / 2
3 / Open 50 Freestyle / 4
5 / Open 1650 Free / 7
Warm-Ups: 7:30 AM / Saturday Morning / Meet Start: 8:45 AM
Women / Event / Men
7 / Open 200 Medley Relay / 8
9 / Open 200 Freestyle / 10
11 / Open 100 Backstroke / 12
13 / Open 200 Butterfly / 14
15 / Open 100 Breaststroke / 16
17 / Open 400 IM / 18
Warm Ups: Not before 3:30 PM
Women / Saturday Afternoon
Event / Meet Start: Not before 4:45 PM
19 / Open 200 Freestyle Relay / 20
21 / Open 100 Butterfly / 22
23 / Open 200 Backstroke / 24
25 / Open 100 Freestyle / 26
27 / Open 200 Breaststroke / 28
29 / Open 500 Freestyle / 30