Research Administration Services during Furlough
Office of Sponsored Programs
Office of Research Compliance
Office of Technology Licensing
Georgia Tech has designated December 21 through 24 as the period during which many employees will be furloughed. However, Georgia Tech will not be closed and many research activities will continue uninterrupted. In order to support these activities, most research administration offices have arranged to provide core services during the designated furlough period. Employees who work during the designated period in December will be furloughed in November. The guidance below may assist researchers in planning for these time periods.
Please Note: All the offices and units listed above will be closed on:
November 26-27, 2009,
December 24, 2009, and
December 25, 2009 – January 1, 2010.
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) including the Industry Contracting Office will remain open during the furlough period except as noted above. However, the office will have a reduced staff from November 23 through 25 and from December 21 through 23. With reduced staffing, the Office of Sponsored Programs will likely be unable to respond to proposals submitted on the day of a deadline. Each division in OSP will have designated back-ups for furloughed Contracting Officers. Principal Investigators should notify their Contracting Officers of upcoming proposals so that OSP can manage back-up coverage as employees are furloughed.
Some Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) programs have proposal deadlines on on January 1. The Industry Contracting Office will accept subcontract proposals to be included in company proposals until 5:00 pm on December 22.
OSP will respond to requests for no-cost extensions and prior approvals as workloads permit during the furlough periods. Please contact the designated back-up for urgent matters.
The e-Business Office and Distribution Center will have a regular staff member or trained back-up available during furloughs but pre-planning is important especially for those who need new passwords or IDs for federal proposal submission systems. Principal Investigators who anticipate the need for a small business subcontracting plan to include in a proposal should contact the Contracting Officer at least two business days before the proposal must be released to OSP for submission.
The Office of Research Compliance will have Compliance Officers available every day except December 24. For IRB, IACUC, and Institutional Biosafety Committee meeting dates and important deadlines, please consult the website at For export control matters between November 23 and 25, call (404) 894-4812 (Legal Affairs) or (404) 894-6949 (Research Compliance). For export control matters between December 21 and 23, please call (404) 385-2083 (Research Compliance).
GTRC and GTARC will operate with reduced staffing during the weeks of November 23 through 25 and December 21 through 23 and will be closed on December 24. Please submit all reimbursement requests to GTRC by November 20 and December 18 for checks to be cut during the weeks of Thanksgiving and prior to Winter Break, respectively. No animal orders will be processed either week; check for deadlines. Business class airline tickets will not be released during either week; all tickets should be booked well in advance of the holidays and furlough period.
The Office of Technology Licensing will operate normally except during the designated furlough week, December 21 through 24, during which it will be closed. For urgent matters, call (404) 894-4819.
Emergency contact information for all research administration offices will be provided on answering machine messages and on the on the websites at and at
The Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting will not be open as usual for business but a member of management will be assigned to monitor "gc.ask" (or "spd.ask") during the furlough period. The following auto-reply message will be added to all e-mail accounts on December 14:
"Please be advised that Georgia Tech campus operations will be curtailed during the December 21-24, 2009 period due to the Institute’s implementation of the mandatory State of Georgia employee furlough program. In addition, the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting will be closed during the Institute’s winter break period of December 25, 2009 through January 1, 2010.
Emergency requests during the December 21-24, 2009 furlough period should be directed to ."
A similar notification has been provided to Private, Industry, and University sponsors as part of the October and November invoice packages.
Important Dates
TRANSACTION / DEADLINEProposals to be submitted between November 23 and 25 / November 20, noon
GTRC & GTARCreimbursements before November 25 / November 20
Business class airfare for tickets to be issued before November 25 / November 20
Procurements on approved IACUC protocols, November delivery / November 18, noon
Proposals to be submitted between December 21 and January 4 / December 18, noon
GTRC & GTARC reimbursements to be issued before January 4 / December 18
Business class airfare for tickets to be issued before January 4 / December 18
Procurements on approved IACUC protocols, December delivery / December 16, noon
SBIR subcontract proposals for January 1 deadlines / December 22
Office of Technology Licensing / Closed December 21-24
Office of Research Compliance
Office ofSponsored Programs / Closed December 24