Glorification of peace, well-being and prosperity
The National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi hosted celebrations dedicated to the national holiday Navruz.
Navruz - an invaluable heritage of our ancestors, since time immemorial embodying the best national values and traditions of our people, their good intentions and aspirations, during the years of independence has become a truly national holiday which all our fellow citizens regardless of nationality, language and religion are looking forward to.
In accordance with the Decree of the Head of our state "On the preparation and conduct of the national holiday Navruz in 2016" all-round preparation for the holiday was carried out across the country. Our people welcome this holiday with new successes, thank for the bright days and enjoy life.
March 21. the National Park of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi is festively decorated.
The senators and deputies, government members, men of science, culture and art, foremost people in industry, entrepreneurs, representatives of foreign embassies and representative offices of international organizations accredited in our country, young people attend the celebration.
10:30 am. President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov arrives at the square.
Gathered people meet the Head of our state with applause.
Theme song rings.
President Islam Karimov delivered a welcoming speech at the celebrations dedicated to the Navruz holiday.
These days, when the nature awakens, flowers blossom and the entire surrounding is attired in green, I am greatly happy from the bottom of my heart to congratulate you, my dear fellow countrymen, and in your person, our whole nation on this remarkable holiday of Navruz, said the head of our state.
Navruz is the Oriental New Year with history of several millennia, which traces back with its roots to the period of «Avesto», the ancient and truly national holiday – free from any ideological and political trends. This is our most beloved and most beautiful festival of spring for all of us. Navruz - the day of the vernal equinox, which marks the beginning of a new year on the eastern calendar, embodies the traditions and customs, the eternal values of our people.
These days when the bright sun awakened nature each of us is unwittingly imbued with the spirit of spring, and we feel ourselves to be an inalienable and inseparable part of nature, we feel new strength and energy.
In these radiant and joyful moments in each and every community, foothills, gardens and grasslands of our country our fellow countrymen gather around the dastarkhans (festively laid national table) decorated with such rare viands as sumalak, khalim, kuksomsa and guja, and strive to share these springtime edibles with their family, kin and friends.
No one will remain indifferent that our people, irrespective of their nationality and ethnicity, indulge in festive mood and spend this wonderful holiday with profound joy and bliss. And they congratulate on such an occasion not only the people they know, but also those they don’t know by embracing and wishing them a sound health, happiness, prosperity and good luck.
Taking this opportunity, said Islam Karimov, I would like to express my sincere wishes, love and esteem to you, my dears, who have gathered in this sublime and beautiful square, and our entire nation.
The humanistic spirit and immortal values of Navruz are carefully passed from generation to generation. No matter how many years and epochs pass by, filling with even more profound meaning and content these very idea and customs are still nowadays playing an important role in the life of our people.
It is well-known from our millennia-old history, noted the Head of our state, in the season of Navruz any resentments and quarrels are forgotten, such humane feelings as mercy and clemency, compassion and generosity become stronger among people, nations and ethnicities.
The widespread approval of such high values of Navruz in the life, certainly would have contributed to the prevention of the tensions, conflicts and confrontations ever aggravating now in the international arena, and still ongoing bloodshed, as well as to resolving the emerging problems only by way of peace and political negotiations. Just this very approach would have met the aspirations and interests of all the nations of the world.
I am confident that in these days on the eve of the Oriental New Year, if someone asks our time-tested, kind-hearted and compassionate people, who endured so many hardships and always preserve virtue and mercy in the depth of their hearts, about their most sincere wishes in the coming year – the answer, without any doubt, will be certain: we need peace and tranquility, stressed the President of our country.
The determining factor of such a solid position in life can be seen, above all, in our ancient history, multifaceted great culture, invaluable heritage left by our great scientists and thinkers, who greatly contributed to the progress of human civilization, and in the fact that for many centuries our Homeland has been the center of spirituality and enlightenment.
Moreover, it is an open secret that from the earliest times such qualities pertaining to our people as magnanimity, tolerance, humaneness, kindness, and such characteristics as performing the God-pleasing deeds and providing righteous services in supporting those in need, receiving the blessings of elderly people, showing concern for ones without parental care, have penetrated deep into the flesh and blood of our nation.
All these phenomena have been passed through the centuries from generation to generation, enriched and eventually turned into kind human ideas, laid a solid foundation for high spiritual worldview and practical guideline of our people.
Naturally, our nation, who has such noble and rare features and qualities, lives with pure dreams and aspirations, strives for peace and prosperity, wishes for clear and blue sky, no doubt, will build its relations with all countries on the basis of mutual respect, friendship and accord, consideration of mutual interests. And our most important, priority task – to protect our country from any evils and threats.
In these joyous moments, on your behalf and on behalf of our entire nation, allow me to congratulate on the holiday of Navruz, express sincere respect and wholeheartedly welcome the ambassadors of foreign countries, representatives of international organizations, foreign partners and all our dear guests who are participating at our Navruz festivities in this beautiful square, said Islam Karimov.
Our humble, generous and big-hearted people, who are greatly contributing by their courageous work and steadfastness to make Uzbekistan more prosperous and flourishing, are making the world community surprised by their accomplishments and achievements, and are firmly resisting any forces of evil, steadily following the chosen path, highly appreciating and preserving their independence, evoke admiration by all. Standing on this high rostrum, I consider it my duty to bow low before and render homage to our people, who feature such noble qualities, said the Head of our state.
Addressing the Uzbekistan’s youth, who are our support and buttress, Islam Karimov said: the severely changing time that we experience and which is becoming more complicated puts forward before all of us the following tasks: first of all, my dear children, you are required to thoroughly master the modern knowledge and professions, utilize the intellectual wealth. Along with this, the time requires to take the competitiveness of our country in the international arena to a new level, continue modernization and diversification of our economy, and turn it into a locomotive of our progress.
Along the path of achieving these very great objectives, I believe that you, my dears, are able to justify the confidence of our people and Motherland, and I stand ready to always support all of you, stressed President of our country.
At the end of his speech, Islam Karimov from the bottom of his heart once again congratulated all people of Uzbekistan on the holiday of Navruz and wished all compatriots peace and tranquility, happiness and good health, prosperity and abundance.
... The bright sun is shining in a clear sky. Huge balloons are floating in aloft around the majestic square. Variegated flags and colorful flowers gladden the eyes.
Verdant trees, flowered decoration around a scene remind of the abundant gardens and fertile fields of our country. The sight which is familiar and close to the heart of each of our compatriot, gives upbeat mood.
Sounds of karnay-surnays ring over the square. In such life-asserting moment the hearts of our compatriots whose aspirations and thoughts are in tune with the process of awakening and renewal happening in the nature, overfill with joy and boundless gratitude for the fact that they are lucky enough once again to meet Navruz in a health, for a peaceful and prosperous life.
Navruz – messenger of any novelty and goodness. In 2015, a few days after Navruz, on March 29 an important political event in the life of our country took place - elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan were conducted. In this process which took place in full accordance with democratic principles, 90.39 percent of voters voted for Islam Karimov. This proves that our people adequately assess the enormous merits of Islam Karimov in comprehensive development of the country, building a democratic state and civil society, and improving the quality of life, and they support the continuation of ongoing reforms in all spheres.
... Under the sounds of beautiful melodies which awake spring mood in the hearts, beautiful nature and modern look of our country, the unique ancient monuments and magnificent buildings, well-planned and prosperous towns and villages appear before our eyes.
Folk songs are sounded, the folklore and ethnographic ensembles perform. Sumalyak is prepared in Kazans (spots), hot cakes are taken out from tandyrs, the young men and women sing and dance around.
In Uzbekistan the peace and tranquility, interethnic accord are recognized as a supreme value. The atmosphere of kindness, mercy, harmony and generosity is approved in our society.
Due to the peace and stability the prestige of our country in the international community is increasing. Most developed countries and leading international organizations are cooperating with Uzbekistan.
Another proof of this is an official visit of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to our country in June 2015.
Uzbekistan's initiatives on ensuring the peace and security in the region, the fight against terrorism and crime, solving the environmental issues, health promotion, development of science, culture and art are widely supported by the UN. Our country is effectively cooperating with this organization and a number of its structures.
An international music festival "Sharq taronalari" organized on the initiative of the President of our country took place for the tenth time in 2015. This musical forum conducted under the auspices of the UNESCO, serves for the development of cultural dialogue among peoples, peace and tranquility.
Our country is committed to the course of peacefulness.
The peace - is the main factor of development. There is advancement, where peace and tranquility are, and people live with the spirit of creativity and kindness. The stable economic growth of our country confirms this.
During the years of independence Uzbekistan's economy grew by almost 6 times, real income per capita - more than 9 times. Despite the ongoing global downturn our country is among the few countries in the world which are developing steadily. The growth rate of gross domestic product has been exceeding 8 percent over the past eleven years. A balance of macroeconomic indicators, the sustainable performance of a surplus of the State budget and balance of payments, growth of export and foreign exchange reserves are being ensured.
This is the result of the "Uzbek model" of development initiated by the President of our country which was fully supported by our people and has been widely recognized in the world. These achievements - the result of selfless labor of our people - are appreciated worldwide. International expert organizations, prestigious rating agencies highly estimate the current state and prospects of development of our country.
Last year, a ranking of countries with rapidly growing economies was announced at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. In the list on the basis of the forecast of the World Bank "Global Economic Development" Uzbekistan took the fifth place among countries with the highest annual growth in 2014-2017 years.
Structural reforms, modernization, technical and technological renovation of sectors of the economy have been consistently continuing. In 2015, investments in the amount of 15 billion 800 million US dollars were attracted for these purposes at the expense of all sources of financing. Furthermore, 158 large manufacturing entities totaling 7 billion 400 million US dollars were commissioned.
Together with South Korean investors and specialists the Ustyurt Gas Chemical Complex worth more than 4 billion US dollars was built on the basis of field Surgil, the "Afrosiyob" high-speed electric train service was established on a railway section Samarkand – Karshi. All these cause us great satisfaction and pride.
Growth and development in all areas are also reflected in the new image of our country. A large-scale creative work is carried out in towns and villages. Last year, dozens of modern multi-storey buildings, new roads and bridges were built in Tashkent. 12 000 houses on standard projects and about 170 infrastructure facilities were built in the countryside. As a result of this work the face of our cities and villages is changing and improving the life quality of the people.
According to the program of support of young people, young families receive apartments in buildings "Kamolot" which are a great help in finding a worthy place in life and upbringing children with harmoniously developed personality.
In the days of Navruz the inherent qualities of our people, as kindness, mercy, magnanimity and generosity become more stronger. All people visit each other, promote the health of patients. Venerable aksakals and mothers are under special attention and honor.
The announcement of 2015 as the Year of Attention and Care for the Older Generation on the initiative of the President of our country further increased the efficiency of work on the provision of respect and honor for the elder people, moral and material support to the veterans, strengthening their health, creating them even more convenience.
The amount of pension is increased by more than 20 percent for the purpose of financial support of the older generation. Pay rise of 100 percent of the minimum wage to the pensions of centenarians who reached 100 years of age, are introduced. Participants of the Second World War and the rear of the front received free treatment in sanatoria and health resorts.
... The children appear on the scene, and the square is filled with their joyful laughter. Merry songs and fiery dances even more raise the festive mood.
These are children who were born in the years of independence, using the special attention and care of the state grow up healthy and strong. In Uzbekistan, the idea that our children should be a stronger, better educated, wiser, and certainly happier than us, is set as a priority.
Under the guidance of President of our country in the first years of independence, special attention was paid to the upbringing of healthy generation, and this noble work continues sequentially. All conditions for strengthening maternal health, birth and formation of healthy children have been creating. Reforms on the improvement of the quality of life, the enhancement of health systems, the development of children's sports serve these high goals.
Upbringing of our young people as inferior to no one is also reflected in international competitions and contests. Last year alone, our athletes participated in 165 international competitions and won 983 medals. Young musicians and artists got 137 prizes at prestigious international competitions.
On the initiative our President 2016 was declared as the Year of a Healthy Mother and Healthy Child in our country, and this serves as yet another clear proof of special attention to this area.
… Classical music sounds over the square. Opera arias and ballet numbers, songs performed in different languages rejoice participants of the festival and foreign guests.
- Navruz is celebrated in Uzbekistan with great festive and joy, - said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to our country Fumihiko Kato. - It is noteworthy that your national traditions are perceived with great pride by the people, especially the youth. We were very pleased with the consistent development of cooperation between our countries in all spheres in the spirit of friendship and mutual trust on mutually beneficial basis. Taking this opportunity, I congratulate the people of Uzbekistan on Navruz!