ElderNetof Lower Merionand Narberth

9 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue, Bryn Mawr, PA19010

Tel: (610)-525-0706 Fax (610)-525-7106 Website: www. eldernetonline.org

Liz Hill, Volunteer Coordinator:

Volunteer Application

Date: ______

Name: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______(Home) E-mail: ______

______(Work) May we call you at work? Yes____ No____

______(Cell) Please indicate with a * the best way to reach you.

How did you hear about us? ______

Date of birth: ______Race: ______(for statistical purposes)

Do you drive? Y____ N____ Will you drive our clients? Y____ N____Type of car/color: ______

If you are drivingas part of your volunteer service for ElderNet, we will ask for a copy of your license and proof of insurance card at the time of application and annually thereafter. Please update us if you change insurers. Thank you!



Name Phone# E-mail

How does s/he know you? For how long? ______


Name Phone # E-mail

How does s/he know you? For how long?______


Name Phone # E-mail

How does s/he know you? For how long? ______

Skills you’d like to offer: ____________

Bi-lingual? ______Computer skills?____________

Your occupation & company: __________

Organizations you belong to:______

Any organizations you volunteer with: ______

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ElderNet serves a varied population. Who would you like to help?

Any_____ Elderly_____ Younger disabled adults_____ Mental health_____ Visually impaired_____

How would you like to help?

Driving to: medical appts: Locally_____ Center City_____ Gov’t officesin Norristown_____

Grocery shopping: With Clients_____ For Clients_____ Essential Errands to Bank, Pharmacy, etc_____

Telephone reassurance: A friendly call to your client each morning _____

Friendly Visits: Companion activities (visit, read to, go for walks)_____ Read mail, pay bills_____

Fill out forms_____ Go on short outings_____ Do small projects_____

Odd Jobs: Small repairs/handyman_____ Yard work_____ Shovel Snow _____ Paint _____ Help client prepare for a move_____ House Cleaning_____ Clean out a closet/cupboard_____ Laundry _____

Office volunteer: ______

Volunteering with ElderNet is very flexible!

When are you generally available? (days of week/time of day)______

Are you interested in helping…

1 x Week____ 2 xMonth____ 1 x Month____ Other______

When can you start? ______

Please note: For the safety of our clients, ElderNet must perform a criminal background check on volunteers.

There is no cost to the volunteer. We will need a copy of your legal ID for the background check.

Any former first/last names:______

I have read this form, understand the questions, and have represented my information factually.


For office use:

Interview ______Date & Initial ______Email/hours ______

Background: ______Date & Initial: ______Newsletter ______

D’s Lic & Ins: ______Card file ______

VolMan ______

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