WRITTEN BY: Stephen Gomez, Obdulia Gonzalez, Yolanda Garcia De Cruz, Armando Romero
Grade: 9-12 / Date: 6/01/12 / Time:Subject: language arts / Topic: corridos/romances
Set: / Journal entry: students will write about a time when their everyday life was disrupted in some way. This event could be a humorous anecdote, a celebration, or a serious event.
Objectives and
Purpose: / Students will learn about the traditional Mexican musical form of corridos. Students will:
· Analyze traditional corridos
· Analyze themes and literary devices
· Write original corridos
Materials: / Dr. Dolores Duran-Cerda’s introduction to corridos. https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=ZGVmYXVsdGRvbWFpbnx1YXN1bW1lcmluc3RpdHV0ZTIwMTJ8Z3g6NWFmMmYzOGI1NmY0NTk2Yw
Input: / Kennedy Center Arts Edge introduction, lesson plans, and materials for teaching traditional corridos.
Modeling: / · Inform students that corridos are written in response to current events.
· Introduce the corridor structure from Dr. Dolores Duran-Cerda’s power point
· Tell students that the horse is an important animal/symbol in Mexican culture. (the conquista, transportation, cattle ranching, horse racing)
· Hand out lyrics to the corrido “El Moro de Cumpas” by Leonardo Yanez, which tells the story of a famous horse race that took place near Agua Prieta, Mexico.
Point out:
· Race horses are often given human characteristics
· The theme of making judgments based on appearances
· The theme of gambling
· How this corrido creates suspense by withholding the winner of the race until the last two lines
Check for
Understanding: / · Evidence of understanding through participation in class discussion.
· Evidence of recognizing the corrido form.
Guided Practice: / In small groups, students will select an event from their journal entry and together will write a brief corrido of two or three stanzas of 4-6 lines each stanza.
Independent Practice: / Students will write an original corrido about an important event, person, or situation, using traditional corrido form.
Closure: / Students will share their “group corrido” and receive comments from the teacher and peers.
Evaluation: Students Self / Students will present and /or perform their original corridos in class.