Berwickshire Community Safety Panel

Minutes of theOrdinary Meeting of the Panel held on Wednesday,13th March 2011 in SBC Council Chamber.

1.PresentwereColin Baxter, Keith Hall,Ian Jarvie, Julie Rileyand Carolyn Veitchtogether with andPCs Justin HulfordandRonnie Richardson.

2.Apologieshad been received from John Lamont, Dave McKinley,David Morrison,Frances Renton Laurie Wood, Insp Andy Clark,Sgt Jacqui McGuigan and PC Jamie Stewart.

3.Welcome –Keith welcomed everyoneto the meeting and wished Laurie a speedy recovery.

4.The minutes of12th Januarywere approved,proposed byRonnieand seconded by Carolyn.

5.Matters Arising

Student Packs –work continues on this – Frances is following up.

Emergency Services Display –Paxton on 26th June 2011 – Ronnie will speak with Helen Newlands and/or Keith Guthrie to finalise arrangements – Ronnie has made first contact the NFU but is to follow this up.

Duns Show – 6th August – Frances to pass Secretary’s details to Ronnie.

Whitsome Fair – on 4th June – Ronnie will pass details to PC Nick Walker.

Neighbourhood Watch –to promote ‘watches’ it was thought that one of the Community Constables could speak about the scheme to the Berwickshire Community Council Forum.

Blue Light Events –no immediate ideas were forthcoming but Justin will speak with Nick to see if anything comes to mind – the need to find a way of replenishing funds once grants are drawn down was discussed but no conclusion reached.

Joint Panel –disquiet was expressed at the reported action of the Joint Panel apparently taking decisions at an inquorate meeting – Keith and Frances will keep us informed.

Bogus Caller – the initiative is working well with potential ‘cold callers’ seeking advice from Police personnel – there are ideas about taking in more communities but funding will have to be found to pay for them.

Gear up for the Winter –Keith is working on an application to Blackhill Windfarm Community Scheme to fund 1,000 high visibility waistcoats.

Perspex Leaflet Holders –these have been delivered and stored in Keith’s garage – Ian is to draft a note for each Berwickshire Village Hall.

Karen Balfour Award – this year’s ceremony is expected to be on 26th October in EyemouthHigh School – a meeting had been held on 24th March and we await the minute – next meeting is planned for 24th May – the organising committee is looking for a sponsor for the event.

Useful Telephone Numbers –a first draft is still to be circulated.

WOOFs – the bags have been ordered with delivery expected in early June – it is hoped to get some publicity in the next issue of SBConnect and in a Berwickshire Housing Association newsletter.

Farm Watch – Ronnie had circulated information.

Storage Racks – Ian is ordering a set of racking for our leaflets (we have still to go through the stock).

6.Financial Report

No financial report.

7.Any Other Business

It is noted with sadness the death of Charles Curry, an active member of this Panel in the early part of this century.

A series of Berwickshire Housing Association Tenants’ Information Days is to be held – 21st May in Duns Legion; 4th June in Eyemouth Parish Church Hall; 18th June in Coldstream Community Centre (all from 0900 to 1500) – these are being organised by the tenants – it was suggested that Elaine Auld be invited to promote the Falls Strategy scheme, perhaps Ian Lothian of Duns First Responders – also discussed was the presence of a Fire & Rescue appliance, someone from the Mediation Service and Victim Support.

NationalFalls Strategy – as a result of the discussion surrounding the previous item it was agreed that Elaine Auld should be invited to speak to the Panel about her role.

8.Dates of Next Meetings

Wednesday, 1st June 2011 at 7pm in Duns – this will be our AGM

Wednesday, 10th August 2011 at 7pm in Duns

Wednesday, 5th October 2011 at 7pm in Duns

Berwickshire Community Safety Panel – minutes of 13th April 2011 page 1 of 1