Tamar Rowing Club Inc.

Hall Hire Agreement (Terms and Conditions)

Hall Hire Fee: $200.00 Booking Deposit: $50.00 Bond: $100.00 : Barperson Fee $50 per 50 persons or $100 for more than 50 persons.

1. A nonrefundable deposit of $50.00 is payable as confirmation of Hall hire booking ( at time of booking)

2. The bond & the balance of the Hall hire fee is payable upon receipt of Hall keys on day of hire

3. The Hall IS NOT available for hire for 18th Birthday Parties, Bucks Parties or similar event

4. A “Responsible Person” will be assigned to monitor the key “Entertainment Venue License” requirements during the function, ie. Noise; Emergency Response; Alcohol and Security Management. This person must review, sign and return the “Responsibilities of the Nominated Responsible Person” form before the function can proceed.

5. General Noise Pollution Regulations apply at all times – Any fines for noise pollution breaches are payable by the hirer - Function must be contained within the Hall after 10:00 PM. No Live or Recorded Music to be played in the Hall after 11:30 PM - Hall must be vacated by Midnight – Please respect our neighbours when leaving the area.

6. Failure to comply with any noise restriction WILL result in Bond being forfeited – Any incidents during the Hire that result in complaints from the neighbours or the Police attending WILL result in Bond being forfeited

7. No Smoking inside the Hall is permitted

8. The Hall may be Decorated – Tape or blue tack only – No staples or tacks - All decorations, tape and blue tack must be removed at the conclusion of the hire

9. All tables and chairs are to be stacked neatly after use.

10. The Hirer is responsible for any damage to the Club, its memorabilia, equipment and furniture. Any damage WILL result in Bond being forfeited

11. General rubbish to be removed and placed in the bin provided

12. The Hirer will ensure the toilets are clean & the bar kitchen floors are swept mopped before leaving.

13. The Hirer will ensure all food is removed from fridges, oven, griller, Microwaves, pie warmers etc

14. The Hirer will ensure that the Hall including all windows, doors and amenities, is properly secured at the conclusion of the Hire (This includes any cleaning on the following morning)

15. Hall cleaning may be completed on the morning following the Hall hire

16. The Hall must be cleaned and vacated by 10:00 AM on the morning following the Hall hire

17. A suitable time will be arranged with the Hall Hire Officer to meet at the Hall following cleaning for an inspection and for the return of keys

18. If the Hall has not been adequately cleaned as determined by the Hall Hire Officer - The Hirer agrees to a cleaner being engaged further agrees that the additional cleaning costs will be deducted from the bond

19. The Bond or any balance following deductions may be refunded after deduction of costs of rectification of any damage to memorabilia, equipment and furniture.

Name of Person Hiring the Hall (“The Hirer”):


Phone: Mobile:

I “the hirer” agree to be bound by the above terms and conditions. I “the hirer” will not do anything or allow anything to be done that might void Tamar Rowing Club Inc.'s Insurance or Liquor Licence and indemnifies Tamar Rowing Club Inc if such event/s result from the hall hire. I “the hirer” am liable to reimburse Tamar Rowing Club Inc for any loss or damage or fine resulting from the hire and Tamar Rowing Club Inc may withhold bond monies for noise restriction or other violations and/or apply the bond monies towards defraying any expenses for cleaning, rubbish removal, repairs or replacements.

Signature: Date:

Type of Function: Function Date:

Amount of Monies Received: Deposit $ Hire $ Bond: $

TRC Committee Member: Signed: Date:

Please return signed Hall Hire Agreement with Deposit to: TRC PO Box 631 Launceston TAS 7250

Contact: Marie Spencer


Deposit can be paid directly to our Bank account ANZ BSB 017-042 ACC NO 0022-40382 or by cash or eftpos at clubrooms on Thursday nights prior to the event..