CC User Group MeetingMinutes

November 9, 2016

2:00-3:30 pm, CDT

Call: 701-328-1601

Passcode 63125#


Admissions-Charlene Stenson VCSU, Karen Erickson BSC

Student Records – Crystal HotchkissWSC

Financial Aid- Katie Nettell LRSC, Lindsey Benson MiSU

Student Finance- Chelsea Larson UND, Carla Swenson NDSCS

Campus Solutions –Mary Bergstrom, Heather Hoyt, Tom McNaughton

Not Present:

Human Resources - Becky Lang LRSC

Finance - Allison Peyton

Campus Solutions - Sheri Gilbertson

NDUS - Lisa Johnson

Minutes taken by:Chelsea Larson, UND

Old Business:

1)Residency Handbook – Lisa

No update

2)Bio-Demo handbook, SSN/ITIN collectionRegarding Bio-Dem and the Social Security Card

Internal meetings with Jody French’s teams – including CS, HRMS, and Perceptive Content teams

Meeting with Enterprise Services in 2 weeks to drive document and determine whether Attorney General will need to review. Update next month.

3)HRMS overriding SSN’s entered into CS side

Jody taking to HRMS group to discuss how to move forward. Update next month.

4)The Institute of International Education does not want institutions reporting data for online students from outside the U.S. in the annual Open Doors report. Request to add a new visa type, with a description of “No Visa Currently – Student permanently outside the U.S.”. The students could be excluded during reporting and an additional flag for advisors and various departments.

  1. Approved by SRUG
  2. SFUG was meeting in later July?
  3. Admissions & Recruitment FUG ?
  4. Approved by Financial Aid FUG

SRUG update: Considering either using a student group or a service indicator to track these. Easier for CTS to setup. No new visa type will be created. Item can be removed from this agenda since developments are no longer required and this is handled by the SRUG.

5)Request to Turn On Delegated Access

Tom: Currently working on Bundle 43, then Course Scheduler project will be next 30-45 days.

Delegated access will require some investigation and major setup and configuration. Put on roadmap for after start of new year.

New Business:

1)Service Indicator Set-Up – Chelsea Larson

See attachment

Just a reminder on what options are on the SI setup in case campuses need to consider how theirs are working. (UND realized that a particular negative indicator creates student concern, and it’s for administrative purposes only. Students do not need to see it. Can just turn it off in Self-Service!)

2)Student Center – Tom

Global view of the student’s profile and a view of what the student sees on Student Center page.

Other schools need to test in Stage. DUO issues created a delay in this. DUO has been halted in CS due to issues. Plans to send message within next week or two for testing from other campuses. Will be as delivered. Hope to turn on in Prod by end of the year.

3)Outage calendar - Tom

Development of an outage calendar for the next couple of years.

More than just CS side. Internal project to provide an Outlook calendar or a webpage with the calendar. Include Perceptive Content, network, Blackboard, etc.

HelpDesk pages – currently, has a basic calendar only for CS outages in various environments

4)Tom: Mobile payments in High Point may be coming soon. Tom will send more details to SF user group shortly.

Standing Agenda Items:

1) Second Parent Address in C-ND- Crystal

  • SRUG wrote a DR and made adjustments since last meeting –Crystal
  • Adjustments to DR (attached to minutes) – updating relationships and phones in system also
  • Vote:
  • No objections
  • All approved DR
  • Mary B: May not be done for a while – must work into HR schedule, and they are doing an upgrade right now

Admissions, Recruitment, and Campus Community Development Report: CTS update

  • Status Report sent with agenda. No questions.
  • High school information will be shared among all 11 schools.
  • Does not include DR’s that will be required for new Parent/Guardian information.
  • BND application took a lot of time.
  • Start auditing student photos so that a historical record can be retained since some schools update them each year.
  • K12 ID cleanup
  • Reverse transfer needs to be set up – mandate from SBHE
  • Preferred pronoun – once approved by SAC and AAC, will be acted upon immediately due to TitleIX – will require updates to reports in CS

Additional Agenda Items:None

Future dates & times - 2nd Wednesday of the month @2:00-3:30

  • December 14, 2016 Minute taker – Crystal Hotchkiss
  • January 11, 2017 Minute taker – Lindsey Benson
  • February 8, 2016 Minute taker – Carla Swenson
  • March 8, 2017 Minute taker – Scott Correll
  • April 12, 2017 Minute taker – Katie Nettell
  • May 10, 2017 Minute taker – Chelsea Larson
  • June 14, 2017 Minute taker – Karen Erickson