California State Lottery Commission Minutes
June 22, 2017
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Minutes – June 22, 2017
Sacramento, California
1. Call to Order
Chairman Nate Kirtman called the public meeting of the California State Lottery Commission to order at 10:02 a.m. at California State Lottery Headquarters, 700 North 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95811.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Kirtman led the Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call
Kirtman asked Elisa Topete to call the roll.
Commission Members Present:
Chairman Nate Kirtman
Vice Chair Gregory Ahern
Commissioner Connie Perez-Andreesen
Commissioner Rowena Libang-Bobila
CSL Staff and presenters:
Hugo López, Director
Nicole Soluri, Chief Counsel
Nicholas Buchen, Deputy Director of Finance
Sharon Allen, Deputy Director of Sales & Marketing
Paula Negrete, Deputy Director of Legislation & External Affairs
Elisa Topete, Assistant to the Commission
Glenda Lewis, Recording Secretary
4. Election of Chair and Vice Chair of the California State Lottery Commission 2017-18
Kirtman called upon Nicole Soluri, Chief Counsel, to review the rules and commission elections. Soluri stated the rules according to the California Lottery Act. Soluri stated that the Lottery received from Chair Kirtman, the nomination of Sheriff Ahern for Commission Chair and Ms. Perez-Andreesen for Commission Vice Chair. With no other nominations for both positions, Ahern was approved as Chairperson (4-0) and Perez-Andreesen was approved as Vice Chair (4-0).
5. Consider Approval of the Agenda
Chairman Kirtman asked if any of the Commissioners wanted to make changes to the June 22, 2017 agenda as proposed. Ahern made the motion to approve the agenda; seconded by Libang-Bobila. The agenda passed unanimously (4-0).
6. Approval of Minutes
Kirtman asked if there were any additions or corrections to the May 17, 2017 minutes. Perez-Andreesen made the motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Libang-Bobila. The minutes passed unanimously (4-0).
7. Director’s Report
a. Director’s Comments
b. World Lottery Association (WLA) Certification Update
8. Consent Calendar
9. Action Items
a. Approval of Regulation Changes to Mega Millions®
Approval was requested for regulation changes that are needed to reflect game changes adopted by unanimous vote of the Mega Millions Consortium. The changes include: ticket price increase; two fields of numbers were changed from choosing five numbers from 1-75 and one number from 1 to 15, to choosing five numbers from 1-70 and one number from 1 to 25; the starting jackpot was raised from $15 million to $40 million; and the addition of an optional feature called “Just the Jackpot” to allow players to purchase two Mega Millions jackpot level only plays for $3. Presented by Sharon Allen, Deputy Director of Sales & Marketing.
Kirtman asked if anyone from the audience had any questions on Action Item 9(a). No one came forward so he proceeded to the motion of approval.
Ahern made the motion to approve Action Item 9(a); seconded by Perez-Andreesen. The motion passed unanimously (4-0).
b. Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget
Approval was requested of the prepared budget for Fiscal Year 2017-18 which presents a sales goal of $6.75 billion and is estimated to provide $1.54 billion to public education. Presented by Nicholas Buchen, Deputy Director of Finance.
Kirtman asked if anyone from the audience had any questions on Action Item 9(b). No one came forward so he proceeded to the motion of approval.
Ahern made the motion to approve Action Item 9(b); seconded by Libang-Bobila. The motion passed unanimously (4-0).
10. Commissioner General Discussion
11. Scheduling Next Meetings
The next Commission Meetings are tentatively scheduled for September 28, and November 16, 2017 in Sacramento.
12. Public Discussion
Kirtman asked if anyone from the public had anything to discuss. No one had signed up prior to the meeting and no one came forward so he proceeded to the next item on the agenda.
13. Adjournment
Prior to the adjournment, Director López publicly thanked Kirtman for his guidance as Commission Chair for the last two years. Meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m.