Silverdale Practice

Minutes of PPG Meeting

Wednesday 7th December 2017 – 7pm

Members present: Mr JH Mr DK



Mr S A Mrs HI

Practice Staff Present: Sean Wheatley Dr Ian Holwell

Practice Manager Senior Partner


SW confirmed there had been a quite a few.

Previous Minutes

TR asked that the request for an afternoon meeting be formally noted. In the last set of minutes.

SW confirmed the LUX reading on the path outside was between 125 and 250 which met all regulations. TR raised a question of whether the one by the steps is possible too bright and may dazzle patients. SW to consider action.

Action Tracker Update

SW went through the action tracker to update the group on expected timescales for outstanding items.

The group asked for whether the reception team can include their name in the introduction. SW advised that he would see what can be done and undertake training as this would be a change to practice culture. This was added to the action tracker.

Terms of Reference Review

The terms of reference were distributed and the group decided to review these in a separate meeting in January.


AR confirmed that he would be happy to take any items forward to the CPRG but he does not represent the views practice patients as such. In effect the group is that of the CCG and he is a patient in the CCG area. AR updated the group on the CRPG activities since the last meeting. He explained how the CCG is shaping one of the 44 Sustainable Transformation Plans throughout England. The working parties include CCGs, Hospitals and Community services. Other subjects discussed included Communities of Practice which is where the community services such as District Nurses are working more closely together. The idea is to try and reduce hospital admissions by 1000 which should save £2 million. There will be a new Stroke pathway and also the CRPG is going to review it’s own purpose. AR also confirmed that the CCG will be responsible for delegated commissioning of primary care from 1/4/17.

Practice Update

SW confirmed Dr Stephanie Hughes has started and works 2 days a week.

SW had attended a meeting with Geoff Mee from MSDC where the plans for Burgess Hill were outlined. No further news on any surgery space.

All the practices of Burgess Hill and the villages to the south had met recently and there is a project underway to explore ways of collaborative working.


There was a discussion about the pharmacy computer system issue which happened earlier in the year where SW gave an explanation of what had happened.

Dates for the next year

15th February PM meeting venue and time to be arranged.