St. Columba’s 14th December, 2016


Christ’s Kirk - Wilma Page, Ruth Anderson

Church of Christ - Richard Gilmour

Coaltown URC - Alan McGougan

King’s Covenant Fellowship - George Carratt (chair)

St. Columba’s - Alan Kimmitt , Anne Rennie (secretary), Alice Davison

St. Margaret’s - Betty Menzies, Joy Allan

St. Ninian’s - Mary McIndoe, Craig Higgins

St. Paul’s and St. Mary’s - Margaret Duffy

Trinity Church - Irene Ross

Apologies: Rev. Eileen Miller, Father Hand, Ann Burns.

Opening Worship: Worship was led by the Rev. Alan Kimmitt from St. Columba’s, reading from John 1:1-5. George referred to John 13 vv 34,35 - our love for each other is a powerful witness.

Previous Minutes: There were no Amendments to November minutes. Proposer Margaret Duffy. Seconded by Mary McIndoe

Matters arising from Minutes not on Agenda - Nothing to report.

Correspondence: A letter to Anne Rennie from Iain Morris at Grasping the Nettle was read out offering to help in any way should it be decided to carry forward our plan to proceed with this on a large scale. It was decided that a letter should be sent inviting a speaker to come along on February 8th to give us a talk about the God Question. An e-mail was sent and I received by return an acceptance by someone to speak at the February 8th meeting at 7.30 at Trinity Church, Leslie and the speaker will give a talk and answer questions and we should allow an hour for the presentation. It was thought this series of discussions could take place in the autumn. Invitations are to be sent to relevant Schools and churches in the area to send representatives to this event. There is a schools version available.

A letter was received from St. Margaret’s inviting everyone who uses the church building to an event showcasing the workings of the church. There is an event entitled “Building for the Future” which will take place on Saturday the 6th of May 2017 at 10 am - 3.30 pm in their church hall and those requiring a stage time will have the opportunity to request a specific time slot. All enquiries should be made by e-mail to or by 31st Jan 2017. Lunch will be provided and home baking, tea and coffee. Please support this event. Joy Allan suggested we do a slide show to showcase the work done by Churches Together as the importance of this Group is often overlooked or not understood.

A lovely Christmas card was handed round by Joy from St. Margaret’s. The card was designed by the children at St. Margaret’s Monday Group and gives us times of services and other useful information for which we thanked them very much.

Carol Singing

The lead singer is unfortunately not available for the Carol Singing at Rothes Halls steps on Saturday the 17th between 12noon and 1pm. George has been looking for an alternative leader but if not we will just have to sing louder and with extra cheerfulness. George told us it was easier to play modern Carols but there will be a mixture. Mary McIndoe contacted the Parkinson’s Charity and they will be absolutely delighted to accept a donation from the above proceeds. Mary and Craig will count the money and hand over to them. Mary will bring the banner, Margaret will bring the Carol Sheets and bucket. George will bring the easel for the poster supplied by Parkinson’s Fife branch.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

A poster was presented called Crossing Barriers for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2017. Everyone was pleased with it and it will now be advertised.

Margaret Duffy is going to speak with Father Hand regarding the suggestion of possible remuneration for refreshments donated by individual churches for our up and coming Unity Service at St. Paul’s in February. It was suggested that each church should provide its own catering but it will be discussed further at the January meeting.


Mary McIndoe is still trying to resolve the issues at the bank over the update to the signatories and issues of statements. There is approx £500 in the account.

The Banner is still available and resides with Mary McIndoe very happily I am told.

Margaret Duffy also informed us that the Y lunches which have been provided for around 15 years are no more. Margaret said numbers were down and people were not engaging possibly because those in need had either left the area or were moving on to other venues. Meals are now also available at the Foodbank.


St. Columba’s are providing a free lunch on the 25th of December in the large Church Hall at 12 noon. If anyone knows of someone on their own please let Alan at St. Columba’s know and we will add them to our list. Thank you. Tel: 01592 742233

Craig informed us that Bee Roy, the previous GROW worker, had a boy on 19th Nov. His name is Noah Bradbrook Andrew Roy.

World Day of Prayer resources: Alan passed these to Irene for the Leslie services and will track down the material for St Columba’s to use.

Leslie Baptist are hosting Joint Churches Carols and Lessons with Salvation Army Brass Band on Sunday the 18th of December at 6.30pm.

The meeting closed with the Grace and refreshments were served.

MEETING Schedule Jan 11th at 7:30pm in St Luke’s (to be confirmed)

Feb 8th at 7:30pm in Trinity, Leslie