Economic Learning Analysis Based On Indonesian Economics

(A Review On Curriculum)

1Nanis Hairunisya, 2Hari Wahyono

STKIP PGRI Tulungagung

2Universitas Negeri Malang


This study aims to develop economic learning materials in high school (SMA) based to Indonesiaan that refer to the 1945 Constitution, by analyzing curriculum. The research method used is a qualitative method .. Documentation analysis technique is done by content analysis technique. The curriculum studied by analyzing the general objectives of subjects, Core Competence and Basic Competence Curriculum 2013 and the meaningfulness of the discipline of economics. Data analysis was performed with the categorization, classification, and conclusion. The systematics and sequence of economic subject matter in the Curriculum 2013 does not reflect the systematics of economic material discussions that are generally applicable in economic theory studies. From the results of the context evaluation it is found that the values contained in the 1945 Constitution, particularly article 27 verse 2, articles 33 and 34, have not been fully accommodated in the Curriculum 2013. the material contained in the Curriculum 2013, does not explicitly contain related material with the values contained in the articles in question. Based on the values contained in the 1945 Constitution on social welfare issues and the Indonesian economy, the development of an economic education curriculum should be based on the approach of humanism, in addition to the experimentalism and social reconstructivism approach used to develop the Curriculum 2013.

Keywords: Economic Learning, Indonesian Economic, Curriculum


The main problem of economics teacher is professional competence. Based on the results of interaction with high school (SMA) economics teachers in various activities of Deliberation Teachers Subject (MGMP) Economy, proven mastery of economic teachers on the substance of economics is weak, facing misconceptions, knowledge of the factual matters of economic conditions at the local, national to international level apprehensive, and Lack of awareness of the importance of planting economic values based on the Constitution and the nation's ideology

These conditions resulted in economic learning in high school became less meaningful, challenging, fun and less cultivate students curiosity. In addition, more importantly, students are less understanding of economic values referring to the mandate of the Constitution and Pancasila, which should underlie the economic system and practice in Indonesia.

In relation to the problem as described above, this study aims to develop a book of enrichment learning for economics teachers based on Indonesian economy in the hope that teachers can improve their professional competence and able to enrich their learning with economic topics to Indonesia. It is also expected that teachers will increase their awareness to link their learning subject, with Pancasila-based economic values that are legally formalized in the 1945 Constitution.

Improving the quality of learning and economic education is very important, because the learning is still low quality and the importance to improve the quality of economic education is closely related to the demands of the formation of productive and efficient citizens economic behavior, based on the action and decision-making economics rational, altuistic, moral , and awareness of the Indonesian economic values legally formulated in the 1945 Constitution.

This study is the first part of a series of studies conducted in order to develop and arrange book enrichment study for high school economics teacher based on Indonesia's economy. In this early part of the researcher conducted a deep and comprehensive study on the condition of economic learning in high school, So that the book is arranged contextually and has the feasibility to be used by teachers in improving the quality of learning and economic education. For that in the early stages of this aspect to be studied is the curriculum.


The basic principles and guidelines for the regulation and management of the economic field in Indonesia should refer to the various articles and clauses relating to the economy and explicitly stated in the 1945 Constitution. The ideas, concepts, and theories on economic regulation and management based on Values and spirit that exist in the 1945 Constitution that is called the Indonesian economy.

In addition to referring to Chapter XIV of the 1945 Constitution on the National Economy and Social Welfare, the Indonesian economy can also be interpreted as an idea and concept of an economic system that regulates and manages it from, by, and for the people, implemented by the state and underpinned by The value of kinship and economic democracy for the achievement of the people's welfare.

In this regard, the Indonesian economy is often expressed as a populist economy. The chapters, clauses and verses, in the 1945 Constitution, which are explicitly related to the economic field, and deemed worthy to be examined in exploring the economic significance of Indonesia can be presented as follows:

1)  Chapter X: Citizens and Residents

Article 27 paragraph 2: Each citizen shall have the right to work and a decent living for humanity.

2) Chapter VIII: Financial Matters and Supreme Audit Board (BPK)

Article 23 paragraph 1: State income and expenditure budget as a form of The management of state finances is stipulated annually by law and carried out openly and responsibly for the greatest prosperity of the people.

Article 23A: Other taxes and levies that are forcing for purposes The state is governed by law.

Article 23B: The types and prices of currencies shall be established by law.

Article 23D: The State has a central bank of order, Authority, responsibility, and independence are governed by law.

Article 23E Paragraph 1: To check the management and responsibility of the state finances shall be established a free and independent Audit Board.

3) Chapter XIV: The National Economy and Social Welfare

Article 33 paragraphs 1 to 5: (1) The economy is constituted as a joint effort based on the principle of kinship. (2) Production branches that are important to the state and which affect the livelihood of the public are controlled by the state. (3) Earth and water and the natural wealth contained therein Controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people. (4) The national economy is organized based on economic democracy with the principle of togetherness, fair efficiency, Sustainable, environmentally sound, self-reliant, and By maintaining a balance of progress and economic unity national. (5) Further provisions concerning the implementation of this Article shall be governed by law.

Article 34 paragraphs 1 to 4: (1) The poor and abandoned children are kept by the state. (2) The State develops a social security system for all people and empowers a weak and incapable society in accordance with human dignity. (3) The State is responsible for the provision of appropriate health service facilities and public service facilities. (4) Further provisions concerning the implementation of this Article shall be governed by law.

Various articles and clauses in the 1945 Constitution such as Described above, is in principle a legal-formal basis should be the cornerstone of Indonesia's so-called economic system with economic democracy or populist economy.


Research Design

This preliminary study used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) technique conducted by Participatory Team consisting of 2 economics experts, 1 technological learning expert, 3 economics teachers and 1 graphic design expert. Based on FGD results of participatory teams, a contextual understanding of economic learning in high school, covering various aspects related to the intended learning, including curriculum. The main purpose of contextual understanding is to know and explore the conditions of professional competence of teachers and their relation to the mastery of students on economic concepts and problems, especially those related to Indonesian economy. The scope of the population of economic teachers studied spread in the East Java Province. Furthermore, the results of the research will be used as the preparation of learning book enrichment book for economics-based economics teacher to Indonesia, taking into account FGD results from participatory teams.

Instrument Development

A curriculum assessment guide

1. Curriculum assessment is done by analyzing the curriculum content covering general purpose subjects. Core Competence (KI) , and Basic Competencies (KD) Curriculum 2013. The assessment criteria are based on explicit and implicit learning materials in KD, and viewed from the meaningfulness of the discipline of economics, the scientific system, and the presentation or discussion. Aspects of curriculum assessment can be tabulated as follows:

Table 1: Curriculum Assessment Aspects and Assessment Criteria.

NO / Aspect / Local Competency * / Material **
1 / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 3
1 / General Purpose Subject / / / / / /
2 / Core Competencies / / / / /
3 / Basic Competencies / / / / / /

*)1.Competence Economic behavior-Nationalism, 2. Competence of rational economic behavior, 3. Competence of altruistic economic behavior

**)1.Significance of economic discipline, 2. Systematic science of economics, 3.Squency of material presentation

Data Analysis

In accordance with the characteristics of the collected data and research objectives, namely to obtain a contextual understanding of the main economic problems associated with the Indonesian economy, the data analysis is only done descriptively. For qualitative data will be categorization, classification, and then withdrawal conclusions.


1.  Results of Curriculum Review of Economics Education in Senior High School (SMA)

The 2013 Curriculum Manuscripts reviewed for the purpose of input evaluation are obtained from a copy of Permendikbud Number 69 of 2013 on the Basic Framework and Structure of Curriculum of Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah.

In accordance with the script in question can be listened to that, the rationale of the development of the curriculum 2013 are: (1) Internal challenges related to the fulfillment of 8 national standards of education, and to meet the era of gold generation 2020-2035 (problems of moral decline and character building in accordance with the culture of the nation is not covered); (2) External challenges related to global issues and rapid changes in various areas of life including education; (3) Improvement of mindset that has been considered less precise in education provision (mostly tendentious and not objective); (4) Strengthening of curriculum governance in relation to working procedures teachers, strengthening school manajamen and learning infrastructure facilities (what has been achieved before is good and aspects that are strengthened Less directly related to curriculum issues, because to the granting of autonomy for schools to develop and more urgent manage curriculum and implemented; (5) Strengthening the material in the form of extension and deepening as well as increasing relevance to the needs of learners (for economic education unfulfilled, due to material inclusion, shackled by core competencies that are generally applied to all subjects).

The ideas contained in the characteristics of the 2013 curriculum are very good, but the well-defined characteristics are in fact some grains are not realized in the development of Core Competence (KI) and Basic Competence (KD) which become the reference for teachers to develop, design, learning and evaluating learning outcomes. Viewed from the objectives are listed as follows: “preparing Indonesian people to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative and affective and able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state, and world civilization”. The word "affective" does not indicate adjectives that concern the human condition but is commonly associated with feelings (fear, hatred, resentment, love and so on). It would be better that the word be replaced by "upholding the culture of the nation". Because in the global era and the world competition of Indonesia's human development with the character of a strong nation is absolutely necessary.

Viewed from the side of the curriculum framework, the formulation of the philosophical foundation is described very well, education is rooted in the culture of the nation, learners Is the heir of the nation's culture, education is aimed at developing intellectual acumen and academic arts, as well as education for building a life of the present and the future. The philosophical foundation associated with the culture of the nation should color the various subjects closely with the formation of learners' behavior and the formation of community life characterized in Indonesia, ie subjects in the Social Sciences, Culture and Language.In the subject of clumps, one of them is the subject of Economics. In fact, in the formulation of KD for Economics subjects, the philosophical foundations related to the culture of the nation are not expressly or implicitly, the KD formulated and will color the development of the subject matter of Economics more grounded by the capitalistic, liberalistic and sharia culture. The values of economic culture contained in the 1945 Constitution are used as the juridical basis, less under the formulation of KD subjects Economics at the level of Secondary School.

Based on the structure of curriculum 2013 can be observed KI and KD subjects economy. As is known by reason of keeping the vertical integration of various KD at different grade levels, the KI formula is made equal for all subjects, even the formulas for each class in principle as well almost the same and does not reflect the gradations relevant to the stage development or growth of learners. Formulation of KI covering core competence of spiritual attitudes; Core competencies of social attitudes; Core competencies knowledge; And core competency skills, for each grade can be tabulated as follows:

Table 2: Core Competencies of Senior High School / Madrasah Aliyah

Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces / Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces / Living and practicing the religious teachings it embraces
To live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace) polite, responsive and pro active and show attitude as part of solution to various problems in interact effectively with social and natural environment and in putting Self as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world / To live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace) polite, responsive and pro active and show attitude as part of solution to various problems in interact effectively with social and natural environment and in putting Self as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world. / To live and practice honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual assistance, cooperation, tolerance, peace) polite, responsive and pro-active and show attitude as part of solution to various problems in interact effectively with social and natural environment and in Placing ourselves as a reflection of the nation in the association of the world.
Understanding, applying, analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural, knowledge based on his curiosity about science, technology, art, culture and humanities, with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization related causes of phenomena and events and applying procedural knowledge to field studies Specific in accordance with his talents and interests to solve problems / Understand, apply, and analyze factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge based on their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture and humanities, with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events and apply procedural knowledge to the study Specific areas according to their talents and interests to solve problems / Understand, apply, analyze and evaluate factual, conceptual, procedural and metacognitive knowledge based on their curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture and humanities, with the insights of humanity, nationality, state and civilization on the causes of phenomena and events and apply procedural knowledge to Specific field studies in accordance with their talents and interests to solve problems
Processing, reasoning and presenting in concrete realm and abstract realm related to development from self-study in school independently and able to use method according to scientific rule. / Processing, reasoning and presenting in the realm of concrete and abstract realm related to the development of the learning in the school independently acting effectively and creatively and able to use the method in accordance with scientific rules. / Processing, reasoning and presenting in concrete realm and abstract realm related to development from self-study in school independently and acting effectively and creatively and able to use method according to scientific rule.

Source: Copy of Permnedikbud Number 69 of 2013