Design Questionnaire

Please take about 6 to 8 minutes and fill out this form. After we receive the form, we will contact you promptly with further information on our services, costs, and procedure for continuing the Design Process, should you decide to do so. Submitting this questionnaire places you under no obligation whatsoever.

Questionnaire Information

We respect your privacy; your information will never be sold, rented, or loaned - see our Privacy Statement

Please double-check your email address.

The fields below marked with an asterisk (*) are required:

*First Name:

*Last Name:

*Email address:


*City, State/Province, ZIP/postal code:

*Daytime Phone:

*Evening Phone:

How did you find the Acorn Landscaping web site?

Design Preferences – these questions are to help you select the perfect landscaping and/or water garden for your property. If you prefer, they may be filled in at your Design Consultation.

List plants you would like in your garden:

List plant colors you would like included:

Any plants or colors you don't like:

Time(s) of day you will spend the majority of time outside:

Favorite season(s):

I would like my plants to provide:Check all that apply.(If you click on the box, a screen will appear so you can check the box.)


Brightness, Cheerfulness




Meditative experience

Energy efficiency, i.e., trees and shrubs

Structured, Organized

Vegetables, Herbs, Fruit

Noise filter


Place to socialize

Attraction for birds and butterflies

Other, please specify:

Number of family members:

Children at home?Number:Ages:

How large is your lot?

What direction does your house face?

Do any family members have plant allergies? If so, please list the plants:

Are any family members allergic to bees?

Should design include handicap access?

I am interested in:Check all that apply. (If you click on the box, a screen will appear so you can check the box.)


Design/Landscape Services

Pond Maintenance

Install replacement liner

Putting Green with Pond/Functional Putting Green Features


Pond/ Pondless Waterfall /Stream/Bog garden
Low voltage landscape lighting system
Play area for children
Entertainment area
Stone and Brick Paving - Patios/Walkways
Natural Stone Features (sandstone/flagstone/ stacked stone)
Irrigation System
Wall and/or Planter
Service Area (for compost bin, fire wood, etc.)


Ornamental Trees and Shrubs
Shade Trees

Flowering trees

Spring Flowering Bulbs
Ground Cover

Plants Only

New Lawn/Lawn Renovation


Tree and Shrub Pruning


ThemeGardens (secret/magical/romantic gardens)

Describe your "vision" of your new water garden or landscape; what will you enjoy most? What will make it uniquely yours? How can we best serve your design needs? Do you have any further thoughts, questions, or expectations concerning your new landscape?

Is your home new existing

Is this construction commercial residential

Landscape Installation

Who will install your landscape? Owner ______Owner and Outside help______

Landscape Contractor______

Approx. what percent of installation will be accomplished by owner: % ______

What is the budget for this project: (may be completed in phases) $ ______

Expected Project Beginning Date: ______

Expected Project Ending Date: ______

If you filled out this form, thank you. We hope it helped you envision the garden of your dreams. You are an essential part of the design team.

Why Design?

A well-designed and properly installed landscape can increase your property value by seventeen percent. A poorly conceived and executed landscape can decrease property value, waste considerable time and money, and possibly present a liability risk.

My design goal is to help you plan, plant, and grow a successful, low-maintenance landscape with only positive effects on our environment.

By designing in the interests of soil health, sustainability and environmental responsibility, your garden will provide years of beauty, color, tranquility, privacy, and most of all, year-round joy and happiness with your investment.

At Acorn Landscaping our intention is to provide you with the garden of your dreams by combining superior landscaping and water gardens in an ecologically sound and friendly environment that can enhance your yard beyond your expectations.

You'll receive a prompt response with more information about our services.


We consider your submitted information extremely confidential. It will NOT be shared, sold, or otherwise distributed to any other organization. You have our word on it!