Masses during the week:

Vigil 7.30pm - Clogher, John(4th Anniv.) and Mary Broderick, Coolbeha, Listowel.

Thurs. 10.00am - Ballymac, Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Special Intention

(Those who sympathised with and supported the family of the late

Brendie Bonn on their bereavement last April.)

7.30pm - Clogher, Timothy and Margaret O’ Neill, Caher, (Anniv.)

Fri. 10.00am - Clogher, , + Exposition at 9.30am

Sat. 10.00am - Ballymac, Stephen O’ Brien, Clahane, Ballyard, and formerly of “La

Retraite”, Caherina, Tralee (1st Anniv.)

Vigil. 7.30pm - Clogher, Michael and Ellen Collins, Ballymacthomas (Anniv.)

Sun. 10.00am - Ballymac, Michael Mc Dermott, Rathanny (Anniv.)

11.30am - Clogher, Kathleen Murphy, Rathanny (8th Anniv.)

Rota in Clogher & Ballymac Churches for 7th / 8th December +10th / 11th December.

Ministers of the Word : 7.30pm - Maurice O’ Reilly / 7.30pm – Tom Reidy. (7th / 8thDec.)

Saturday / Vigil - Nellie Brosnan / 11.30am - Esther O’ Connor.

Eucharistic Ministers : 7.30pm - Patricia / 7.30pm – Tom Mahony (7th / 8th Dec.)

7.30pm - Madeline / 11.30am - Anne

Ballymacelligott :10.00am - Marian Mc Carthy (8th Dec.)

Sunday : 10.00am - Kay Canavan

Altar Servers: Team A: 7.30pm - Thérese, Claire, Eoghan, and Alusin .(7th Dec.)

Team B: 7.30pm - Amy, Ciara, Lisa, & Gerri. (8th Dec.)

Sat. Team C: 7.30pm - Tommy, Dáire, Dylan and Dara Lynch

. Team D:: 11.30am - Oonagh, Róisín & Laura Daly.

Ballymacelligott :10.00am - Rachel , Paul, Áine and Cáit.

Weekend Offertory Collection : Total = €1,525.00

of which Weekly Parish Envelopes = € 1,206.21

Diocesan Youth Service = € 361.00

Collectors in Clogher Church for December 2011:

Vigil Mass: 7.30pm - Mossie Crowley, Mike O’ Donoghue, and James Griffin.

11.30pm - John Keane, & James

Marriage : We congratulate Kathleen O’ Riordan of Knockavinnane, Ballymacelligott, and Kevin Foran of Knockeen, Castleisland, who married each other on Friday, 25th November 2011, in the Church of the Immaculate Conception, Ballymacelligott. We ask the Lord to continue to bless them in every possible way and grant them a very, very happy marriage.

Thank You: Fr. Pat would like to thank all those people who have handed in their November Offerings and Christmas Offerings in recent weeks. He would like to compliment people on being so generous in these difficult times. May the Lord bless and reward you for your generosity.

Choir Practice : Will take place in Clogher Church from 7.30pm – 8.30pm every Tuesday night for both Choirs, Ballymac as well as Clogher, and all members are asked to attend. New members of course will be most welcome as we prepare for Christmas.

Congratulations: We congratulate Ciara Griffin of Gortshanavalla, Ballymacelligott, on being selected on the Munster Ladies Under –18 Rugby Team which recently defeated Connacht and Leinster in two friendly matches. In the game against Connacht, played in Athlone, Ciara scored a try! She has certainly done herself and her family and our parish proud and we wish her the best of for the future!

Parish Bazaar : A meeting of the Parish Bazaar Committee will take place at St. Brendan’s Community Centre, Ballydwyer, this Wednesday, 7th December 2011, at 8.30p.m. . All who helped to run the Bazaar, including all who sold raffle tickets in the Hall, are invited to join the committee for that meeting or, at least, for a “cup of tea” in the Hall at 9.15p.m. that night.

St. Vincent de Paul Collection: The Church gate collection for the S.V.P. will take place before all Masses next week-end 10th and 11th December 2011.

S.V.P. shop at Friary Lane, Tralee would be very grateful for any donations of clothes or unwanted gifts. They are dependant on peoples generosity so please support their shop which is now open on Saturdays from 12 to 4pm. Tel 7122706. For assistance, don’t hesitate to contact them at 0877848825

Do This In Memory: The next Mass in the “Do This In Memory” programme will be the 7.30p.m. Mass in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher, on Saturday, 17th December 2011.

Congratulations : We are delighted to congratulate Orla Keane of O’ Brennan on her outstanding achievement in winning the Solo Singing competition at the County Finals of Scór na nÓg in the Gleneagle Hotel, Killarney, last Sunday, 4th December 2011. Orla faced very stiff competition en route to winning this title which makes her success all the more noteworthy. She adds this title to the two county titles which she previously won in Solo Singing in Scór na bPáistí. She also performed brilliantly when a guest on “Terrace Talk” on Monday evening, 5th December 2011, fresh from her success in Killarney the previous day. She now goes on to represent Kerry in the Munster semi-final in Askeaton, Co. Limerick, on 8th January 2012 and we wish her the very best of luck in that. She has certainly done herself and her family and our parish proud! We also appreciate her contribution to the liturgy in our parish through her reading, singing and music.

We say “well done” also to the children who took part in the Novelty Act competition at the same County Finals last Sunday and who performed really well, even through they did not win the competition. It was a great achievement on their part to get so far, particularly when one considers how young they are. We also say “well done” to their parents and other members who helped them prepare for the event. The eight children involved are :

Eve Creedon, Áine de Rís, Cáit de Rís, Mary Healy, Kevin Lenihan, Danelle O’ Donoghue, Cillian Rahilly and Niamh Rahilly.

“Ireland Stand Up” is one of many national lay initiatives running a postcard campaign to reverse the decision by the government to close our Embassy to the Holy See. It also requests that an invite be sent to Pope Benecict XVI for the Eucharistic Congress. Postcards are in the porch and back of Churches. Tel 087-7678040


Kerry Samaritans: Are now recruiting new volunteers. The venue for the recruitment sessions is the Samaritan Centre, 43-44 Moyderwell, Tralee.

Should anyone require further information, they can be contacted on 066-7122566.

Kerry Diocesan Pigrimage to Fatima: 11th – 18th May, 2012. Direct flight from Cork Airport . 7 nights Fatima or 4 nights / 3 nights Lisbon Coast. Spiritual Director Fr. Noel Spring, Ballybunion. Enquires to Premier Travel 2 Grand Parade, Daunt’s Square, Cork Tel.:021-4277700 or Maureen Harty 066-7131328

Seats in the Porches: The seats in the porches of both churches were put there a couple of years ago by the Parish Pastoral Council to accommodate parents with children who might be noisy or a source of distraction for other Mass-goers. We would ask that those seats be reserved for such.

Confirmation : The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher in Friday, 2nd March 2012, at 2.00p.m. to 6th Class pupils only.

Holy Communion : Saturday, 5th May 2012 : O’ Brennan N.S., Flemby N.S..

Saturday, 19th May 2012 : Clogher N.S., Scoil Nuachabháil.

Mount St. Joseph’s Abbey, Roscrea: The Cistercian Monks welcome people from very varied backgrounds to their Guesthouse, a place of peace and serenity. Some may just want a quiet time to reflect and rest, away from the stress of everyday life, while others may be seeking solace in distress or trying to discern the Lord’s will for them.

Whatever! Why not avail of the experience that the serenity of the place and the calmness

of the Guesthouse gives to nourish you during your stay and, hopefully, stay with you when you leave and return to your everyday life. There are also many fine walks around the grounds, giving the visitor time and space to enjoy the peaceful landscape of this area.

If interest phone 050525600 or Email

Altar Servers Rota: .

Team A : Thérese Keane, Claire and Eoghan Kenny, and Alusin Jah.

Team B :. Amy Wharton, Ciara and Lisa Curran & Gerri O’ Brien.

Team C: Tommy Brosnan, Dáire Keane,Dylan Dunne Moriarty, and Dara Lynch

Team D : Oonagh O’ Keeffe, Róisín Downey & Laura Daly.