Ms. Raine
Religion Course Outline
Fall 2014
This course outline is subject to change due to the discretion of the teacher as needed. Students will be notified in plenty of time should changes arise.
Date / Week One: August 18-August 22ndChapter/textbook/novel / Get to know the students and their relationship with God
Standards/Learning Outcomes / To get to know each other and for them to get to know me
Major Assignment/Assessment/Activity / Syllabus Review
Personal Student Survey
Prayer experience reflection
Date / Week Two-Three: August 25-September 5th
Chapter/textbook/novel / Unit 1: Why did God Redeem Us?
Standards/Learning Outcomes / SWBAT:
The Creation accounts in Genesis to teach religious truth, not scientific truth.
Creation is the work of all three persons of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Human beings are the summit of Creation and have responsibility caring for the earth and all living creatures.
Original Sin is the sin committed by our first parents, who disobeyed God and chose to follow their own will.
The sin of our first parents affected their human nature, which has been passed on to every human being born since—except Mary.
Original Sin does not cause us to lose our goodness or make up spiritually corrupt.
Satan has the power to tempt us to sin.
Major Assignment/Assessment/Activity / Analysis of articles 1-7
The Goodness of the Created World Power Point
Exploring symbolic language and religious truth in Genesis
Understanding Religious Truth
Section Quizzes
Unit I Exam
Date / Week Four-Six September 8th-September 26th
Chapter/textbook/novel / Unit 2 and Unit 3: How does the Incarnation Fulfill God’s Promise of Redemption and How Does Jesus Reveal His Saving Mission?
Standards/Learning Outcomes / SWBAT:
Understand the Genesis accounts after the Fall show that sin grows and worsens among humanity but that God always remains faithful in finding a way to continue his plan of salvation.
The Old Testament covenants point the way to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, who will bring them to final and complete fulfillment.
The Incarnation of Jesus, who is the one and only mediator between God and man, is necessary for our salvation.
The events we meditate on when we pray the Luminous Mysteries reveal that Jesus brings salvation to the world.
Jesus’ parables of the Kingdom and Jesus’ healing miracles are signs that the Father’s plan of salvation is being fulfilled.
Major Assignment/Assessment/Activity / Analysis of articles 8-17
Exploring the Old Testament Covenants Activity
Using the Lectionary to Understand How God’s Ancient Promises are fulfilled in Jesus Activity
Exploring the National Shrine activity
Parables of the Kingdom activity
A Mystery of Light: Luminous Mystery Scavenger Hunt
Section Quizzes
Unit Exam
Date / Week Seven-Thirteen (minimum class days week 11) 9/29-10/31
Chapter/textbook/novel / Units4-6, Unit 4- Jesus’ Saving Mission Finds Its Fulfillment in His Suffering, Death, Resurrection. Unit 5- Jesus Ascension and Sending of the Holy Spirit Make Possible Our Redemption. Unit 6- Through the Mystery of His Suffering, Jesus Stands in Solidarity with all Humanity and Calls us to do the Same
Standards/Learning Outcomes / SWBAT:
Understand Jesus’ suffering and death were acts of redemptive love.
By obeying the Father’s will in dying on the cross, the Son took on the burden of sin for all humanity and freed us from the sentence of death
Through the Paschal Mystery, we have been saved from sin and the consequences of sin.
Heaven is a state of eternal life in communion with God, Hell is a state of eternal separation from God after death.
The Ascension reveals Christ authority over Heaven, earth, and even Hell, allowing him to be everywhere, with everyone, for all time.
Suffering is a mystery we cannot fully understand.
We must accept sacrifice to build the Kingdom of God
Major Assignment/Assessment/Activity / Analysis of Articles
Section Quizzes
Luke’s Passion Narrative activity
Modern-Day Martyrs: Redemptive Love in Action
Resurrection Narratives Activity
Visual Meditation on the Ascension
Why is there suffering activity?
Catholic Mission and Volunteer Organizations Web quest
Section Quizzes
Unit Exam
Date / Week Fourteen-Eighteen (week 16 is Thanksgiving) 11/3-12/12)
Chapter/textbook/novel / Unit 7-8…Unit 7- We Experience the Grace of the Paschal Mystery through Participation in the Prayer Life of the Church
Unit 8- The Paschal Mystery Calls Us to Holiness
Standards/Learning Outcomes / SWBAT:
Understand through prayer we experience the grace of the Paschal Mystery and grow in our relationship with God.
Forms of prayer include blessing, adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise.
Ignatian Gospel meditation harnesses the power and beauty of the human imagination to help us pray using stories from the Bible.
The liturgies of the Easter Triduum help us to meditate on God’s saving plan, culminating in the Paschal Mystery.
Christians are called to a lifelong commitment to holiness.
We are called to share in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and kingly ministry in our own lives.
Major Assignment/Assessment/Activity / Analysis of articles
Ignatian Gospel Meditation
Forms and Expressions of Prayer activity
Podcasts on Prayer Activity
Our Beliefs about Eternal Life Activity
Living the Call to Holiness At School Activity
Section Quizzes
Unit Exam