NorCal Chapter of US Lacrosse - Minutes

Board meeting Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Roll Call at 7:04pm: Laura Jennings, Don Aiello, Andy Still, Lou Biaggi, Stephen Depetris, Ian Beed (7:07Pm) and Lyn Porterfield (USL Staff).

  1. Review and adopt minutes from June 4, 2017 meeting
  2. Andy Still motioned to approve.
  3. Lou Biaggi seconded.
  4. All Approved. Minutes adopted.
  5. Key activities, initiatives and objectives status
  6. 2017 Activities, initiatives and objectives update (DA/BA)
  7. MLL All Star Game
  8. July 8- Booth, Bonney Field, set up at 5pm (TBD), game starts at 7pm
  9. Andy Still
  10. Tori Horowitz
  11. Ian Beed
  12. Laura Jennings- NCJLA
  13. July 7th Booth
  14. Brian Atwell
  15. Cherry Island: (July 7th) skills competition and free new player clinic
  16. 6pm Free Player Clinic
  17. Ian Beed sent sticks via greyhound to MLL rep.
  18. Lyn Porterfield to bring a set of soft balls
  19. 7pm All-Star Game skills competition.
  20. Hall of Fame -
  21. Nominees selected
  22. Waiting on one member to vote.
  23. Will combine this year’s inductees with 2018 since we still need a HOF chair.
  24. Women’s umpire committee update (LJ)
  25. Financials
  26. Season wrapped up and all umpires paid
  27. Majority of the funds collected were paid out to assignors and umpires.
  28. Most invoices are paid, except one MCAL school
  29. Laura Jennings motioned to pay the NCCUC treasurer $2500 for their services for the 2017 season.
  30. Brian Atwell seconded.
  31. All Approved. Motion passes.
  32. NCJLA paid out $2100 in umpire recruitment scholarships, NCCUC processed payment through arbiter pay rather than through the NCJLA clubs
  33. Budget for tax preparation will change from $1500, to zero now that arbiter processes 1099’s.
  34. Trainings 2017-2018
  35. Dates set for training and need to be posted to NorCal Chapter website
  36. Waiting to apply for observation grant when a committee member will be available to complete program
  37. Level 3 Rating event scheduled for July 22-23 and 7 umpires will receive advanced training and new level 3 rating
  38. Contracts
  39. Tenacity Project contract for tournaments has not been returned.
  1. Board member and staff related (DA)
  2. Open positions status – Umpire Committee chair, Fundraising, and HOF.
  3. Possible candidates for NorCal Lacrosse convention coordinator, Nolan Godfrey, athletic Director at Novato HS.
  4. National teams’ clinic coordinator. is still open.
  5. Media/Newsletter
  6. Coaches Education Session-Level 3 in San Rafael, July 15.
  7. Umpire Committee Training Dates set for 2018
  8. Diablo Scorpions requesting USL CEP clinic for fall 2017
  9. Outreach, Diversity and Inclusion, Grant status, update (BA/IB/DA)
  10. Still no response to 4/4 email from NCRLA or NCCUSL umpire committee re official observation grants.
  11. USL Grants distributed
  12. Follow up needed by NCCUSL
  13. Brian Attwell to follow up with them at MLL event.
  14. Chapter inventory and status
  15. Inventory organized and now stored in a new locker
  16. Several items could be donated
  17. NCJLA Delegates meeting could be a good event to showcase Chapter supplies for use.
  18. Don Aiello and Lyn Porterfield will tentatively attend
  19. SF OutLaw gear will continued to be stored, Ian Beed will send photos to board to help with planning on how to use.
  20. Laura Jennings to explore recycling organizations that could take the uniforms locally.
  21. Constituent meeting notes attached
  22. Interest in the NorCal Chapter Lacrosse Convention for coaches
  1. Chapter Leadership conference - SEPTEMBER 16-17, 2017
  2. Don Aiello requested for other board members to attend.
  3. Board members should contact Lyn Porterfield for travel arrangements.
  1. Next meeting date
  2. Don Aiello to send out a doodle poll for next meeting date.
  3. Meeting Adjourned.
  4. Stephen Depetris motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ian Beed seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:55pm.