IASFAA Executive Council meeting
February 11, 2016
Members present: Kristi Fuller, Chris Ditter, Julie Haack, Amy Norton, Teresa Brahm, Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman, Erick Danielson, Brittany Peterson, Gary Adams, Mary Jacobsen, Michelle Dunn, Barb Badger, Karen Gagnon, Mary Bloomington, Roberta Johnson, Jen Sassman, Renae Armentrout, Debbie Murphy, Chad Olson, Shelly Brimeyer, Marsha Boender, and Angie Carlson
Meeting called to order by President Kristi Fuller at 11:02
Approve minutes from December 10, 2015
· Motion to approve by Chris Ditter
· Seconded by Carolyn Schwendeman
· Minutes approved as written
Treasurer’s Report –Theresa Brahm
1. Profit/Loss
a. $13,909.11 in income as of 2/11/2016
b. $11,438.93 in expenses as of 2/11/2016
c. We currently have a net income of $2,470.18
2. Balance Sheet
a. We currently have $73,809.38 in our money market checking
b. We have 4 CD’s worth $59,589.99
c. Total assets $133,399.37
3. All invoices are up to date
Approval of Treasurer’s Report
· Motion to approve by Chris Ditter
· Seconded by Carolyn Schwendeman
· Motion carries
Past President – Julie Haack
In January, I attended the MASFAA Executive Council board meeting in Kansas City. The meeting was held at the site of the 2016 MASFAA conference at the Marriott in downtown Kansas City. Justin Draeger spoke to the group about how NASFAA is really looking at how they offer their services to us and making sure that they keep the overlap at a minimum. He also referred to the book “Road to Relevance” when we were discussing what MASFAA offers its members. It was a very thought provoking conversation which can be brought back to the state level as well. Are we serving our members in the most effective way and are we fulfilling our mission?
I am also participating on the Program Committee and am very excited about spring conference and the resources we will have with Megan McClean from NASFSAA, ZacK Goodwin, from the DOE, and Thomas Ratliff, current President Elect for MASFAA. They will participate on a Town Hall Panel together and Zack Goodwin will be doing a one on one session as well. I have already solicited for questions and topics so if you have any, please email me and I will compile them as to not waste any time during the sessions.
President – Kristi Fuller
I have been working with the Program Committee getting information from Megan McClean Coval, Thomas Ratliff and Christy Miller as they will all be special guests and presenters at the conference. I will be attending the Proclamation signing Thursday afternoon for Financial Aid Awareness Month. With the by-law change that Exec Council had approved in June to clean up the language of the Lifetime and Student Memberships, I am working with the Delegates on the approved language to get it sent out over the listserv 30 days prior to the vote at the spring conference on April 8. I have also been asked to serve on an advisory committee for Iowa College Aid to represent IASFAA for the 3 Step Process, which is the College Application Campaign, FAFSA Completion Initiative and College Decision Day programs. The first meeting of this advisory committee will be in the next 3-4 weeks.
Committee chairs and co-chairs – please do not forget to nominate someone from your committee for Committee Member of the Year. You should have gotten an email from me yesterday. For those on Exec Council last year, you will remember that there was not one nomination received so the award was not presented.
Reminder – you will need to complete a year-end summary report, detailing the activities of your committee by our April meeting. This report is important for the new chairs to get an idea on planning for 2016-17. The year-end report can be found under the Forms link on the IASFAA website.
President Elect – Chris Ditter
Since our last meeting in December, the IASFAA Election process came to a close. I would like to congratulate the following people who were elected to serve on the Executive Council for 2016-2017: Gisella Baker, President-Elect; Ean Freels, Vice President; Jennifer Schroeder, Secretary; Chad Peters, Treasurer-Elect and Tristan Lynn, Delegate. I would like to thank everyone who was willing to be on the ballot this year as we had another great slate of candidates. Gisella is already preparing for her first responsibility as President-Elect and is scheduled to attend the Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. later this month.
January 31 through February 3, I attended the Michigan Student Financial Aid Association (MSFAA) 2016 Winter Training as part of the MASFAA State Exchange. As a guest at this conference, I was introduced at the first breakfast by Val Meyers (MSFAA President) and throughout the rest of the conference shown great hospitality by the Michigan folks. Since this conference was held during caucus time, I had to answer many questions about the Iowa Caucus. Overall, it seemed very similar to IASFAA conferences with very good sessions, networking and all around good comradery. At the induction of the new President and Executive Council they all stood up and took an oath and the President (Kristin Bhaumik) received a crown and cape in addition to the gavel.
Terri Gronau has had to step down from her position as co-chair of Program. I have asked Angela Carlson from Capri Cosmetology to fill this position, and she graciously accepted. Angela has been on the committee for a number of years and is ready to take on the responsibilities. Thank you Angela!
Ballots from the 2016-2017 Executive Board elections need to be destroyed. I need a motion to do so.
· Motion to destroy ballots by Carolyn Schwendeman
· Seconded by Erick Danielson
· Motion passes
Vice President – Amy Norton
No Report
Secretary – Chad Peters
No Report
Delegates –Pam Perry, Carolyn Schwendeman, Erick Danielson
No Report
Iowa College Student Aid Commission Report
No Report
Association Communication Committee –Renae Armentrout/Shelly Brimeyer
No Report
Awards Committee –Brittany Peterson/Barb Badger
· Awards descriptions on website updated to not be conference specific and added descriptions for John E. Moore Award and Outstanding Committee Member of the Year Award
· Award nomination form updated to include John E. Moore Award
· New nomination form created for Outstanding Committee Member of the Year Award that only executive council members can access.
· Nomination deadline is March 4th
· Awards committee scheduled to meet via conference call March 10th to select recipients
· Please submit nominations!
By-Laws Committee – Delegates
The proposed By Law changes that we discussed at our summer retreat for lifetime and student members needs to be sent to the membership 30 days prior to our vote, which will take place on April 8.
Community Outreach Committee –Gary Adams/Karen Gagnon
Something we neglected to report during the last conference call was the number of attendees we had for the three High School Counselor Webinars provided during the months of December and January. Those numbers were as follows:
Ø On December 10th Tristan Lynn provided the State Update on behalf of the Iowa College Student Aid Commission. We had 68 register and 30 actual attendees for that webinar.
Ø On December 17th Tim Bakula provided a webinar on the Financial Aid Process. We had 50 register and 27 attendees for that event.
Ø On January 7th Erick Danielson provided a webinar reviewing the FAFSA on the Web. We had 26 registrants with 11 attendees
Ø Erick also sent the PPT presentations to ALL registrants along with a link to the recorded webinar he placed out on You Tube.
Thank You - We want to make sure to thank Erick for all of his help to organize and put on these Webinars. He is a HUGE help and we appreciate his efforts to make this function a success.
We have 14 financial aid representatives scheduled to attend the Governor’s ceremony to proclaim February, Financial Aid Awareness Month (FAAM). The ceremony is scheduled today at 2:10 p.m. at the Capitol. Our special thanks to all that have indicated they would be attending this event, which highlights IASFAAs commitment to this very important topic.
Our last bit of news is that Van Meter Middle School has agreed to host the Real Life Zone Event in May. We have not identified a specific date, but once we do we will be sending out a call for volunteers.
Electronic Services Committee – Chris Ditter/Mary Jacobsen
We have been working closely with the Program, Exhibitor Relations, Professional Development and Awards committees to post information and make registration/submission forms live. More details will be given during each committee’s report. We have also updated Executive Council member information as needed.
Exhibitor Relations –Michele Dunne/Mary Bloomingdale
· Worked with Chris Ditter and Mary Jacobson to get the Exhibitor Site information up to date on the IASFAA website for the spring conference.
· Sent out an email to spring 2015 exhibitors providing the exhibit information and Business Solutions Sessions Proposal.
· Does anyone know if Rick Johnson is still at TG? His email bounced back.
· Asked for proposals to get back to me by the 25th.
· Sent out separate emails to other potential exhibitors.(Measure One, Survey Monkey, & USA funds)
· Let me know if anyone has approached you to exhibit and I will hit them up.
Federal and State Issues Committee –Roberta Johnson
I have received information from Sara Harrington regarding IASFAA by the numbers and will begin working to update that within the next month.
Finance Committee – Kristi Fuller
No report
Long Range Planning Committee – Jen Sassman
No Report
Professional Development Committee – Jen Schroeder/Marsha Boender
For Professional Development – the Director’s Drive-in Workshop will be held on the 16th in Ames. We continue to work with Program Committee to develop and prepare our FA 101 sessions for the spring conference as well as the pre-conference for a NASFAA Credential on COA.
Program Committee – Debbie Murphy/Terri Gronau
Angie Carlson has agreed to be the co-chair for Program since Terri Gronau had to step down for family reasons.
The conference agenda and registration should be available on-line by Friday, February 19th .
We will continue to promote the conference and pre-conference NASFAA Credentials Opportunity.
The program committee should be well within its allocated budget.
Site Committee – Chad Olson/Gary Adams
No Report
Approval of Officer and Committee Reports
· Motion to approve by Chris Ditter
· Seconded by Julie Haack
· Motion carries
Old Business
Discussion regarding IASFAA’s gmail email account. No one has account log in information. Julie Haack was able to obtain log in information.
Discussion regarding registration emails; Treasurer should pass info onto new Treasurer, make it part of duties for Treasurer.
Will discuss further during Council meeting in April.
New Business
· Motion to adjourn by Julie Haack
· Seconded by Chris Ditter
· Motion carries
Respectfully submitted by Chad Peters, Secretary
/ Total
MoneyMarketChecking / 73,809.38
TotalBankAccounts / $73,809.38
TotalCurrentAssets / $73,809.38
AbnAmroBankNV-CD- / 14,876.83
Allergan,Inc / 14,713.16
AmericanExpressCenturionBankSaltLakeCityUT / 0.00
CapitalOneBankGlenAllenCD / 0.00
CapmarkBankMidvaleUTCD / 0.00
DiscoverBankGeenwood / 0.00
DiscoverBankGreenwoodDE / 15,000.00
FirstBankofBeverlyHillsCD / 0.00
GEMoneybankCD / 0.00
GEMoneybankCD(deleted) / 0.00
GEMoneyBankDraperUTCD / 15,000.00
GoldBankLeawoodKansasCD / 0.00
RabobankSP500CD / 0.00
WesternBankPuerotRicoMayaguezPR / 0.00
TotalOtherAssets / $59,589.99
TOTALASSETS / $133,399.37
MorganStanley / 0.00
TotalOtherCurrentLiabilities / $0.00
TotalCurrentLiabilities / $0.00
TotalLiabilities / $0.00
OpeningBalEquity / 106,014.78
RetainedEarnings / 24,729.90
NetIncome / 2,654.69
TotalEquity / $133,399.37