Project Title: A Good Language Never Dies

General Overview:

Target audience

 Subject: Latin, Spanish, English

Grades: 9-12; Level 2 Spanish and Latin; English?

Proficiency Level: novice, novice intermediate

Authors: Ryan, Nancy; McBride, Joseph

Proficiency-Based Language Functions:

§  What should students know, understand and be able to do?

Students should know that words change their functions when suffixes are added. They should also understand that words evolved from Latin to Spanish and the process by which this happened. They will be able to demonstrate how these changes occur within each language and from Latin to Spanish. They should also recognize how words entered the English language from both Latin and Spanish. They should identify the changes that occur and develop rules to categorize these changes.

§  What is worthy of understanding?

The process of change of functions and form within languages and from one language to another.

§  What do I want them to remember about this unit after they complete the unit?

That language is in a constant state of change but that certain rules tend to apply when words change functions and when they transfer from one language to another.

Project Idea: Students will examine the processes used by various languages to change the functions of words. They will research words that transferred from one language to another and will determine the changes that occurred when this transfer was made. They will develop rules to guide in the use of this process to increase understanding of words. They will create a one-volume cyclopedia of word changes from Latin to Spanish, Latin to English, Spanish to English and English to Spanish. After this volume has been completed, students will create a 10-15 minute infomercial to explain and sell their product.

Entry Event: Letter from teacher who has a class with LEP Hispanic students that need extra help in learning English

Power Standard: Students will analyze the changes in meaning and function that occurs when suffixes are added. They will also analyze changes that occur when a word transfers to another language.

Content Standards & Objectives:

Objectives Directly Taught or Learned Through Discovery / Identified Learning Targets / Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target
FL.S.LII.1 Students will communicate using both spoken and written forms of the target language to demonstrate a wide range of skills
• Interpersonal-interacting with others to provide and obtain information;
• Interpretive-understanding and interpreting what one reads, hears or views (not translation);
• Presentational-delivering information in spoken and written forms, tailoring it to the intended audience.
FL.S.LII.3 Students will
• acquire information from and make connections to other disciplines
FL.S.LII.4 Students will
• develop insights into the complex nature and interaction of language by comparing native and target languages.
FL.S.LII.5 Students will
• participate in multilingual settings at home and in the global community
• become life-long learners by using the target language within and beyond the school setting; and for enjoyment, enrichment
and growth. / FL.O.LII.1.12 create and present spoken and written communications based on level-appropriate vocabulary and structure (e.g., presentations,
notes, paragraphs).
FL.O.LII.3.01 determine the appropriate concepts and skills learned in the target language for application to other subject areas and vice versa.
FL.O.LII.3.04 give examples of connections between native and target languages (e.g., cognates*, derivatives*, loan words, formal versus informal
address, non-verbal communications, syntax*).
FL.O.LII.4.02 select and apply knowledge of linguistic elements (e.g., cognates*, word roots, prefixes, suffixes) common to English and the target language in order to convey and derive meaning.
FL.O.LII.5.02 develop an understanding of the unique benefits for personal and professional growth that come from study of the target language. / Publication of cyclopedia; rubrics
Infomercial rubric
Content of cyclopedia and infomercial
Lists of words derived or borrowed from other language(s)
Quizzes to identify changes
Creation of checklist about how this product can be used

21st Century Skills: Identify the Learning Skills and Technology Tools Standards that students will practice in this project.

21st Century Skills / Learning Skills &
Technology Tools / Teaching Strategies / Evidence of Success
Information and
Communication / 21C.O.9-12.1.LS1Student recognizes information needed for
problem solving, can efficiently browse, search
and navigate online to access relevant
information, evaluates information based on
credibility, social, economic, political and/or
ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and
persuasively using a range of technology tools
and media.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT1Student makes informed choices among
available advanced technology systems,
resources and services
for completing
curriculum assignments and projects and for
managing and communicating
personal/professional information.
Thinking and Reasoning Skills / 21C.O.9-12.2.LS1 Student engages in a critical thinking process that supports synthesis and
conducts evaluation using complex criteria.
Student draws conclusions from a variety of data sources to analyze and interpret systems.
Personal and Workplace Skills / 21C.O.9-12.1.TT4Student uses audio, video, pictures, clip art,
moviemaker programs, webpage design
software, electronic documents and other
files to collaborate for the creation of
electronic products that inform multiple
audiences both inside and outside the school
21C.O.9-12.1.TT7 Student uses advanced features and utilities
of presentation software
communicate ideas to multiple audiences.

Performance Objectives: What must all students know and be able to do as a result of this PBL experience?

Know: the relationship of the Latin, Spanish and English languages and how suffixes change

the meanings and functions of words

Do: create a one-volume cyclopedia of prefixes, roots, and suffixes that indicates

relationships and changes in the languages.

Driving Question: How do languages continue to thrive and connect with other languages?

Assessment Plan:

Major Group Products / 1. Latin-Spanish-English Cyclopedic Volume of Connections
2. Infomercial to sell product
Major Individual Projects / 1. 1st jumbled list of Latin, Spanish, English words to see if students can find related words—then share with partner—use chart to see if correct (more complicated lists used later for further evaluation)
2. students receive lists to analyze and deduce rules for changes
3. students make lists of English words; then find Latin and Spanish equivalents and determine any relationships

Assessment and Reflection:

Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) / Collaboration / X / Written Communication / X
Critical Thinking & Problem Solving / X / Content Knowledge / X
Oral Communication / X / Other
Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all that apply) / Quizzes/ tests / X / Practice presentations / X
Self-evaluation / X / Notes
Peer evaluation / X / Checklists/observations
Online tests and exams / Concept maps / X
Reflections: / Survey / Focus Group
Discussion / X / Task Management Chart / X
Journal Writing/ Learning Log / Other

Map the Project: Examine one major product for the project and analyze the tasks necessary to develop a high-quality product. What do students need to know and be able to do to complete the tasks successfully? How and when will they learn the necessary knowledge and skills? Do the products and tasks give all students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned?


Knowledge and Skills Needed / Already Have Learned / Taught Before the Project / Taught During the Project
1. recognize prefixes, roots, suffixes / minimal / X
2. meanings of prefixes and suffixes / X
3. cognates / X / X
4. how suffixes change functions of words / X / X / X
5. synthesize information into final product (encyclopedia) / X / X / X
6. persuade audience to purchase product / X


School-based Individuals: Spanish, Latin, English Teachers

Technology: computers (Word, Excel, etc., internet, google docs, movie maker, cameras,


Community: online peers and teachers; media

Materials: discs, flash drives, entry event, rubrics, manipulatives (e.g., charts, word


Manage the Process: Describe everything necessary to ensure targeted learning does occur.

·  Develop teams for collaboration—use team-building strategies—for groups of 4

·  Use contracts to assure collaboration occurs.

·  Students need to have mastered basic language attack skills such as recognizing the various functions of words within languages and determining how they recognize these functions.

·  Completion of one-volume cyclopedia requires use of technologies such as Word, Excel, etc.

·  Final presentation (infomercial) can be from a number of modalities determined by the preferences of the members of each individual group.

Project Evaluation: Students and teachers will discuss usefulness of the product and project using a rubric and task management chart for evaluation. The students will decide if the product can be preserved for future use and, if so, how they can use it. We will also decide what revisions or additions should be made. We will also decide if there would be a market base for the product.

Formative daily assessments (e.g., participation, activities, quizzes, tests)

Rubric for assessment of the “one volume cyclopedia”

Rubric for assessment of group presentations (infomercials)

Student evaluation of peer projects (to ensure higher level of audience attention)

Student self-evaluation of project

Student implementation tools: Student Planning Brief; Student Investigation Brief; Student Presentation Brief; Group Contribution Self-Assessment; End-Of-Project Self-assessment

Entry Event:

Dear Latin and Spanish Students;

I have a class that has several LEP Hispanic students and I would like help for them in developing their vocabulary skills. I have struggled with the best way to do this. It finally occurred to me that they would benefit from a resource that you could create for me. Please use your knowledge of languages to help develop a tool that we could use. I will be eagerly awaiting such a resource.


Miss Smith

project: Good language Never Dies / Start Date:
ü  Team Building
ü  Project Introduction with entry event
ü  Discussion of product and process
ü  Student Planning Brief / ü  Research how words change meaning and functions within Latin & Spanish
ü  Develop rules to predict changes
ü  Lists of words to test rule / ü  Research how words change meaning and functions when they transfer from one language to another
ü  Develop rules to predict changes
ü  Create lists to prove rule / ü  Quiz using word strips to assemble words within and languages and to illustrate changes form one language to another / ü  Begin developing cyclopedia with rules and illustration page(s)
ü  Reflect on product and process to date
ü  Create lists for use in product / ü  Continue list creation / ü  Project storyboard
ü  Peer instruction-movie maker, etc. / ü  Groups work on presentation / ü  Preliminary Cyclopedia complete (to be augmented throughout course)
ü  Project presentations
ü  Class evaluation of product and project / ü  Unit test on word formation and transfer


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