Transcript from 120th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held June 30, 2016 – Part 1: KSW
(v2 2016-07-09) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)
Transcript courtesy of Lynn Schmaltz
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Keshe (K): we have moved into a new structure of teaching and the next step of the development of the technology. From now on after slowly building up, we are working on the next phase of the foundation. We showed you the blueprint and a lot of you made a lot of things. More people have come to the foundation and they want to learn more and more. So we are bringing in a workshop/lab condition. We will move the whole teaching into a lab where from now on when you have something live or we have something live we are testing we can show it. This is very important for the teaching of the foundation as the new program and teachings take over. We have an environment where we are in a lab; we can show and test tools in the lab. All the reactors and systems are built here that we don’t want to move around. Everything we have tested for the last 20 years is here. If we want to test something or you want to ask for something or if we want to develop a new technology it is here. This is how our technology is going to go and how our teaching is going to go.
K: in that progress we announce the new changes; as you have seen in the past 3 months we have started separating the teaching in a very specific direction. We have started the medical application teaching with doctors and they have the medical applications that they can test. They come back to us and share knowledge with us. We have started agriculture and the 2nd session was yesterday. Next week we start the space and military as we promised you. With the space and military we show technologies, how things are done, for them to be easy to understand. In that progress we cannot allocate all the times to different things so we have to make some adjustments. After the 15th of July (2016) the Tuesday afternoon teaching ceases to be. The international teaching becomes the international military/space teaching. This means that all the public teachings will be on Thursdays. I will still teach on Tuesday morning to the students who have paid 100 Euros. Tuesday afternoon is for governments, military and space and we have a number of nations who will join us. We will work to bring what we have promised. Wednesday morning is open for agriculture and Wednesday afternoon is open for military and space because it is the most important part for the astronauts, cosmonauts, and Mozhans.
K: we are bringing in scientists from NASA and Russian space agency and we work with them closely. We work with governments like China and Ghana and their space institutes. Ghana Space Institute will be one of the first teams that start the space teachings. Then we go to different African nations and their space agencies. We have seen them writing to the Foundation that their military want to know more. We go to the heart of changing the military applications and we have told them that the time for making references to killing is over and we showed them the technology. We are not teaching them how to make new weapons and we are showing them how the weapons they have are obsolete. Teachings will take place here and in some cases we go into the military and space agency laboratories in different nations for the teaching to develop further.
K: today Keshe Foundation will present a totally new presentation especially targeted for security services. We have asked for agencies like CIA, Interpol, Russian Intelligence Service, the police force and others to watch the program after 12 o-clock. This is important for us because as you know we are a scientific organization and in this process we find a lot of people come around us and are not part of us but have used us to complete their own clandestine activities. We saw how the criminal organization headed by Alan Sterling was attached to us as they were reporting on energy but in the background they were accessing and abusing children. His life sentence was passed by the courts in the United States two weeks ago. Strangely enough on the back of the same development in the past few days it was announced yesterday in Holland that the biggest pedophile gang in the world has been opened up with 75,000 members. Part of the people who were sitting with Alan Sterling group were part of this group and they have been arrested. It is in the news today. Go read it.
K: We see the effects of our work and the intelligence agencies working in the background connecting the dots together. In our developing new technologies, these criminals came around us to benefit for their own activities. We don’t want to be involved in it and have nothing to do with it, but as they use us, when we find out we opened the books and we found one of the biggest pedophile organizations in the United States headed under the energy which is part of our work to attract children. We have seen a number of people on Facebook and Alan Sterling websites pretending to be children who were trying to learn and in fact they are mature people in their 40s and 50s with Facebook pages in Europe. Go back to understand that we are scientific and now without our wanting it those who use organizations like ours come to bring and attract children and attach themselves.
K: one of these people who has been in this job for a long time is called Red Circle. We open the story about Red Circle and how it evolved in a number of patent deceptions and a number of copying patents from scientists and publishing them after their death because they had access to the material of those scientists and claim it to be there. They signed patents after they killed the scientists. At the same time they took patents out of Europe and took them elsewhere so they could then bring them back into the countries. These are not just allegations. Our investigation team headed by Sandor has been working heavily with this for the past year or so. It was his work and the redundancy for the past year that the file was so complete that when we handed it over to FBI it took them only a few days to confirm and start the investigation with Alan Sterling that led to his arrest.
K: After 2 o’clock we do the section we call the Facts about Keshe Foundation and M T Keshe and how without us knowing and being innocent in the world of technology and science, we got pushed and pulled into the clandestine activities of the others who had used us to reach what they wanted. We can show connection with child trafficking directly with Red Circle and his family. They brought in young children of a certain age to abuse under specific categories. We show how they claimed to be patent owners where they had no patents. They claimed money laundering from other activities from killing scientists and trying to benefit by it. We will show a laundering system set up in Belgium by a group of 4 or 5 very influential people. He is one of them. And then we see how he goes about doing character assassination and we see on the internet. My team is fully aware and we are standing by. We have been told the security services are here. We will hand over our dossier after today to the security services.
K: we have to carry on with our work and developing technologies and people cannot be abused for what they have done now. We deliberately set up a trap last week to bring what we wanted and it worked. We set a trap at the advice of the security services who knew the reaction. The same as we said before as we were advised to do with the Alan Sterling case and to go on one of the chats with Carrie Cassidy and say who some of the victims were that we actually knew of. But we needed them to walk in and two days later they knew and Alan Sterling was arrested. They didn’t need to go through a long expensive court case because when he confessed to it himself, the case was done. That was the advice of FBI, the security services and the social structure how it could be done. We used the same knowledge and technique last week (with Red Circle). We needed to show it was their business.
K: You will see these facts as Keshe Foundation has opened up the information. We will show you how three times the same man has copied other peoples’ work, pretending it is his, and he has killed for it. Accidentally by cornering him he had to eat his own poison which led to his own brain hemorrhage while I was watching him. He was trying to get me to eat a sandwich on the table and it was the only sandwich and I refused. He had to eat it because I was watching him. He walked out and claimed to have a brain stroke. He was helping me to write the books. At that time I was weakened by the other poisons and when I came back from Iran he wanted to write the book. The poison in the hamburger was okay to him because half of the poison was already in me from earlier times. He created what shows up as signs of liver cancer. There are two more scientists who were killed. The second one is dead. The side effect of the poison in the hamburger brought him a brain hemorrhage. This is exactly the way the compression scientist in Holland died in July 1999. His work appeared to be patented by Red Circle with his name and documents on the internet. The documents supported that the scientist and Red Circle worked as a team. This is why they went on the rampage on the internet discrediting us because they knew we were wise to them.
K: he knew and he had to create a lot of false facts. Today we bring a member of the public whose name was put on Keshe victims. They don’t belong because the mentality of Red Circle is the black men from Africa are stupid and they do not understand so he has gone to African Facebook and brought those names and placed them on the Facebook as victims. He entered 600 names as ‘victims’ of Keshe Foundation ‘scams’ and they don’t exist. One of them is one of our own scientists. He even put us, without my wife even knowing as part of the ‘victims.’
K: When the intelligence services looked they found there are no ‘victims’ of Keshe Foundation. Look at the entries and it was all entered under Keshe ‘victims’ by one man. If you were interested in the science and he liked your picture he put it on the Keshe ‘victims’ list. He put people from Tunisia and other parts of Africa as victims. We will show the emails to you so you understand how they operate. It is a very organized criminal organization. There have been a number of murders and we will open that information. That is why we asked security to be present. We open a section this afternoon and then we close it once and for all. It is important for the national security services who work with us, the military and space people to understand what is going on. We have been explaining for the last couple of weeks and now that they understand they have joined and we start the process of spaceship technology.
K: nothing is wrong with the process. You enjoyed it and you saw new life, you have seen a new direction and you have been made to understand that you have as much knowledge as the most advanced scientist in physics, biology or chemistry. You have become scientists yourself; this is the essence of the new technology. We opened our blueprints, and we opened our work. We get so many people sending us copies of their electricity bills that include 50 and 60% reduction. No electricity consumption for some people (who are using the Magrav units). We took the biggest shackles of the problem for man which was energy and now we are taking our work to the next step. This is important for us and for you.
K: a lot of you have joined us and you come and watch and wish to make what you see and be part of developing and understanding so you can do this yourself. The reason we brought you into this workshop today is that we announce a new section of the Keshe Foundation and we call it ‘the workshop.’ It is under workshopatKfSSI or workshopatspaceshipinstitute or When this is completely set up it brings you to where you live, what country, and what city, where you live and you look and see where the workshops are for learning to making a system. There is a workshop near you. Keshe Foundation supporters have been doing this in small groups around the world. And now we have brought this into an organized section. For example, in Germany you can go on German workshop and see where they are, how much they cost and you can book yourself into a course and you know in several weeks time’ you can learn to make a Magrav system, a pen, a pad, the generators, the spaceship lift system. Everything will be taught step by step. The teaching has been theoretical up until now. And we now go to the next step. So look on the websites mentioned for the workshops.
K: If you are running workshops or you want to run a workshop contact and tell us who you are. We will do a credibility check to see if you are correct. You tell us what country or countries you want to teach in. We bring different countries together to teach. Specific developments will be Zoomed in and out if we need to do so. In this process we are teaching you ‘hands on.’ You don’t need to buy anything. You go to a workshop in Germany and in that workshop you are given all the tools. When you walk out of the workshop after two days you have a Magrav system. All the materials are there for you; you have a health pen you can use, and you learn other aspects of the technology you can use. We have seen Mr. Falamini in Germany developing this technology, this way of things very rapidly. We have seen Renen doing this in the Philippines. We have seen workshops being done in the French-speaking part of Canada. We have seen workshops in Hawaii and all over the world.
K: we are bringing in all the workshops no matter where they are under one banner of the Keshe foundation and each country tells us how much they want to charge for the teaching, the materials and the two-day course and the backup they bring in. At the first workshop you register and we do a security check. 25.25