Some reasons why you should sign up for Sônia Gomes´s Resonance, Intuition and Trauma Healing workshop in Denmark -

Sonia Gomes is proposing an envisioned approach called SOMA – Clinical Intuition. Basically, is one of studying and developing a form of psychotherapeutic intervention in which the therapist makes himself/herself available to the client within a setting of an interaction of synergies. In this context the therapist becomes a facilitator with the aim that the client may become a more authentic human being, that is, his/her authentic Self. The required levels of presence and of quality interaction needed to bring forth such a disposition include the fact that the client should not feel submitted to any form of evaluation process. Also, the client should be able to perceive himself/herself as a separate being and also as one with the therapist and, by its turn, the therapist should be able to feel himself/herself as part of the client´s experience.

Embodiment is an essential aspect to be addressed by anyone working with Trauma Healing.

Embodiment is defined here as a conscious perception of our body´s presence. We find it in coherence and fluidity tracked through the sensations in the continuous processes of movement. This allows the person to express his/her authentic capacities and at the same time, enjoying graciousness of gesture and optimum tonus in our encounters with our fellow human beings.

The Resonance, Intuition and Trauma Healing workshop is part of that development. For Sônia, as you have an intuition during the clinical process, any intervention using touch or movement skills, must be done into resonance. For resonance, precede embodiment. Another vision basic premise for her is: " The body needs stability in order to renegotiate Emotional Trauma".

The quality of availability generated by the therapist points towards a language of shared understanding and reciprocity that is able to touch the blockages and to release trauma energy or stress energy. Our understanding is that in cases of both stress and trauma there is always an inherent emotional component involved.

Trauma often creates restrictions, which become reflected in a freezing or narrowing of the Inner and Outer Spaces consequently diminishing the Life Force Energy.

That is why Sônia Gomes will bring to her class, the Polyvagal theory and NS modulation in order to help students to experience the functioning of his/her nervous system in a safe way. Throughout the therapeutic process even during challenging moments the therapeutic relationship may offer the possibility of a model and a manner of a state of immobility without fear. In these very moments the client may get access to and may attune himself/herself with the biological movements.

Also Sônia Gomes will bring Hubert Godard´s (dancer, movement teacher) concepts of Diaphragms, of Orienting the senses to the Space, Weight & Movement. Also during the workshop she will use resources as Music, Dance, ritual and neural exercises (craved by Stephen Porges) who is supporting this Sônia´s new material.

Every step will be enlighted by the SE - Peter Levine´s model, who also is supporting this new Sônia´s contribution.