James Madison Elementary School

“Proud Home of the Mighty Mavericks”

109 Stadium Road Madera CA 93637 (559) 675-4630

Arora Chavez --Principal Mariano Collazo – Vice Principal

School Site Council Meeting

September 17, 2012

Time: 2:45pm Location: room 14

Minutes Approved on 2-25-13

1.  Welcome and Introductions/bienvenidos

Members Present

Arora Chavez, Madison Principal

Maria Yenis, SSC president, parent

Frank Espinosa, Madison TSA, SSC vice-president

Ida Moreno, 3rd grade teache r

Faviola Gaona, parent

Martha Stephens arrived at 2:54pm, 1st grade teacher

Bertha Huerta arrived at 2:55pm, SSC secretary/ 5th grade teacher

Grisel Galicia arrived at 3:05pm, parent

Members not present

Porfiria Vasquez, parent and Francisca Garcia, parent (newly elected memberon 5-17-12 replacing Guillermina Sanchez)


Sarah Colomer, 4th Grade Teacher and SAC representative

Cecilia Sanchez Gallegos, Learn4Life Site Coordinator

Mariano Collazo, Vice Principal

2.  Call to Order/Llamar la junta a orden

a.  Quorum – At the beginning of the meeting quorum had not been achieved (Madison SSC Bylaws, Article IV – Committees, Section E: Quorum “The act of a majority of the members (6) present shall be the act of the committee,”.

b.  Time and approval Meeting called to order by SSC president Maria Yenis at 2:53pm

a. First: Arora Chavez Second: Frank Espinosa

3.  Adoption of the Agenda/Adoptar la agenda

Motion to approve the agenda for September 17, 2012 at 2:54pm

a.  First: Frank Espinosa Second: Ida Moreno

Note: In the absence of the meeting secretary Mrs. Yenis and Mrs. Chavez recorded the

minutes until her arrival at 2:55pm.

4.  Public Imput/comentarios del publico


5.  Reading and approval of the minutes of 5-14-12/Leer y aprovar los minutos de la junta del 5-14-12.

Motion to approve the minutes of 5/14/12 @ 2:55pm

a. First: Martha Stephens Second: Frank Espinosa

6.  New Business/Negosios nuevos

  1. School Site Council Bylaws/resumen de los estatuos
  2. Read and approve/leer in aprovar

Motion from Bertha A. Huerta to amend the School Site Council Bylaws Section B: Terms of Office by adding the words after the words “ anniversary date” after the words “2 year”. So it will read: School site council members shall be elected for 2 year anniversary date terms.

Vote: all in favor

Motion carried to amend the SSC Bylaws Section B: Terms of Office by adding the words “anniversary date” after the words “ 2 year”. So it will read: School site council members shall be elected for 2 year anniversary date terms. at 3:02pm

First: Frank Espinosa Second: Arora Chavez

b.  Title I Parent Annual Meeting/Junta del titulo I

i. October 9, 2012

At this meeting Mrs. Chavez will review the Title I programs and the resource allocations. Mrs. Chavez shared that Mr. Collazo is heading the ELAC and that they are scheduled to meet one week before each SSC meeting in case they had any specific feedback for the SSC.

  1. Parent Involvement/Education/envolucramiento de padres

i.  Ways to improve/forma de mejorar Vote: all in favor of keeping the Title I School – Level Parental Involvement Policy as is.

j.  The School Compact was reviewed

  1. Review Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP)/repasar forma de quejas.

i.  A copy of the Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures AR 1312.4 was included in the meeting’s packet for members to review.

7.  Old Business/Negocios biejos

None however, items pending from meeting on 5/14/12

*Amend Agenda/Minutes from February, 6, 2012 at our next SSC meeting.

*Revise Anniversary Dates Grisel Galicia 9/13

8.  Reports/reportes

  1. California Standards Testing (CST) of 2012/Examen estatales de estudiantes

i.  Report/reporte: Estimated 2012 AYP Subgroup Report was included in the SSC packet.

Mrs. Chavez reported

·  The Safe Harbor target was 34.4% P/A for ELA and actual Overall 34.3% P/A, in math the target was 46.7% P/A and our actual overall was 43.3% P/A. In ELA we were very close to meeting out goal by .1%, but we did meet all our subgroup targets for ELA.

·  SPED students with disabilities 66.7%

·  English Only (33.3% P/A) students are performing slightly below our English Learner students (34% P/A)

·  In Mathematics – overall we reduced our FBB and BB, but had not overall growth in our P/A students as we remained 43.3% P/A

·  The budget by expenditure was provided and we reviewed the current purchases of student computers, teacher lap tops, printers, ACT, print shop, ROLA for each teacher, white boards and two Seeing Stars kits. Training for teachers will be provided on ROLA and guided reading. Our RtI rubric states that we have to have a universal screening process for reading. Currently K-3 use Rigby/AR/Pearson, 4-5 use AR/Pearson/HM, and 6th use AR/Pearson/Holt assessments. Madison will use ROLA to discover students’ strengths and needs in the areas of reading and oral language, which will drive the guided reading groups for grades k-2. For grades 3-6, ROLA is given as an essential universal screening and diagnostic tool to guide our tier 2 intervention for students who score BB, and FBB in the CST for ELA, specifically Reading Comprehension and Literary Response and Analysis.

·  A year long calendar for our SSC, ELAC, and DELAC was presented

·  The Centralized Services for the 2012-2013 was provided to the SSC

b. School Choice, Supplemental Education Services, Open Enrollment

i. Provide a report regarding the number of students enrolled in the

Supplemental Education Services program/reporte de servicios suplementarios.

This item was tabled for next meeting because it was missing from the packet.

9.  Announcements

a.  SSC Training – September 19, 2012 MLK @ 6:00pm/ Septiembre 19 del 2012.

10.  Next Meeting – December 10, 2012/ 10 de diciembre del 2012

a.  Review progress of ELAC, SAC, and budgets.

11.  Adjournment

a. At 3:35pm First: Ida Moreno Second: Frank Espinosamon


Reviewed by, Frank Espinosa-Vice President and C&I TSA, Bertha A. Huerta-Secretary and 5th Grade Teacher, Martha Stephens-SSC Member & 1st Grade Teacher, and Arora Chavez- Principal

Date Posted: