Ice Schedules are subject to change, be sure to check daily for updates
Kinsmen ArenaDec 14-20 Revised Dec 8th
Division / Monday 14 / Tuesday 15 / Wednesday 16 / Thursday 17 / Friday 18 / Saturday19 / Sunday 20In Season Power Skating
Group A / 5:00-6:00
Group B / 6:15-7:15
Timbits / 4:30-5:00
I.P. Cappuccinos / 6:30-7:15 / 9:30-10:15
I.P. Double/Double / 5:00-5:45 / 8:00-8:45
I.P. Fritters / 6:30-7:15 / 9:30-10:15
I.P. Iced Capps / 5:45-6:30 / 8:45-9:30
I.P. Smoothies / 5:45-6:30 / 8:45-9:30
I.P. Tim Hortons / 5:00-5:45 / 8:00-8:45
Novice Clean spot / 7:15-8:00 / Away
Novice Fedorowich Const. / 6:30-7:15 / Away / 1:30-2:45 G
vs RH Electric
Novice Farrell Agencies / @ FAA / 12:00-1:15 G vs Melville
Novice Outta Here Travel / @ FAA / 12:00-1:15 G vs Fedorowich
Novice Thorsness / 5:45-6:30 / 10:30-11:45 G vs RH Electric
Novice RH Electric / @ FAA / Away
Novice Century 21 / 5:00-5:45 / 3:45-5:00 G
vs Melville
Atom Deneschuk Homes / 5:00-7:00 G vs Cote / 5:15-7:15 G vs Canora
Atom U.C.T. / 7:30-8:30 / @ FAA
Atom Richardson’s / 6:00-7:00 B / 5:00-6:00 / Away
PeeweePremier Cabinets / Pee Wee / @ FAA G / Pee Wee
Peewee Mark’s WWH / 6:30-8:30 G vs Esterhazy B / Provincial
7:30-8:45 B / Away / Provincial
Peewee Snap-On Tools / Away / @ FAA
Bantam Quiznos Subs / Away / Away / Bantam
Practice / 1:30-3:30 G
vs Moosomin
Bantam Forever Fit / 8:15-9:15 / Away / @ FAA G / 6:15-7:15 B
Bantam Crushers Girls / 6:00-7:00 B
MidgetTriple A Drilling / 7:30-8:45 T / Away / 3:00-5:00 G
vs Moosomin
MidgetRe/Max Blue Chip / 7:30-8:30 / 7:15-9:15 G
vs Melville
Atom Core Real Estate / 6:00-7:15 T / 6:15-7:30 / Away / Away
Peewee Sherring Gold / @ FAA G / 7:45-9:00
Bantam Xerox / 9:30-10:30 / 8:45-10:00
In Canora / 7:00-10:00G vs Regina / Game
moved to FAA
Midget Kinsmen / @ FAA / 9:15-10:30 / Away / Away
Clinic Body checking
Class 7-8:45
Rm 101
Parkland college / Clinic Coach
Class 7-8:45
At Regional High school
Clinics ice / 9:00-10:00 / 9:00-10:00
G = gameT = Theodore B = Bredenbury S/I = Shared Ice
Farrell Agency Arena
Division / Monday 14 / Tuesday 15 / Wednesday 16 / Thursday 17 / Friday 18 / Saturday 19 / Sunday 20Novice Clean spot
Novice Fedorowich Const.
Novice Farrell Agencies / 6:30-7:15
Novice Outta Here Travel / 5:00-5:45
Novice Thorsness
Novice RH Electric / 5:45-6:30
Novice Century 21
Atom Deneschuk Homes
Atom U.C.T. / 5:00-6:00
Atom Richardson’s
PeeweePremier Cabinets / 2:00-4:00 G
vs Wapella / Pee Wee
Peewee Mark’s WWH / Tryout
Peewee Snap-On Tools
Bantam Quiznos Subs
Bantam Forever Fit / 7:30-9:30 G vs Grenfell
Bantam Crushers Girls
MidgetTriple A Drilling / 7:30-8:30
MidgetRe/Max Blue Chip
Atom Core Real Estate
Peewee Sherring Gold / 7:30-9:30 G vs Melville
Bantam Xerox / 4:00-7:00 G
vs West Central
Midget Kinsmen / 9:30-10:30
9:45 rec / Terriers 7:30 / Maulers 8:00 / Maulers 2:00
Prospects 07’ / 11:45-1:00