Patient Resources


  • Drug Rehab
  • Woman’s Addiction Foundation
  • Teens: Alcohol and Other Drugs

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD)

  • Children and Adults with ADHD
  • American Coaching Association
  • ADHD & You
  • ADD Warehouse
  • Attention Deficit Disorder Association
  • National Resource Center on ADHD
  • ADHD—A Guide for Families Video (developed by AACAP)

Bipolar Disorder

  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
  • The Balanced Mind Foundation
  • Juvenile Bipolar Research Foundation
  • Massachusetts General Hospital Bipolar Clinic & Research Program
  • Bipolar Disorder in Children & Teens
  • The Bipolar Child
  • Bring

The Brain

  • The Amen Clinic

Paul Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Neurology, Lab of Neuro Imaging, UCLA School of Medicine

Children & Adolescent Mental Health

  • American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
  • Facts for Families
  • Teen Suicide
  • The Depressed Child
  • What is Psychotherapy for Children & Adolescents?
  • Parenting: Preparing for Adolescence
  • Yale Autism Program
  • Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain
  • Maturation of Teenage Brain
  • Child & Family WebGuide

Computer Gaming Addictions

  • Woog Laboratories

Crisis Care

  • Magellan Health of Arizona

Dementia/Elder Care

  • Dementia
  • Elder Care Locator


  • International Foundation for Research
    and Education on Depression
  • PsychCentral

Eating Disorders

  • A New Beginning

Education & Treatment Referral Sources for Teens

  • Aspen Education Group
  • Oakley School
  • Oak Creek Ranch School

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder

Grief & Loss

  • Coping with Grief and Loss


  • LabCorp
  • Sonora Quest Laboratories

Learning Disabilities

  • Learning Disabilities Association of America
  • National Center for Learning Disabilities
  • National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
  • LD Online
  • Classroom Management
  • The Arc (for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities)
  • Exceptional Parent (resources for special needs community)


  • Arizona Mental Health Law
  • Social Security Disability

Marriage & Family Therapy

  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy


  • Pill identification/information

Mental Health Resources

  • PsychCentral
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness
  • Mental Health America
  • American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
  • American Psychiatric Association
  • American Psychological Association
  • National Institute of Mental Health
  • Choices in Recovery

Nutrition & Natural Supplements

  • National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine
  • Dr. Andrew Weil’s Anti-inflammatory Diet
  • Nordic Naturals
  • Adult
  • Pediatric

Obsessive Compulsive Disorders (OCD)

  • International OCD Foundation

Patient Assistance Programs

  • Arizona Copper Rx Discount Card

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • National Center for PTSD
  • NIMH review of PTSD

Schizophrenia/Psychotic Disorders

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness

Sleep Disorders/Insomnia

  • National Sleep Foundation
  • The Sleep Doctor

Smoking Cessation

  • American Lung Association
  • Arizona Smokers’ Helpline
  • Quitnet

Weight Management

  • Dr. Andrew Weil’s Ultimate Eating Plan, Pt 1
  • Dr. Andrew Weil’s Ultimate Eating Plan, Pt 2

Women's Health

  • Woman’s Addiction Foundation
  • Her Place
  • Common Mental Health Issues in Women

Clinical Trials


Specialty Pharmacies

  • The Apothecary Shops (now Avella)

Books/Resources Recommended by the Doctor

  • The Bipolar Child
  • The Explosive Child
  • 1-2-3 Magic
  • Taking Charge of ADHD
  • Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls
  • I Can’t Get Over It
  • ADD Warehouse
  • Driven to Distraction
  • Change Your Brain, Change Your Life
  • WHY Do They Act That Way?: A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen