Town of Davidson
November 19, 2012
The first meeting of the Davidson Town Council was held in the Town Council Chambers onNovember 19, 2012.
Present: Mayor Clayton Schneider, Councillors Audrey Bueckert, Doug Gilchrist, Tyler Alexander, Logan Tennent, Jason Shaw, Gerald Kenny, Administrator Gary Edom and Assistant Administrator Donna Bessey.
The required Oath of Office was signed by all members of Council.
Mayor Schneider called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Adoption of Agenda
2012-143Kenny:That the agenda be adopted as presented.
2012-144Kenny:That the minutes of the October 16, 2012 regular council Tennent: meeting be approved as presented.
Financial Statement
2012-145Shaw:That the October Financial statement be approved as Tennent: presented.
Payment of Accounts
2012-146Kenny:That the October accounts, cheques #19670 to #19790 Bueckert: totaling $552,056.30, be approved for payment.
Library Levy Overpayment
2012-147Alexander:That the $1,796.25 overpayment, made to the Palliser Tennent: Regional Library by the Town of Davidson as a result of an error in the levy calculation, be considered a donation, and that repayment not be requested.
2012-148Gilchrist: That the following correspondence, having been read, be Kenny: filed:
a) Irrigated Land Project
b) Palliser Regional Library – error in levy
c) Water Security Agency
Council Committee Appointments
2012-149Tennent:That the Council Committee appointments be made as Bueckert: listed, and attached to these minutes.
Council Remuneration Rates
2012-150Shaw:That the Council remuneration rates be approved as Tennent: listed, and attached to these minutes.
Deputy Mayor Appointments
2012-151Tennent:That our Deputy Mayor appointments be made as listed, Gilchrist: and attached to these minutes.
Signing Authorities
2012-152Tennent:That the Town of Davidson’s signing authorities be Gilchrist: Administrator Gary Edom or, in his absence, Assistant Administrator Donna Bessey, and Mayor Clayton Schneider or Councillor Jason Shaw.
Board of Revision Appointments
2012-153Shaw:That Gord Krismer & Associates Ltd., namely, Brian Lynch, Alexander: Reg Skinner, Don Van Beselaere, Clinton Krismer, Gord Parkinson and Gord Krismer be appointed as the Town of Davidson’s Board of Revision for 2013, with Christine Krismer to act as secretary to the Board.
Future Council Meeting Dates
2012-154Kenny:That our future council meetings be held on the third Gilchrist: Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.
2012-155Shaw:That the meeting be adjourned.
Mayor, Clayton Schneider
Administrator, Gary Edom
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