12.40 Land Use AuthorityDevelopment Review Committee

  • 12.40.010 Membership
  • 12.40.020 Removal For Cause
  • 12.40.030 Members Compensation
  • 12.40.040 Contracts And Employment
  • 12.40.050 Powers And Duties
  • 12.40.060 Record Of Proceedings
  • 12.40.070 Rules And Regulations
  • 12.40.080 Land Use Authority Designations

12.40.010 Membership

The Land Use Authority (LUA)Development Review Committee (DRC) shall consist of varied membersthat include:

  • Mayor
  • Council Member assigned to the LUA
  • Planning Commission Chairperson
  • City Building Inspector
  • City Public Works Director
  • City Engineer
  • Fire Chief or member of fire department
  • City Administrator (building permits)
  • Member of City Public Works over Storm Water
  • Any other person that is qualified and appointed by City Council

as outlined in HPMC 12.80I could not really find in HPMC 12.80 anything that discusses who the members should be. The term of office of each member will be in connection with the designation of city employee classifications and by appointment by City Council as appointed and qualified.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.020 Removal For Cause

The City Council may remove any member of the LUADRC for cause, after a public hearing upon written charges.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.030 Members Compensation

Members of the LUADRC shall serve with no compensation in addition to their regular city salaries. They may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred, with the approval of the City Council.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.040 Contracts And Employment

The LUADRC may request that the city contract employees, staff, city planners and other consultants, as it may deem necessary for its work. The expenditures of the LUADRC shall be within the amounts appropriated for that purpose by the City Council.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.050 Powers And Duties

The LUADRC of Hyde Park shall have such powers and functions and shall perform such duties as are prescribed by Utah Code, as amended annually by the Utah State Legislature. Such powers and duties shall include, but shall not be limited to, the submission to the City Planning Commission recommendations concerning all proposed changes in ordinances pertaining to zoning as provided in General Provisions (Section 1-4) of the Zoning Ordinances of Hyde Park, Utah. The LUADRC shall have such other powers and duties as prescribed by law.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.060 Record Of Proceedings

The LUADRC shall keep a public record of its proceedings that shall be filed with the City Recorder.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.070 Rules And Regulations

The LUADRC shall interpret rules and regulations subject to the provisions of the laws of the State of Utah and the Zoning Ordinances of Hyde Park, Utah, and may suggest amendment to such rules and regulations from time to time to the Planning and Zoning Commission.

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015

12.40.080 Land Use AuthorityDevelopment Review Committee Designations

Land Use Designations may be changed from time to time by resolution of the City Council.

I would recommend that this table and the same one that is in 12.50 be removed and relocated at the end of 12.10 General Provisions

Issue / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / Planning Commission
Allowed Commercial Business / ●
Allowed Home Business License / ●
Annexation Plan Review / ●
Building Permit Review / ●
Commercial Building Review* / ● / ●
Fee Schedule Review / ●
Fence Violations / Permits / ●
Landscape Plan / ●
Lot Splits / Lot line Adjustments / ●
Master Plans / ●
Road / ●
Sidewalk / ●
Trail / ●
Ordinance Amendments / ●
Ordinance Writing / ●
Policies / ●
Public Hearings
Church in Residential / ●
Commercial Business License / ●
Corner Lot Fence / ●
Home Occupation Business License / ●
Kennel Permit / ●
Temporary Residence / ●
Preliminary Plant (Subdivision) / ●
Review Land Option with Property Owners / ●
Rezone Review / ●
Sign Permit / ●
Sketch Plan* / ● / ●
Preliminary Plat / Construction Drawings* / ● / ●
Final Plat / ●

*LUA will review for compliance and forward onto the Planning Commission.

Level 1Building Official & Public Works Director or Planning Commission Chairman or Planning Commission Secretary

Level 2Building Official, Public Works Director, Planning Commission Chairman, Planning Commission Secretary

Level 3Level 2 members Fire Department Representative

Level 4Level 3 membersMayor,Member of City Council,City Engineer

Adopted by Ord.2015-03on 5/13/2015