Ardersier and Petty Community Council

c/o 20 High Street, Ardersier, Inverness, IV2 7QB

Community Council Meeting Minute


Wednesday 2nd September 2015, Old School Hall

Community Councillors
Trish Robertson (Chairperson)
Margaret Cochrane (Treasurer)
John Ross
Donnie Macleod
Kevin Reid
Shane Spence (Secretary)
Highland Councillors
Roddy Balfour
Kate Steven
Jessie Duncanson
Sarah Douglas
PC Jason Hasson / Members of the Community
Debbie Wartnaby
Christine Wood
Andy Ross
Jane Jeffery
Amy Lawson
Steve Webb
Other Attendees
Sgt Gwen Ross (Police Scotland)
John Dolan (Nairnshire Telegraph)
No / Item / Action
1 / Welcome. The Chairperson welcomed members of the public and Councillors to the meeting.
2 / Apologies. As above.
3 / Corrections and Ratification of Previous Minutes. Proposed - Margaret, Seconded – John.
4 / Matters Arising
Ardersier to Nairn Bus Link. There was again significant discussion on the lack of a reasonable bus link between Ardersier and Nairn. A suggested model for the bus link had been developed and distributed to elected officials. A recent survey by the Nairn and Ardersier Patients Group indicated that there was a particular concern in Ardersier with reference to access to the Nairn healthcare facility. There was a requirement to gain further evidence of the impact on the community of a lack of a transport link between Ardersier and Nairn.
Decision. The Secretary was to:
Put a notice on the community notice board to request evidence from members of the community on the impact of the lack of a bus service between Ardersier and Nairn.
Write to Nairn Healthcare to request a meeting to discuss the public transport access to healthcare at Nairn County Hospital from Ardersier. / Secretary
5 / Police Report.
A police report was presented to the meeting. There were no major issues or concerns reported within the CC area.
6 / Local Clubs
Ardersier Allotments. A decision had been made by the Ardersier Allotments Committee to go with the Westertonsite as it provided better long term security with a 25 year lease. The Committee currently had 4 members and another committee member was required to meet the constitutional requirements.
Ardersier Boat Club. ABC was looking at the possibility of accessing funds from the landfill tax money. In the longer term there was an aim of improving access to the bay by upgrading the slipway or building a jetty.
JAPES / SAPES. The Pocket Garden tidy ups would continue on Tuesdays at 6pm until the end of October. All members of the community were welcome to assist.
Farmers Market. The number of people attending the market had reduced which made it uneconomic for some of the store holders. It was suggested that some smaller tables / stores could be introduced for local individuals to sell produce and crafts. The key message was that if the Market was not used we would loose it.
War Memorial Hall. The Mothers and Toddlers had moved into the Hall. The installation of a kitchen had started. Other initiatives being considered were for the Hall to become a local tourist information centre.
7 / Treasurers Report. As at the 1 September 2015 the Ardersier and Petty Community Council balance stood at £1328.50. / Treasurer
8 / Village Infrastructure / Issues.
Council House Refurbishment. Concern was expressed by members of the community on the priorities and criteria being used to upgrade council owned properties within the village.
Decision. It was requested that Cllr Balfour investigate and report back to the CC on how the council property upgrades within the village were being prioritised and managed. It would also be useful to be able to view the long term upgrade plan. / Cllr Balfour
9 / Planning
Biomass Facility. Comments had been made in reference to the pink biomass containers near to the Airport.
Decision. The Secretary was to make enquires with the Highland Council Planning department on the plans for the biomass facility. Sec Note – Visited the site and informed that the cladding had yet to be added.
Tornagrain. The Tornagrain building project had started.
A96 Upgrade. The planning for the A96 continues. There have been a number of changes to the plans including slight changes in the routeing and the removal of an integrated junction at the Norbord site. / Secretary
10 / Highland Councillors / Council Update.
Nothing significant to add beyond what had already been discussed.
11 / AOCB
Community Council Elections. Nominations to become a Community Councillor (for the next 4 years) should be submitted between Tuesday 22nd September and Tuesday 6th October 2015. Nomination forms will be available on the Council’s website or from local Service Points.
Remembrance. There was a need to order wreaths for the Remembrance Ceremony and to contact the Fort to request an Honour Guard.
The Secretary was to order a Remembrance wreath for the Community Council.
Kevin was to contact Fort George to request an Honour Guard for the Ardersier Remembrance Service.
Adopt a Flower Barrel Scheme. The funding by the Council to maintain the flower barrels on the High Street and Stuart Street was no longer available. Some members of the community had already ‘adopted’ a flower barrel and it was suggested that other members of the community should be encouraged to ‘adopt’ a barrel with the aim of improving the appearance of the village. If necessary the barrels could be moved to other locations. Anyone wishing to ‘Adopt a Barrel should contact the Secretary through the Community Council website.
Decision. The Secretary was to advertise the ‘adopt a barrel’ scheme. / Secretary
12 / Date of Next Meeting. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday7th October 2015 at 7.30pm in the Old School Hall. / All