Tracy Area Public Schools
District #2904
Monday, August 16, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., MS/HS Media Center
Board Vice-Chairperson, Jody Bauer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
A roll call was then taken with the following results:
Board Directors Present: Jody Bauer, Rod Benson, Roland Dobberstein, Kelly Fricke, Eric Fultz, Tom Hook, Al Landa, Leo Lindquist, Annette Miller, Chris Schons, and Peggy Zwach. Board Directors Jody Kruger, Nikki Swanson, and Dan Zimansky were absent.
Administrators Present: Secondary Principal Chad Anderson, Elementary Principal Tracey Olson, Assistant (K-12) Principal Kathy Vondracek, Activities Director/Community Education Director Bill Tauer, and Superintendent David A. Marlette were present for the meeting.
Community Input Time was extended to any community members that wanted to address the board.
Approval of Board Agenda, Item II: was the next item for the board. Director Benson made the motion, second by Director Dobberstein, to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried on a (11-0) vote.
General Business, Item III: The next item on the agenda called for the approval of our Consent Agenda which consisted of the minutes of the July 19, 2010 Regular Board Meeting, the Treasure’s Reports, Revenues and Disbursements Reports, Vendor Payments, and the Trust and Agency Reports. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Director Schons and second by Director Landa. Motion carried on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Oral Reports, Item V:
Mr. Karl Campbell: Mr. Campbell discussed the proposal for the new wrestling/weight room facility.
Mr. Chad Anderson, Secondary Principal: Mr. Anderson reported on AYP Data and suggestions on how we can improve student achievement.
Mrs. Tracey Olson, Elementary Principal: Mrs. Olson gave a report on staffing, AYP Data, detention, curriculum, and open house.
Mrs. Kathy Vondracek, Assistant (K-12) Principal: Mrs. Vondracek gave a report on her move to the MS/HS and her assignment as SPED Administrator.
Mr. Bill Tauer, Activities/Community Education Director: Mr. Tauer reported on the fall activities student numbers, booster weight equipment, and general fall activity update.
Mr. David Marlette, Superintendent: Mr. Marlette reported on the staff workshop, Fed Jobs Bill, elections, staff picnic, and water problem at elementary and the Balaton school property sale.
School Board Members: None at this time.
Old Business, Item V: None at this time.
New Business, Section VI:
Director Dobberstein made the motion, second by Director Schons, to approve that all Tracy Area Public Schools employees must use direct deposit for their pay checks. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Benson; to approve the issue of staff Athletic/Activities passes to all Tracy Area Public Schools employees. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Landa made the motion, second by Director Fricke, to approve the Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 tenure teacher status to Mrs. Krista Keller. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Dobberstein, to approve the Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 tenure teacher status to Mrs. Jodi Illg. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Miller made the motion, second by Director Hook, to approve the Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 tenure teacher status to Mr. Jacob Scandrett. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Hook, to approve the Plan C placing the new wrestling facility to the most north point of the property east of the MS/HS building. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Zwach made the motion, second by Director Hook, to approve the Plan C placing the new FFA/AG facility to the most north point of the property east of the MS/HS building. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Hook made the motion, second by Director Schons, to approve the FY2011 Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904 graduation date and time to Sunday, May 22, 2011, at 2:00 p.m., in the MS/HS GYM. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Landa made the motion, second by Director Fultz, to approve the process of drawing up the architectural plans for the Wrestling/Ag Facility and pay those costs by funds in the project account held by Tracy Area Public Schools No. 2904. The motion passed on a (11-0) vote by all directors.
Director Landa made the motion, second by Director Fultz, to adjourn. Motion passed on a (11-0) vote by
all directors. Time of adjournment was 8:50 p.m.
Respectively Submitted,
David A. Marlette
David A. Marlette
“Education as a Lifestyle”